内容简介:主业画室老师,副业模特,副副业相亲节目nV嘉宾。结果节目导演是前男友……那又怎样,有钱不赚王八蛋!Ai是我骄傲,我自卑,是你来我往,是我自相矛盾之间,依旧对你忠心不二。江戍×孟槐烟话不 多会宠人床上必然是主场×风情万种是真的本质Ai撒娇也是真的剧情,剧情为后续水到渠成做铺垫。全文免费,顺利完结的话再设打赏章。随心所至,缘更。喜Ai的话留言就好,欢迎光临。web在言外1w0-87299 >>
内容简介:一觉醒来,全球被传送到一个异世界。开局一条木筏,生存物资全靠捡。每晚诡异还会找上门,要怎么才可以生存下去?开局获得了一只虎鲸还有一个植物种植系统。让虎鲸去把东西捡过来,领先别人好几步! 不仅如此!在别人还在担心怎么抵御夜晚的诡异的时候,他已经种上了豌豆射手。在别人还在担心食物的时候,他已经种上了蘑菇和向日葵。口渴了就找西瓜投手要块西瓜,饿了就将虎鲸抓的鱼烤了。小日子过得美滋滋。于是苏成开始了在大海上兴风作浪的日子。1w0-28853 >>
内容简介:千落带着前世记忆重生未来星际时空,‘亲’母恶毒,‘亲’姐毒辣,三年后保育舱一出来,被测定为精神力废材,遗弃垃圾星。弃女?废物?!真是好笑!前世的记忆,金手指粗壮,且看弃女废材怎样打脸逆 袭,狂傲星际!可是,你以为这是巅峰的终点?器灵整日神秘兮兮!兽宠更是来历强大!凤凰涅槃,落云花神,三世历劫,魂归本位?!千落表示:是不是重生的方式不对?!于是,千落踏上了渡劫的最后历练,与寻求“1w0-29900 >>
内容简介:结婚三年,他从不碰她。离婚以后,他却买下了她的初夜。洛南初冷笑:“滚,卖谁也不卖你!”男人眯起狭长的眸子,笑得腹黑温柔:“初初,那你想卖给谁?”他是桐城权势滔天的帝国总裁,翻手为云覆手 为雨,矜贵高雅,绝世无双,却偏偏对自己的前妻念念不忘。昏暗的总统套房,洛南初被面前高大的男人逼入墙角,忍无可忍:“傅庭渊,当初免费你不要,现在还要各位书友要是觉得《隐婚请低调》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w6628-108584 >>
内容简介:吃土摄影师千愿发现了一款内测中的养成游戏。这款游戏互动性极高,游戏PV画风可爱治愈,可以给崽崽投喂美食、给崽崽奇迹换装、陪着崽崽一起长大,打着休闲不肝的旗号,瞬间捕获了千愿的心。而在下 载游戏之后,千愿才发现所谓的休闲治愈全都是屁话——主线故事看得人想要吐血,货币比例居然是十比一,在线一小时才能进行签到,一下线崽崽就开始黑化。……但崽崽可怜又傲娇,千愿一心软,就开始在游戏中捡垃圾、养鱼塘、开农场,过上了勤勤恳恳的养崽生活。一场军事叛变之后,天之骄子岑寒的生活一夜之间天翻地覆。叛国贼的儿子、没良心的白眼狼、又残又瞎的小废物,亲朋好友漠然疏远,欺凌暴力如影随形。他独自在漫漫黑夜里行走,被阴暗厌世的恶意拉扯着坠入深潭,直到身边终于出现了另一个人。不在乎他的阴郁多疑,陪伴他走过不幸,像是一个……张牙舞爪驱散黑雾的小太阳。文艺流简介:在大雪纷落的寒冬,岑寒拥有了一位神明。不敢亵渎,不敢沾染,只将妄念深藏心底。阅读指南:1男主残疾,会好。2双向救赎,整体应该挺甜的,但后期有几章离别重圆剧情!预警一下3半架空,女主在未来现代,男主在星际时代,私设如山,请勿考究4更新时间不定——————推文——————完结文:《在西幻游戏里玩基建》预收:①《昨日暗恋》:当高中时期的男神成了有恐旷症的小可怜②《成为偏执魔尊的白月光》:救赎火葬场③《治愈战损精灵后》:养纸片人搞经营,文案如下【疯犬变忠犬】2040年,《星际休息站》手游风靡大陆,身为该游戏忠实玩家的叶闻笙每日雷打不动地起床,兢兢业业地发展属于自己的小小休息站。太空中的旅客来来去去,休息站中的设施愈加繁荣。窄小的便利店被升级成宽敞崭新的超市,堆满营养液的仓库被热闹的餐厅取代,休息站特产太空温泉横空出世——在这段旅途中,叶闻笙还收获了一位美貌十级的精灵助手。那只精灵就像一只走进绝路的小刺猬,对每个接近他的人龇牙咧嘴,警惕地竖起满身尖刺。休息站中的小机器人惧他如洪水猛兽,叶闻笙却不在意他的阴戾,将他收留,悉心照顾精灵伤痕累累的身体。精灵彻底痊愈的那一天,叶闻笙本想放他离开,却看见那曾对自己恶意相向的脸染上了不自然的淡红。“……请让我留在这里。”他如此恳求。高高在上的光之精灵坠下天穹,被囚于暗无天日的牢笼里。被黑暗侵蚀的身体犹如破败的玩偶,浑身上下没有一处完好无损的皮肉。漫长的三千个日夜后,他终于迎来了一位主人。祂肆意摆弄他的身体,毫不顾忌他的尊严,态度轻蔑无礼,像是在对待一只呼之即来挥之即去的低劣野犬。西斐尔恨透了祂,在见到祂的第一面,便只想把那不能见人的面庞撕碎。恶念于被污染的土壤中疯狂滋生,他无时无刻不在想,要将祂生吞活 >>
