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内容简介:  废土时代,四大环形高墙隔绝了人类与异种的世界,也被人们称作末世圆环。吕落很意外的来到了这个世界,突然出现的危机让他有些无措时,他的视线里出现了这样的提示:【你弱的让人窒息,虽然你觉 醒了S-02-吞噬者,S-04-融合者,但其实并没有什么卵用。现在真正能够帮你脱离危机,带你走上人生巅峰的,只有序列S-11观察者。】【以上评价,来自高贵的S级序列-11:观察者的中肯分析。】吕落:“?这评价,好中肯啊!”……【S-02-吞噬者】吞噬一切能量物质.【S-04-融合者】怨灵之刃-合成方案:张哲的怀表+沉睡魔女的发丝3根+畸形种手骨+能量249点+暗灵石1克。【S-11-观察者】情况1:那个妹子朝你冲过来了,还有这种好事?我看她一定是疯掉了。情况2:高贵的S级序列观察者不想回答你的问题,你太菜了,还是先加点吧。情况3:女人只会影响你拔剑的速度,变强最终要的就是远离女人!……人类文明的高墙,扭曲变异的畸形异种,人类强大的天赋序列,一切都只是这个世界的一角。当末世圆环转动的时候,吕落脑海中的圆盘也同样转动了。书友群:3925035131w0-2069 >>


内容简介:日更,偶尔双更,0点前更新系统告知,苏韶棠穿书了,穿的就是她睡前看的那本外室上位的小说不幸的是,她穿成了男主的原配,恪守本分和规矩,矜矜业业地替男主主持中馈,结果男主就被外面的女人勾住 了魂系统你1w0-128561 >>


内容简介:《相父在上,朕错了》为作者墨墨Lin创作,作品相父在上,朕错了章章动人,79小说网为你第一时间提供墨墨Lin精心编写原创相父在上,朕错了及无弹窗相父在上,朕错了最新章节,相父在上,朕错 了全文免费阅读。1w0-27637 >>


内容简介:韩沐她妈是杏花镇梨花村有名的一枝花,也是远近闻名的悍妇,她爹是高不可攀、英俊潇洒、谈吐不凡的下乡知青。后韩沐她妈见色起意,把她爹扒拉到自己怀里,才有了韩沐。村里人都可怜韩沐他爹倒了八辈 子霉才娶了这么一个能让小儿夜啼、混混转身就跑的悍妇。直到韩沐她爹考上了大学,村里人都可怜韩沐娘俩要被大学生抛弃,以后就是孤儿寡母了。人家在城里上大学,吃香喝辣,她们娘俩以后只能面朝黄土背朝天,收拾土旮旯…………后来他们一家三口收拾行李一起回了城。面对阴阳怪气的妯娌,韩沐她妈有拳头。面对一心强迫韩沐她爸原谅以往的叔叔,韩沐她爸自己会怪气阴阳,还有媳妇。面对会书法、会小提琴、会舞蹈的,有大量藏书享受的堂妹……韩沐看看她爹教的一手草书,她酸了……1w0-82675 >>


内容简介:魔道祖师小说免费阅读未删减全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《魔道祖师小说免费阅读未删减》墨香铜臭著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读魔道祖师小说免费阅 读未删减全文内容。1w5760-66972 >>


内容简介:爽文,男女主角双洁,甜宠。——穿越千年,只为你相遇——她,温婉娴静,风华无双。身为大楚丞相嫡女,后位的既定人选,苏云卿以为她的人生就该是凤袍加身,母仪天下。谁知一场意外竟让她跨越千年的 时光,落在了一个完全陌生的世界!苏云卿彷徨,茫然,惊恐,但最后却不得不学着接受,所幸,她遇到了他。他,削瘦苍白,凌厉狠绝。他是重伤昏1w57730-62734 >>


