简介【建议15岁以上阅读】韩亚璃24岁硕士兼助教,一觉醒来发现自己酒后乱性,睡了那个跟自己几乎算是死对头的系上教授老板! 原本以为会是井水不犯河水的同居生活,却在一夕之间跨越了大红线,还直奔本垒!! 怎么办怎么办? 虽然教授凶巴巴又不爱讲话,却举手投足体贴温柔,跟之前的印象完全不一样,害她小鹿乱撞,一颗心儿砰砰跳。 剪不断,理还乱,两人肉体以上,恋人未满的关系,到底会持续到什么时候呢?
内容简介:我养了三个大佬当替身简介谢九黎穿越途中意外失忆,满脑子只记得自己穿越前有个求而不得的白月光。随身系统故障掉线,修系统的路上,谢九黎顺手捡了三个有白月光影子的小可怜。小可怜A有他的声音; 小可怜B有他的性格经历;小可怜C有他的脸。替身?什么替身?只是人美心善地帮助小可怜们度过难关,顺便望梅止渴而已。穿越第五年,谢九黎的智障系统终于重新上线,让她又花五年沉睡修复机体。等谢九黎醒来,系统开开心心告诉她:本来任务是让你三选一攻略一个大佬,但现在你已经超额300完成啦!谢九黎:好。系统又说:但是他们三个以为你扔下他们和人私奔了,现在都恨死你啦!谢九黎:你刚刚不是说攻略完成的评判标准是“是否愿意为我牺牲”吗?系统:同归于尽也算愿意为你死啊。谢九黎:……问:惊天骗局后死遁五年,如何避免情杀3?答:莫方,我这就再骗他们一次。注意事项:1非NP。男德√女主控√2女主不择手段复活白月光,古早替身文的性别互换版,不是双替身,也不会有追夫火葬场。立意助人为乐不求回报是一种美德。1w0-29097 >>
内容简介:当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)是花开缓缓归创作的经典的小说作品当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)小兵提供当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)最新章节全文免费阅读,当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)下载,当我复制了康 熙爷的脸清穿)全文字更新,当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)无弹窗!请关注当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)吧,本站最新最快更新当我复制了康熙爷的脸清穿)的最新章节。1w0-79082 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大破坏神在龙珠】杰青穿越成为龙珠赛亚人,搞搞后勤,打打酱油。有个叫破灭的异星人,很喜欢杰青做的美食,也经常询问杰青一些很深奥的问题。“你猜猜这颗星球过一阵会不 会爆炸?”“你知道赛亚人未来的命运么?”“你听说过某位嚣张的见习天使么?只有超级赛亚人第十阶才能有资格和他一战。”杰青当时就怒了,我1w0-26635 >>
内容简介:医圣后人张凡,因一纸婚约来到江南,然后他傻眼了……“明明是双胞胎,为什么小姨子身材火辣,我老婆却长的像个初中生?”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市至尊医圣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ 群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71396 >>
内容简介:别人最多鬼上身,展飞却被游戏角色上身了,一次游戏之中,展飞和自己角色合体了,从此,草鸡变凤凰:怕挂科?上次升级还加了五点智力呢,论智商,爱因斯坦算个球?没钱花?八大生活职业任你选,数钱 数到手抽筋!想打架?不好意思,俺是召唤师,先召唤头火龙和你练练手?新书期间,请大家多多支持,因为无线悬赏的原因,各路大神开新书的很多,竞争激烈,请喜欢本书的看官们多多支持,争取冲上新书榜,求点击、求推荐、求收藏!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市超级召唤师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69445 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者蘑菇神力的经典小说:《小甜梨》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说文案:许梨一颗少女心飞蛾扑火,换来的却是陆嘉行的不屑一顾。他为了跟许梨划清界限,甚至 一直让她喊自己哥哥。把小姑娘欺负的旁人都看不下去。谁能想到,结婚后许梨失忆,阴错阳差记起两人的关系,也只记得“哥哥”二字。堪堪把这大仇给报了!对家里包办强制婚姻负隅顽抗的车神陆嘉行,终于也体会到了什么是求而不得,什么是——“真香”。夜色淡淡,酒后微醺,他把她抵在墙上,“乖一点,叫声老公,放过你。”“老公。”1w0-25720 >>
内容简介: 李恒穿越大唐,成为被李世民冷落的皇子,却意外觉醒签到系统。 【含元殿到成功!获得《天子剑法》】 【紫宸殿签到成功!获得《皇极惊世拳》】 【人皇殿签到成功!获得《人皇玉册》】 …… 李恒本以为自己是来到了高武大唐,只想低调签到,默默变强。 直到有一天观音菩萨立于长安城上,李世民率领满朝文武全城百姓跪倒在地,顶礼膜拜! 李恒才知道,原来这里有诸天七圣,漫天神佛,盖世大妖! 这里是西游世界,南赡部洲,人族卑微如蝼蚁,天子如草芥,人皇都在佛祖之下!1w0-2176 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者池翎的经典小说:《本座真的没有始乱终弃》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说风辞平定四海,开创六门,以一己之力拯救苍生,被奉为救世圣尊。后来他玩 腻了,将自己所有法器和一条怎么也无法化形、又瘦又小的小黑蛇随便找个山洞一封,以道法化境,魂游太虚。这一走就走了三千年。三千年后,风辞神识回归,不仅他的小黑蛇和一屋子法器没了,就连肉身都不见了踪影。风辞寄生于一名刚刚殒命的少年,被迫出山,恰逢仙盟纳新收徒。传闻中冷血无情的仙盟首座裴千越高坐云台,黑绸覆眼,冷冰冰道:根骨太差,去外门扫1w0-70682 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:都市:我嬴政,开局复苏杀神】穿越到一个历史复苏的世界。在这个世界,每个时代的历史人物都会因为传说而重新化为英灵降临。当嬴政自沉睡中醒来之后却发现。这个世界的华 夏历史出现断层,大康之前无历史?嬴政自始皇陵中醒来看着当年被自己封印的无数历史英豪。就这?杀神白起血杀十万里,一戟镇八方。儒圣孔子妙笔生花,一言敕封天地。强汉盛唐富宋,铁骨铮铮大明朝,无数英豪横空出世。十一区:大大夏为何如此强大,八岐大蛇竟然被那个姓刘的小混混一剑斩了所有头颅。米国:诸位那个自称大魔导师的刘秀谁能把他拉走,他太秀了我们太难了。北极熊:你们那算个屁,我们境内出现了魏蜀吴三个国家,飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80114 >>
内容简介:楚寒带着无敌升级系统,穿越到了《倚天屠龙记》的世界,成为天下第一神医。九阳神功、九阴真经、乾坤大挪移、屠龙刀、倚天剑、圣火令……我统统都要了!系统在手,天下我有!鲜衣怒马,仗剑天涯!《 倚天屠龙记》仅仅是个开始……(求收藏,求鲜花,求打赏,求十分好评!小星拜谢!)《武侠之至尊升级系统》小说推荐:那年那蝉那把剑、从洪荒开始到诸天万界、少林八绝、不朽凡人、穿越诸天万界、一品道门、余生之爱凌沫雪、绝代武神、六指诡医、问鼎巅峰、仙子请自重、这样才叫岳母、异界召唤之无上帝君、大奉打更人、星辰武神、开局朝九晚五唐三藏、修罗刀帝、原来我是修仙大佬、霸道爹地别乱撩、都市最强修真学生1w0-73678 >>
From Tokyopop: We follow the bumpy and funny romance between bubbly Tamako and the serious Kanji. With Kanji's father running an idol agency, and Tamako being the daughter of their top-selling idol, Shinju, things get complicated. Tamako must hide the fact she is Shinju's daughter to save public face, and at the same time, she is determined to be Kanji's ideal wife (as was promised when they were little kids). It doesn't help that Tamako's pretty clumsy and poor of domestic chores, but no matter what comes down the road, she's not about to give up!
