






类别恐怖 搞笑 恋爱

















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类别玄幻 冒险






内容简介:从小跟随张道子在乡野长大的余长生,凭借一本《黄庭经》驱鬼捉妖,修炼自己的驭龙之术。然而与富家千金的姻缘让他步入都市,明白了什么叫作人心叵测与都市繁华。风水定财、占卜命相,阴阳回返、五方 驱鬼,且看麻衣诡相如何搅动风云……1w17100-26336 >>






内容简介:她,是出生农村的八零老书虫,无病无灾,却被一次又一次的送入年代剧中,成为一个又一个或是炮灰、或是极品、或是配角、或是女配……穿越前,她正在收拾三门冰箱,哪知三门冰箱成了她唯一金手指,好 在冰箱被她塞的满满当当,好在冰箱是个bug——不冰不冻,不腐不烂,每月更新一回……就这样子,她靠着极为简单的文字提示下,一次又一次的逆袭……改命……立意逆袭!改命!!美满幸福一生!!!1w0-27022 >>


内容简介:武侠之中,恶人多多。但真正的恶贯满盈,却只有一个人!恶,要有恶的品味!他,就是所有主角的敌人,所有恶人的神!武侠之恶贯满盈!各位书友要是觉得《武侠之恶贯满盈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25057 >>


内容简介:  喧嚣的城市,抛弃浮躁的立足之地,踏上异国他乡,做个悠哉小农民。  喝啤酒,做小菜,吃牛羊烧烤,在小池塘养鱼,三五鱼虾,来一锅鲜美汤。  春有百花姹紫嫣红,秋有明月皓皓长空,夏有绿荫 凉风拂面,冬有白雪皑皑玉洁。  于林间盖一小屋,陋室无名,无仙也灵,让灵魂自在飞1w0-4158 >>


内容简介:  “曾经我被遗弃在起点孤儿院门口,后来孤儿院破产了”  “曾经我上过一个幼儿园,后来这家幼儿园倒闭了”  “这二十年,我经历过火车脱轨,二十八辆汽车连环追尾,天然气泄露,瓦斯气爆炸… …但我还活着”  “生活竭尽所能的想要消灭我,但我仍然顽强的活了下来”  “不过我万万没想到,生活竟然又搞出这种事情——”  【欢迎来到全球进化游戏,本游戏由地球发起,玩家为全人类】  -------------  某位NPC掉落了一串神秘号码:9230176941w0-965 >>


内容简介:沧澜大陆,武者为尊!少年陈帆身怀七曜灵脉,本是天纵奇才,却遭奸人所害,被抽灵脉,毁丹田,沦为一介废人!所幸于危难之中得到造化神火,得以逆天改命!再战八荒!且看少年如何步步逆天,登顶武道 巅峰!留下不朽传说!!1w0-63234 >>


内容简介:龙舌神弓,辕门射戟!方天画戟,天下无敌!人中吕布,马中赤兔!天下第一将!“低调,低调!”面带忧伤,吕布淡淡说道:“虚名罢了!”“当天下第一,是很枯燥,很无聊,且很乏味的一件事情!”“其 中的空虚,寂寞,还有冷,你们这些垃圾,又怎么能明白呢?”……《三国演义》,或《三国演义》偏高起步,考究党勿究!……框架宏伟,细节到位,请品尝!……上本书精品,新书请放心收藏!作者:强中更有强所写的《新吕布战纪》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-99977 >>




内容简介:许千秋穿越到一个人与妖魔并存的世界。开局成为一个王国的大皇子,谁曾想,这王国面临妖魔入侵,被连破四十余城,危在旦夕,而国王居然要他带兵去攻打妖魔。幸好,最强杀敌系统开启,融合霸王之力。 从此,这个世界多了一个疯狂的杀神!“恭喜宿主斩杀妖魔,获得燕云十八骑。”“恭喜宿主斩杀妖魔,获得虎啸龙吟铁布衫。”“恭喜宿主斩杀妖魔,获得人物卡李存孝。”…………许千秋率军大破妖魔,收复失地,可就在即将打到妖魔老1w0-64691 >>

Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z

(Based on the anime of the same name) Between eating sweets and trying to win over her crush, Momoko Akadzutsumi is a typical thirteen-year-old girl... However, she holds a big secret: along with her friends Miyako Goutokuji and Kaoru Matsubara, she is one of the Powerpuff Girls Z! Their mission? To fight the evil monsters created from the mysterious Chemical Z. But when two new villains come into the picture, the Powerpuff Z may just face their toughest challenge yet! From Baka-Updates: Blossom (Momoko), Bubbles (Miyako) and Buttercup (Kaoru) are three normal girls, living in a peacful town. Suddenly, a big ice mountain arrives in Tokyo, and when Ken accidentally breaks it, both good and evil powers comes out of it. When the three girls got hit by this strange power, they turned into transforming super heroes, who promised the mayor to protect Tokyo. However, the black power hits several animals, and they all turn evil, especially the extra smart one, Mojo. It's up to the girls now to save the day! Even if it means that the Powerpuff Boys Z will lift up their shirt or if they'll arrive in mortal danger! Get ready for a big adventure!

