










拥有财富、名声、权力,这世界上的一切的男人 “海贼王”哥...







Role of 王















内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:西游:我,说书人!开局给人族传道!】姜玄穿入西游世界,绑定最强教化系统,系统内有诸天万界一切法门、学说、流派。此时西游路未开,姜玄化身说书人,誓要整改三界,点 化众生,将人族从漫天神佛的摆布中解救出来,使人族成为真正顶天立地的存在。很快,经过他的教化点拨:唐僧化身花和尚,吃肉喝酒,三拳打死白骨精:“呸!酒肉穿肠过,有仇当场报。”孙悟空挣脱金箍,叛出佛门:“一万年太久,只争朝夕,紫霞,你在哪儿?”通天教主手持诛仙剑捅穿如来金钵:“天地不仁,以万物当刍,去你娘的众生平等,有教无类才是王道。”红孩儿半夜偷走观世音菩萨的玉净瓶,沿街叫卖:“大罗仙器大甩卖,价值两个子,夜壶良选之物。”姜玄笑飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-57214 >>


内容简介:她是二十一世纪的全能天才,却意外重生在京城第一无盐女凤倾城身上,他是世人眼中最平庸废柴的皇子,却有着为人不知的惊天秘密,当无盐女遇上废柴男,当二十一世纪的全能天才PK腹黑狡诈的王爷,他 们会碰撞出怎样的火花?一朝穿越,涅槃重生,斗斗庶母、渣女、渣男,心情好了会一会大把的情敌,偶尔出去过一把名医的瘾……让自己的穿越生活越发的精彩绝伦!只是,怎么回事?她的这位被人称为废柴皇子的王爷夫君,怎么看怎么像是一个腹黑难搞的大灰狼?而且,偏偏吃定了她这个小绵羊!情节虚构,请勿模仿1w0-25442 >>






内容简介:【预收文《七零年代青云路》求收藏!】神颜小霸王VS颜控白富美本文又名——《我靠美貌走上人生巅峰》,《从大众偶像变成机械工程师的心路历程》,《好爸爸是怎样炼成的》最近,机械厂家属大院里流 传着一个大八卦!“大院之光”赵学军向“高岭之花”夏露表白了!然而,他竟然被拒绝了!!!被拒理由也非常劲爆——夏露看上了全厂闻名的“小流氓”戴誉!戴誉谁不知道啊!除了一张漂亮脸蛋,一无是处!被老戴家的女人们惯得无法无天的二流子。虽然名叫戴誉,过的却是“宝玉”的生活!穿书而来的戴誉一脸懵逼。他当时也围观了表白现场,真实情况明明是这样的——女主拒绝男主:“你的霸道和自以为是并不能吸引我。论起人品,小流氓戴誉都比你强!”纯路人,无辜躺枪的戴誉:“……”小姐姐,拒绝的话不要说得太早,你可是女主,小心真香哦!事实证明,女主就是女主,头铁!而戴誉比她的头更铁!作为炮灰男配,明知男主不好惹,还是坚持摘下了女主这朵高岭之花!真香!备注:男主视角!—————————————————————预收《七零年代青云路》文案:清冷闷骚贵公子VS热情泼辣小村花自从宋洵来到丽水村生产队驻村,全村的女人,包括母蚊子都骚动了起来。听说小宋技术员不但是大学生,还是首长家的公子哩!村里最有文化的张夫子甚至还为他掉起了书袋——积石如玉,列松如翠。郎艳独绝,世无其二。可惜呀,白瞎了小宋技术员这样的人才,居然进了村便一头扎进养猪场,研究全自动养猪设备去了。李英英重生做的第一件事就是报名去丽水村插队,她要在宋洵最落魄的时候伸出援手!患难见真情,未来市长夫人的宝座她坐定了!不过,碍于竞争对手过多,她悄悄在村里放出消息——宋洵的父亲被下放农场了!一夕间,路上偶遇跌倒的,半夜敲门求助的,含羞带怯送菜的,通通消失了!宋洵终于松了一口气。刚料理了几个落井下石的村痞,宋洵回身时,却被村花项小羽拦住了去路。村花昂着粉嫩的小脸,像个女土匪似的,霸气宣言:“只要你跟了我,全公社再没人敢欺负你!”小剧场——项小羽:他们都说你去市里工作以后,就不会再回村了!宋洵想想刚到手的那套带院子的二层小楼,颔首。项小羽:嘤嘤嘤,果然与那个徐知青一样,要抛妻弃子了!宋洵:昨晚给你出的数学题做好了?项小羽立马收声。宋洵见她磨蹭着不肯动地方,似笑非笑道:“怎么,还是不放心啊?”将两个烦人的臭小子往旁边一放,“来吧,赶紧生个闺女,让她天天替你看着我!”备注:1.男主视角。2.男主女主土著,女配重生。3.一个枕边教妻的故事。1w6990-27063 >>