内容简介:鸮,一个午夜闯关世界。被选中者,必须闯过全部二十三关,才能回归正常生活。范佩阳做梦都想尽快闯完,和唐凛完完整整看上一次午夜场电影。唐凛是他的爱人,身患绝症,时日无多。未料,闯完第十三关 (1323)时,命运给了他新的选择——鸮:作为进入后十关的奖励,我可以满足你一个限定条件的愿望。范佩阳:让唐凛痊愈。鸮:不符合限定条件。范佩阳:让唐凛长命百岁。鸮:不符合限定条件。范佩阳:让唐凛进入鸮总可以吧!鸮:可以。但后十关险恶异常,友情建议,最好选择能增加自身战斗力的愿望。范佩阳:我就要他进来。【鸮:有人对你使用1w0-27853 >>
内容简介:苏留穿到古代江湖,身带白玉京,出入各个武侠世界完成任务,还能将人物带回现实?不亦爽哉醇酒美人,纵马江湖,扬眉剑出鞘九阳九阴,凌波六脉,圆月拔刀,八荒六合唯我独尊小李探花那袖手一刀,懂了 才知寂寞无敌我心中却还有一剑,剑二十三可杀陆地神仙金(鹿鼎,笑傲,射雕,神雕等……),古(风云第一刀,楚留香,陆小凤,绝代双骄等……),黄(大唐双龙,破碎虚空等……),温(四大名捕,说英雄等……)新书求点击收藏推荐支持本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《武侠枭雄》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64553 >>
Collection of short stories including: • Nejishiki A man gets bitten on the arm by a jelly fish on a village beach foreign to him. He sets off desperately searching for a doctor who can heal his bleeding veins... Tsuge's 3rd-only English translated work, a sensational and controversial piece that stunned American audiences when published in issue #250 of The Comics Journal. One of Tsuge's 'dream stories'. • Numa (Marsh) A man meets a strange woman while hunting in a marsh. • Chico A couple takes care of a java sparrow. • Hatsutake Gari (Mushroom Hunting) Rain mysteriously falls around a particular place where a boy and his grandfather plan on going mushroom hunting the next morning... • Sanshouuo (Salamander) • Touge no Inu • Uwasa no Bushi • Ondoru Koya (Ondoru House) • Gensenkan Shujin (Master of the Gensenkan Inn) • Chouhachi no Yado • Oba Denki Tokin Kogyosho (Oba's Electroplate Factory) • Yoshiboo no Hanzai • Shounen • Aru Mumei Sakka It DOES NOT contain this story: • Soto no Fukurami (The Outside Inflation) The outside inexplicably threatens to collapse a man's house, leading him out to a world of anxiety and oddness in this minimalist story.
