






类别都市 恋爱 生活




类别热血 古风




简介来自美国的追凶少女与患有“异性恐惧症”的中国少年,遥远的彼端,宿命的亲吻! 快来参加“收藏+评论”得VIP活动哦!每月月底抽取10名幸运读者!






简介今天开始,我退隐了。 但是我该做什么呢……我既没有一技之长,也没有做生意的头脑,我唯一擅长的就只有打遍天下无敌手而已。 真苦恼啊……






简介全新连载《3月的狮子》(将棋故事)将从今年初夏在漫画杂志《Young Animal》上正式展开连载!在《Young Animal》官方网站的首页上,也开始大肆宣传这项令粉丝们兴奋无比的消息。








内容简介:顾潇刚从乡下被带城里的时候,城里的弟弟妹妹指着电脑,“知道这东西怎么玩吗?”潇姐轻蔑一笑,当天黑了顾家的网络系统。弟弟妹妹不服,表示只会玩电脑算什么本事,有本事考全校第一啊。潇姐摆摆手 ,全国各大联赛第一拿到手。超级黑客大佬、妙手神医、数学天才……当一个个马甲被扒,人们不得不感叹起江四少的眼光,询问他当年是如何发现这1w72454-75643 >>


内容简介:《燕都风起》是我自对天笑精心创作的恐怖灵异,快眼看书实时更新燕都风起最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的燕都风起评论,并不代表快眼看书赞同或者支持燕都风起读者的观点。各位书友要是觉 得《燕都风起》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25710 >>


内容简介:  【文文设定无脑、微玄幻、无逻辑】阮初好不容易从异世穿回来,却穿到了一个三个月大的小婴儿身体里。三个月会游泳,被阮家认为不祥,被丢到外婆家一养就是十七年。十七年后再度回阮家,抱歉,你 们各位都高攀不起本祖宗!……【醋精禁欲系大佬vs萌软小仙女大佬】他是帝都人人惧怕,狠戾无情的傅家最高掌权人,神秘、嗜血,杀伐果断是他的代名词。可偏偏,处在高高在上神坛中的男人却因她一不小心坠入了凡尘,落入了她的怀里,从此傅家最为神秘致命的掌权人多了一个代名词——嗜妻如命的帝都醋精!初见,她与他夜色朦胧中相遇,她一针扎了他打包扛走。第二次见面,他把她抓回去丢进蛇堆里……第三次见面,他躺在她床上……阮初:“我会救你!”傅冥:“你救我一命,我护你一世……”ps:男主身中剧毒,女主会医术再加多重马甲,强强联合!  1w0-3057 >>


内容简介:关于重生我的废物系统:30多岁心如咸鱼的社畜梁佟穿越到了一个科技与魔法高度发达的高武人类文明世界中。变成了一个正在读高二的被家族流放的孤儿。“好家伙,经典家族流放孤儿开局”“已经不想再 努力一世了,反正最后都会变成尘埃,埋于地下,只不过是快慢的时间不同而已,我已经不想动了……”正如他的咸鱼心态,他的系统也是个自称垃圾的系统。【挂机中,经验3】【检测到宿主正在摸鱼,自动消耗100点经验进行强化】【强化成功,力量1】梁佟1w0-97067 >>




内容简介:李佳临,本是修真界的小药农,凭借自己的拳头,打的三界大佬们跪服。凡间界,修真界、神仙界,都留下了他嚣张,打脸的故事。凡间界,他初尝爱情,建立龙腾。修真界,他苦寻母亲,创建龙门。神仙界, 他灭神诛仙,成就武皇。1w0-3185 >>


内容简介:霜杀百草的年代,少年走出菩萨庙,接过全天下最重的剑,向着人世间,斩开了一线光明。已有完结《浮沧录》,等更可以一看。…………VIP 群【莲阁】:549974786。(进群需要提一个舵主粉丝星值。)一群:深水巨兽群:559826111。(已满)二群:剑骨聊天群:903405682。(欢迎灌水。)1w0-1023 >>