内容简介:关于一夜替嫁江太太马甲掉了:从小被当成傻子的夏乔,长大后被家人接回城里,代替继姐嫁给传说中冷酷暴戾,还身患隐疾的江少,但结婚后,两人都觉得对方画风不对。白莲花:“江太太又欺负我了!她医 术无双、还是投资天才……马甲超多!”江少:“胡说,我夫人又傻又单纯!谁要是敢欺负她,别怪我翻脸。”1w0-66840 >>


内容简介:穿越玄幻世界,资质太低,沦为皇朝御膳房的厨子。一辈子碌碌无为,逆天无望?觉醒签到系统,签到九十年后直接成为武神!“叮!恭喜宿主签到成功,获得奖励:玄天神王吹笛录!修炼者成就无上吹笛之道 ,笛出灭神魔!”“叮!恭喜宿主签到成功,获得奖励:青龙!白虎!朱雀!玄武!四大神兽守护您……”一日,邪魔入侵,血洗皇朝,遇到了正在厨房里淡定做饭的林天,“别狗看星星了,你们滚开,别打扰我做饭!”“……”小兵各位书友要是觉得《御膳房签到九十年的我成了武神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29045 >>


内容简介:  时间就像一趟列车,每经过一个站点,都会有人上车,也有人下车。西历1453年,方然坐上了时间的列车。从此永不下车。——永生研究所:6909667761w0-3725


内容简介:小兵提供日丽风和大神最新作品《秀才家的壮夫郎》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,秀才家的壮夫郎小说txt下载,秀才家的壮夫郎小说笔趣阁,秀才家的壮夫郎无弹窗!本站最新最快更新秀才家的壮夫郎小说 最新章节。1w0-51686 >>


内容简介:开局恐怖复苏开局恐怖复苏小说阅读玄幻魔法类型小说开局恐怖复苏由作家魔刀创作简介:穿越到恶灵复苏的世界,开局系统竟然要求亲吻裂口女的嘴!?看着无比诱人的SSS级奖励,林缺默默的把节操收了 起来。几分钟过后他抹了抹嘴:虽然草率了感觉似乎还不错?小兵提供开局恐怖复苏最新章节开局恐怖复苏最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w8149-65002 >>



Waq Waq

[From Aku Tenshi]: The world of Waq Waq is a place where machines attack the black-blooded humans, whose only defense are the Sakimori, humans chosen to partner up with the Goujin-zou, a race of machines that grow stronger when melded to humans. Shio and his Sakimori father, Al, upon entering a village, are attacked by the machines. As Al falls in battle, he leaves his son to become the new Sakimori and guardian of a mysterious young girl, believed to be god, found at the heart of the battle. Waq Waq is the story of Shio as he battles to protect what was entrusted to him by his father. Let the battle for God begin!