The various short stories including one title series of secret romance between young actor and his manager (Sagami is a very popular fashion model and his first drama acquired a favorable reputation. He becomes very busy and can not have enough time for date with his lover, his manager, Takumi Toba. They enjoy very short date but Takumi is shocked to see Sagami's scandalous photo on the tabloid / The prequel of the 1st story. Takumi feels jealous of the actress of Sagami's first drama / American classmate always expresses his love to hero very frankly. But Hero is too proud to accept it and offers very difficult challenge. The american can not resolve it, then wears female costume / The students of NPO wonder their homosexual relationship is natural or not. One student decides to part but another one appeals they are not extinct species / The public detective takes in the poor prostitute boy. The boy tries to return a favor to detective's selfless love but the detective never allows it. Then the boy is involved into the incident of his old group...).
Read Liar Game Manga At the start of manga, a scrupulously fair college student named Nao Kanzaki - receives a bundle including 100 million yen (about 1 million dollars) along with a note that she's now a contestant in the Liar Game Tournament. Contestants should cheat and lie to have other contestants' cash, using the losing ones compelled to endure a debt proportional with their losses. When Nao's first competition - a former teacher that is sure - steals her cash, she seeks help from a con man named Shinichi Akiyama. Though they manage to get the better of him, Nao and Akiyama determine to buy out his debt and progress through different rounds of the Liar Game Tournament against merciless contestants, while in the exact same time trying to free their competitors from debt also to get the better of the Liar Game organization from within. These characteristics enable her to win the trust of fellow contestants in the Liar Game, although she's incredibly reliable and, initially, innocent. Nao is usually in a position to make deep insights regarding human nature and the Liar Game and slowly learns to challenge others while keeping her power to trust her allies, while becoming more mature and considerate with each round played. She continues to play wanting to save the other players that have fallen into debt although Nao has had several great opportunities to depart the Liar Game. The simply known family member of Nao is her dad, who's in the hospital with terminal cancer. In Volume 1 because he was reminded by her fair character of his mom, he's only been released from prison and consents to help Nao in the Liar Game. For continuing in the Liar Game Akiyama's motivation will be to discover the actual reasons on the other side of the Liar Game Tournament The former teacher and competition in Round 1, who had been initially a type guy of Nao concerned regarding the wellbeing of his pupils. Following a number of misfortunes, Fujisawa is now hateful, mad, and mistrustful. Nao is shocked when he told her if she goes into debt that he does not care or is driven to pay it back. The choice of Akiyama, yet, just solidifies to aid Nao. By the end of Round 1 when Akiyama outsmarts to that he is able to repay his debt Nao although Fujisawa gives her winnings to Fujisawa, Fujisawa is last seen bowing in gratitude to her. A male to female transgendered man who first appears in Round 2, where she poses as a girl named Hitomi. Perhaps in-transition or post op MtF transsexual (in which case she shouldn't be called a transvestite, which differs from transgender), promises to be female in body along with thoughts, and exclusively male according to your birth certificate; still has breasts when not dressed in drag. Sly, computing, and a 5th degree black belt, Fukunaga is a skilled manipulator whose weaknesses may actually be her desire for her temper and cash. Alludes to being clearly older than she looks, age unknown. During Round 3, Fukunaga learns to work with Nao and Akiyama, as well as when Fukunaga completes the round debt-free, she decides to continue in the tournament to assist them. Nevertheless, Fukunaga is removed in the match with over one billion yen of debt and is made to face Yokoya without their help in the next resurrection round. In later chapters, Fukunaga understands begins and Nao's progress to get fond of her, although she still believes she's clumsy. Nao additionally noted that Fukunaga may have a crush on Akiyama. After Fukunaga's identified-as-male-at birth identity is disclosed, the Japanese text intentionally avoids referring to 'her' by sex. (In the live variant this character remains male, but with a vaguely gay overtone). She's totally convincing as a female when she often has everyone fooled and wants. Additionally stated to have managed to play a persuasive nondescript man to orchestrate a scam (not shown), despite having outstanding 'real' cleavage, said to be caused by a variety of female hormone shots and breast augmentation surgery with saline implants. Other manga: + The World God only knows manga + Akame ga Kill Manga
Vampire Falls - Morganna's Sacrifice summary: Vampire Falls - Morganna's Sacrifice summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vampire Falls - Morganna's Sacrifice. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Betty Wales, Freshman summary: Betty Wales, Freshman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Betty Wales, Freshman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Story of the Guides summary: The Story of the Guides summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of the Guides. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans summary: Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.