内容简介:王二柱林芳是小说《少年梦》里的主人公,是作者“西天求佛”精心创作,讲述了王二柱睡的迷迷糊糊的时候,旁边床上传来一阵呻吟声。他悄悄从床上爬起来,蹑手蹑脚的把两张床之间的帘子掀开了一条缝, 没想到1w0-29460 >>


内容简介:  大明朝的灭亡,原因有很多。  那就一个一个地解吧!1w0-2042




内容简介:请假一天,请假条不好用了文案:【v前随榜更,v后日更,更新时间1800,可能会有延迟】【入v,希望大家多多支持,不要养肥qwq】意外身死之后时听绑定了一个快穿系统,对方给她布置的任务是 在男主心中留下最深刻的印象,成为男主心底最不可忘却的那个人;完成任务后她可以积攒能量,死而复生。不过唯一比较棘手的是,每个小世界的男主已经有了女主,而女主便是男主心底当前最不可忘却的那个人。系统:你的任务是让男主记住你,记得死死的,深深地。时听:了解了。于是——①清冷孤傲小白花女主x白富美撒币姐姐第一个世界里男主和女主是青梅竹马,两人一起从农村考到城市,感情深厚,彼此扶持。系统:你得让男主耳目一新。于是时听开着跑车停在了男女主面前,一手拿着爱仕新款限量包包,一只手取下普达墨镜,笑容款款的看向女主,“我来资助你上完大学以及之后考研考博等等的费用,你离开他,跟着我好不好?”男主:脏话。系统:……不是这种耳目一新!!!②善良纯洁光明圣女x掌控阴影无所不能的黑暗神第二个世界里男主和女主因为身份的缘故,发乎情止于礼,虽然没有挑明心思,但二人已经认定了彼此便是相守一生的人。系统:你得让男主追随你。于是时听在夜晚降临圣殿,用阴影将金发圣洁的小圣女圈在怀里,一点点勾引着她暗堕,直至将她变成自己的所有物,让她成为黑暗神的圣女。男主:我必终其一生去消灭黑暗神!系统:……不是这种追随!!③矜贵优雅貌美假千金x绿茶小白花真千金第三个世界里男主是A城权势最大家族的家主,痴心女主,哪怕得知女主是假千金也要为她保驾护航。系统:你得让男主喜欢上你。于是时听被领回家以后,白天孤独胆小要姐姐陪着,晚上怕黑睡不着要姐姐陪着,洗澡时她紧紧贴在女主怀里,搂着她的腰:“姐姐,你不要扔下我……”哄得女主动了心。男主:?系统:是让男主动心不是女主!!!vb存梗于注:无论原男女主感情程度如何,但都没有【真正】在一起。下本预收《姐友我抢,姐友我做》球收藏呀,点进专栏下滑【百合】频道【文案】又名《抢了宋初霁所有男朋友之后的黎蔓只好把自己赔给她》漂亮无脑小蠢货女一x冷淡自持不举(??)黑天鹅黎蔓是一个漂亮小美人,沉鱼落雁,艳如桃李,就是脑子不怎么聪明,尤其在宋初霁的衬托下,显得她更加的只有美貌而无智商。黎蔓心底对宋初霁的羡慕随着日积月累的被对比,慢慢进化成了嫉恨。而这样的嫉恨在某一天黎蔓做了一个梦之后达到了顶峰。黎蔓梦到将来宋初霁继承了宋家,没有给她们母女留一分钱,一切都只是因为黎蔓母亲跟宋初霁父亲之间并没有法律承认的婚姻关系。一起相处那么多年,没有感情总也有情分,但是梦中的宋初霁只是在宋父死后,就一脸冷淡的把她们母女赶 >>

Taiyou Ga Yonde Iru!

From Aerandria Scans: Rino hates baseball!! And yet, one day, she becomes the manager of the baseball club?! At first, she hated it, but Hibiya, the pitcher who dragged her into all this, said that he'll take her to Koshien*...?! (Koshien: location of Koshien Stadium, where the Japan National High School Baseball Tournament is held.)

Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne

Kusakabe Maron has lived alone for a long time, since she was young and her parents left to travel abroad for their jobs. Her rent gets paid every month, and she always has money for food or whatever else she needs or wants, but her parents haven't even sent a single letter to her in all the years they've been gone. Even though right across the hall is Maron's best friend, and she always puts on a brave face, Maron always dreads the empty apartment at night and the time of day when she stops and checks her mail box, which never has anything in it. Then she meets Finn Fish, the tiny angel-in-training which tells her who she really is: Kaitou Jeanne, the reincarnation of Joan of Arc (called by her French name, Jeanne d'Arc in the series)! Now, as well as dealling with normal high school and an empty mailbox, at night Maron must become Kaitou Jeanne, the amazing art thief who uses special divine tools given to her by the will of God to sneak into people's homes and other places to 'steal' beautiful objects which have been inhabited by demons who control the beautiful souls of the people who love the art. These people become greedy and cruel, and will stop at nothing to save the art. And so Jeanne leaves a note card, designating the time she will arrive to steal the art. The process used to seal the demon, however, also causes the art to disappear, and where paintings were a beautiful angel now fills the empty canvas. However, the athorities cannot allow this to go on, and Maron's best friend, who dreams of becoming a detective and is the daughtor of a police chief, will stop at nothing to capture Jeanne and comes up with a new trap every night. Then the smooth-talking Chiaki moves in to the apartment next door to Maron, at the same time as Kaitou Sinbad appears and begins to seal demons as though he were in competition with Jeanne, and with his sidekick, another angel-in-training named Access Time, he is beginning to thwart the police as well as Jeanne. Maron might have bitten off more than she can chew now, because the greatest obstacles still lies ahead: Falling in love with her worst enemy next to the devil himself. Reads this manga from right to left

Kyou, Curry!

Haruse Urara is a little girl who helps her papa with his curry shop. Traveling in the car that makes up his shop, they sell curry all around a small, supernaturally quirky island. Two teenage girls--the rambunctious and cheerful Subaru, and the shyer, less adventurous Yoriko-- also work with Urara and her papa. Each day, they come up with new curry flavors and get to know the strange, friendly, and occasionally magical inhabitants of their tiny island!


Sachie Wakamura just lost her mother, and her estranged grandfather has shown up to take care of her. The only problem is that Grandpa is the head of a yakuza gang! Sachie tries to continue living her normal life, but she can't run far since Rakuto, one of the most popular guys in school, is part of her grandfather's gang and her new protector. Soon, Sachie finds herself falling for her bodyguard. But she's the granddaughter of Rakuto's boss, so she can never show her feelings for him. Can Sachie find a way to fit into her new family and seize her chance at romance?

The Cowboys - Chet

The Cowboys - Chet summary: The Cowboys - Chet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Cowboys - Chet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Introductory American History

Introductory American History summary: Introductory American History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Introductory American History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler

The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler summary: In her previous life, she was a highly respected Heavenly Empress, but on the eve of her wedding, she was betrayed and died by self-immolation!
Reborn as the abandoned daughter of a broken dog family, she was bullied, however, the one who hurt her is above her and enjoying the prestige!
Once reborn, the phoenix flew into the heavens once again!
Taming divine beasts, coagulating the Force, mastering the art of healing and poison, and controlling the life and death of the G.o.ds!
She vowed to make those who betrayed and abused her suffer and return the torment a hundredfold!
He is a weak and gentle King Li, and the King of the Night, who holds the world in his hands, but for one person, he has devoted his life to her.
He promises to make sure that the only person he has ever loved is safe and happy, forever living in bliss.
She thought the journey would be filled with blood and tears, but she didn’t know that what awaited her instead was a lifetime of premeditated, luxurious favours!

Tom McInnes - Dog Island

Tom McInnes - Dog Island summary: Tom McInnes - Dog Island summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tom McInnes - Dog Island. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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