Kimi To Boku No Ashiato - Time Travel Kasuga Kenkyuusho

From Fairgame: Wanting to live with facing forward... everyone wish that they can, but there is a day that you wanted to go back, no matter what it takes. There is someone you wanted to meet, truth that you wanted to know... just to step foward from now. Door of time leaping story that makes you moved and tearful, is opened. To a person, past can be a 'support' but in a same time, it can also be 'a weight'. Truth is those two things are exactly same thing. Simplely, you are just using single 'lump' for support or just making it to your weight. It's just how it form is decided by within your heart. From Baka-Updates: In the year 2022, Kazamidori Aki works at the Time Travel Research Facility with her assistant Miyama. They use a technology called Aston that has scanned every detail of the city for the past twenty years and recreates the past exactly as it appeared into a client’s mind. This process called the In-Brain time travel allows the user to visit his past. But because it is only in their mind, they are unable to change anything in the present so no time paradoxes occur. Aki uses her services to help those who made mistakes in their past and help them change their ways. There is something odd about Aki’s past that makes her very unique and she has to deal with the skeletons in her closet.

Ryuu No Yuigon

What is a horny lord to do, when the man he wants to have sex with just refuses to put out? Prostitute himself of course! Tenran is aggressive, powerful, horny, and a uke, and he oh so desperately wants to have sex with Asagi – one of his loyal subjects! Tenran has vowed to take the sweet Asagi’s virginity, only thing is, Asagi doesn’t see him that way! And that’s not all that Tenran has to contend with…other people are always after his throne, and he seems to have his hands full thwarting down competition left and right. Amidst all these, can Tenran and Asagi find happiness? Though he appears human, Asagi is actually from a long line of dragon lineage, and he can turn himself into a dragon at will. When he was little, he had heard many tales of the great and ancient Tenran from his mother. Only thing is, now that he’s grown up and is working under Tenran, he must admit that this great, ancient and powerful lord was nothing like what he had ever imagined! For one, his master looks more like a young woman than anything else; second, for someone so noble, the great Tenran seems far too occupied in having sex with him than anything else! Can Asagi keep his virginity intact, or will he fall prey to the attacks of this aggressive uke? Also, the constant threat on his master’s throne from time to time has him worried… ******************************** This series rocks my dragon-centric world. It is SERIOUSLY one of the most adorably romantic series in my collection. The art is below average, but the characters are awesome, with one of the most aggressive and powerful (not to mention horny) uke characters ever. ...And did I mention the dragons...?

Koi No Surisasu

From Forbidden Garden: Lingerie shop employee Kazuko longs for some drama to spice up her tedious daily routine. For Satou, a middle school teacher, Kazuko is the ideal woman. What will happen when these two people meet in rather extreme circumstances!? Side Story: Jiro has moved from the countryside to Tokyo along with Haruo, his friend from highschool. He suddenly recieves a letter from their old school friend, Yuriko. But what is it that Yuriko wants and why is Jiro, who is constantly bewildered by women, willing to return to the rural town he deserted to find out?

Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke

Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke summary: System: Host, what is that thing in the sky?
Shi Sheng: An intergalactic s.p.a.ceship.
System: &h.e.l.lip;This is a cultivation world, where did an intergalactic s.p.a.ceship come from?!

System: Host, what are you holding in your hand?
Shi Sheng: Xuanyuan Sword.
System: This is an advanced scientific world, where did an ancient divine sword come from?! Wait a moment&h.e.l.lip; Host what are you doing?! Σ(°△°|||)︴
Shi Sheng: Breaking apart the main couple. ヾ(^▽^*)))
Note : ‘shipping’ is the term people use when they want two people to be a couple.

The Moving Picture Girls in War Plays

The Moving Picture Girls in War Plays summary: The Moving Picture Girls in War Plays summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Moving Picture Girls in War Plays. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary

The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary summary: The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Infinite Adventure

Infinite Adventure summary: Infinite Adventure summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Infinite Adventure. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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