1) Bedtop Paradise Hata and Hoshina both work at the same video game company. United by a mutual friend at work, Hoshina and Hata move in together as roommates. But when the sloppy, laid-back Hata starts demanding time in uptight Hoshina's futon so he can sleep better, their relationship as roomies takes a step in a new direction, especially when Hoshina realizes he can't sleep with or without Hata... 2) The Gentle Hand Mother always tells you not talk to strangers, but one day while roaming through the park looking for his lost dog, a young uke stumbles across a homeless seme. Given the name 'Kuro', will the compassion and love of this young uke help Kuro get the strength to face his past and begin to live life again. Will he always be called 'Kuro'? 3) Perfect Lovers Fujisaki is given an important project to work on by Manager Sakaki, but Fujisaki questions why he is given the job. Is Sakaki misusing his authorty? And even if he is, does Fujisaki really mind when his manager looks and smells SO good? Another one-shot revolving around salarymen, big business, and what really happens on overnight trips. 4) Land of The Distant Sky Pressurized by the moral ethics, the boys will have to make a decision. Family, friends and love, it's a tough choice. Will they finally be together? A teary story about the struggling of our boys from high school to adults. Let's Become A Family! Nakura is a salaried man and has a six-year old daughter. When he found out that his neighbor, Sudou, is a gay, he's kinda glad. An inner perspective of a loving father who doesn't really know how to express himself well, will he fall for Sudou instead? 6) Bedtop paradise extra
It was a fake wedding devised to make her sister happy. Only Rita should have known about her plan. Even her boss, Sakir, whose name she used for the groom shouldn't have known.... So why is he standing in the aisle, clad in a caftan fit for a king? He then spoke to the pale-faced Rita. 'You must come with me to my home country as my bride. For business.'
Takiko was inferior over her look and height. She always envied her best friend Mika who had what it took to capture a guy's heart. One day she meets someone who eventually becomes the love of her life, however she feels envious of other girls because she just a plain jane. From Baka-Updates: Takiko felt inferior over her look and height. She was always envious of her best friend Mika who had what it takes to capture a guy's heart. One day she meets someone who eventually, becomes the love of her life, however her grandparent objected this relationship due to...?
The Ruby Knight summary: The Ruby Knight summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Ruby Knight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
History of 'Billy the Kid' summary: History of 'Billy the Kid' summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of 'Billy the Kid'. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Friars in the Philippines summary: The Friars in the Philippines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Friars in the Philippines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Starting From Fooling the Elderly into Registering for a Cultivation Training Class summary:
Qin Chuan arrived in a parallel world and got bound to a system.
System: 'Host, please guide the entire nation into cultivation.'
Qin Chuan was shocked.
What era are we in? Who still believes in cultivation!
However, to complete his mission, he set up a cultivation training cla.s.s as an attempt to get people to cultivate, and in the process of doing so, got sent to the mental hospital multiple times.
He was ready to give up after all the setbacks, until he encountered a group of elderlymen and women.
A 93-year-old man of the Weapon Forging specialization was forging gear at home when he was coincidentally discovered by his great-granddaughter who was livestreaming.
During his birthday banquet, a 100-year-old man of the Combat specialization flew on a sword while in high spirits.
An 80-year-old lady of the Alchemy specialization was mistaken as her college-attending granddaughter's sister while she was visiting her.