Super Robot Taisen Og - The Inspector - Record Of Atx

It's been 6 months since the L5 Campaign, the conflict that pitted humanity vs aliens with the whole earth sphere at stake; even thought at that time humanity joined forces as a whole and fought valiantly for it's survival, now that the true threat is gone the remains from old conflicts that have kept discord among people from even before the aliens arrived have started to resurface and thus the fight is far from over.... The ATX Team, one of teams that probed pivotal in the L5 Campaign have been 'living their usual' being at the mercy of the chain of command and taking part in cleaning up the remainders from the DC war---- but little do they know that again some extraordinary events are brewing up; with the arrival of a strange lady named Lamia Loveless, who seeks help from the team and seems to know more about them than what she should, the path has been set, headed towards a chain of events that might bring forth an even greater conflict that the one from 6 months ago.... Can Kyosuke Nanbu and his team break through all of the opposing forces, yet again?

Kimi O Chuushin Ni Sekai Wa Mawaru

First story. The student is a 17 year-old girl named FUJIWARA Kayo. She loves games. She is always playing her handheld (It looks a lot like a PSP) in class. One day, her teacher, a handsome, but kind of mean-looking guy named HAIBARA-sensei, catches her playing it in class, yells at her, and confiscates it. Grr, stupid Haibara-sensei, always ruining her fun! Kayo can’t stand him, and doesn’t understand why he is so popular with all the other girls at school. Ah, but Kayo is in for a surprise! The second story. It’s about a shy girl named ICHII Ekko who has a great imagination and a talent for drawing. Every day at school she fills her lined notebook with drawings, complete manga stories, about the people around her. She can turn any minor interaction into a silly shoujo manga plot, complete with sparkles and flowers, and a heroine that looks just like herself. Her notebook is her secret, and it would be horribly embarrassing if anyone found out about it... Story 3. High school girl Naomi is excited to learn there is a new boy transferring into their class. Until this year, her school was a girl’s school, and even though it’s now co-ed, biys are scarce. So a new boy at school is big news! Unfortunately for Nao, the transfer student isn’t exactly a nice guy. His name is Katsuyuki-kun, and he’s tall and scary looking. He has an aura around him that just screams ‘do not touch! go away!’ He is like a feral cat or some other wild animal. But in spite of this, Nao doesn’t give in. She can tell something isn’t right. Will she be able to make friends with him? Story 4 is about a guy and girl who are already a couple. Rinako really likes Shun, but he doesn’t seem to want to take their relationship seriously. Even though he know it makes her mad, he is always going out with other girls. When Rinako confronts him angrily, he apologizes, but that doesn’t stop him from doing the same thing over again. In fact, he is always playing tricks on her and doing little things to boter her. But will she still take him back when he goes a step too far? Finally, the last story is a brief and funny tale of friendship, jealousy, and romance, with a bit of basketball thrown in.

Teacher's Pet

Misuzu has just started her dream job teaching at a prestigeous high school, and she feels totally motivated. Recently, she began going out with the really hot/manly principal Kazuki, and their relationship couldn't be better. But one day. Misuzu had sex with Kazuki's younger brother Masahiro (he raped her in exact), who happens to be a student at the same school. This is a huge secret that they can't tell anyone: the love affair between a teacher and a student. This is a smuttilicious one volume work by the mangaka of Hot Gimmick! This work is everything smutty you wanted in Hot Gimmick but were afraid to ask for! Note: The story between the characters doesn't seem to be done yet. There is an ongoing series or new volume that came out in Japan for this story. A sequel? This is the next chapter: Zoku Sensei no Okiniiri! and it is here on mangafox too!! WARNING: there is non-consentual RAPE here!

Barford Abbey

Barford Abbey summary: Barford Abbey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Barford Abbey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fearless: Escape

Fearless: Escape summary: Fearless: Escape summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fearless: Escape. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

California Sketches

California Sketches summary: California Sketches summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of California Sketches. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Macdermots of Ballycloran

The Macdermots of Ballycloran summary: The Macdermots of Ballycloran summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Macdermots of Ballycloran. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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