内容简介:《执掌权途》简介:“刺啦!”乌山君身上的皮肤,被他沿着手上的缝隙,野蛮的撕开(一人一山一小仙)。整个过程就像脱衣服一般,诡异的令人头皮发麻(一人一山一小仙)。当一切尽去,原本那个俊美的 形象,转眼间变成了一个可怕的怪物。虽然依旧是人身,但全身上下布满了无数的伤痕(一人一山一小仙)。脸上更是坑坑洼洼一片,连鼻子都被某种利器消掉,只余下一个深深的血洞。“该死!”“下月州府的诗会,看来只能换个身份再去了(一人一山一小仙)。”“该死的蝼蚁,本王定会一点一点吃光你的血肉,咬碎你的骨头。让你在痛苦中,慢慢品尝绝望的味道。”低头喃喃自语了几声,狼王忽然张嘴发出一声咆哮,声音充满了愤怒和狰狞,浑身杀气腾腾(一人一山一小仙)。诗会??米大业面色古怪,莫非这狼王还要考秀才不成?可就在失神的霎那,狼王动了。身影一闪,已从原地消失(一人一山一小仙)。。1w0-83778 >>


内容简介:牧尘穿越洪荒,成为一道虚无缥缈的灵体。本是个战五渣,却意外觉醒星海垂钓选择系统。“恭喜宿主垂钓百年,获得诛仙四剑仿品!”“恭喜宿主垂钓千年,成为太乙玄仙!”“恭喜宿主垂钓万年,成就大罗 金仙!”鸿钧:1w13352-27914 >>


内容简介:  陈俏俏意外穿越到五十年代小山村,成了别人口中的“小寡妇”?  穷乡僻壤生活困苦,还有人时不时跑来欺负她?  幸好有位面商店兑换系统随身,缺衣少食的年代,她一样可以过得精彩。  系统 在手,天下我有,看谁不服?不服盘他。  可是这突然冒出来的帅哥你是谁?为啥挡在我家门口?  某帅哥盯着眼前的小媳妇,“我是你男人,你身后俩娃的爹。”  俩萌娃,“我爹早死了,你别想冒充。”1w0-83 >>


内容简介:小兵提供苏青玉大神最新作品《前夫,再嫁难钟情》最新章节列表,前夫,再嫁难钟情全文阅读,前夫,再嫁难钟情无弹窗,请关注前夫,再嫁难钟情吧,本站最新最快更新前夫,再嫁难钟情的最新章节。1w 0-82806 >>




内容简介:官场之风流秘史(官场秘史)是作者太阳跟月亮所写的其他小说类小说本站提供官场之风流秘史(官场秘史)全文阅读致力于打造最好的官场之风流秘史(官场秘史)无弹窗小说吧如果您发现官场之风流秘史( 官场秘史)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w59624-78685 >>

Imouto! Android

From MangaHelpers: One day, a mysterious box arrived at Matsuda's door steps. The content of the box was none other than an android girl that insists that she's Matsuda's younger sister. Now, the purely otaku Matsuda has the privilege to live with a beautiful and submissive android sister that bows to his commands, or at least he wishes that were the case.

Hishoshitsu No Himitsu

1) For Tomorrow The Nagaoka General detective agency is on the verge of bankruptcy. Nori, the son’s owner, is doing everything he can while his father is away to keep the business afloat, despite his lack of experience with investigating. His biggest challenge? The lazy, perverted ex-cop, Aoi-chan, who is their best and only detective. It seems a waste of his talents to be with the agency, but he is determined to make Nori his. So, when Aoi’s childhood friend and rival, Miyasako Yukari, shows up to offer them both an investigative job worth more money than the agency has seen in a while, he reluctantly accepts. But, the job is almost too easy. And, it seems rather suspicious that Yukari would request both Nori and Aoi to work the case. What is his real reason for hiring Nori? What kind of unexpected danger is waiting? 2) For the Two of Us Nori and Aoi are struggling with their newfound love and have yet to complete that final step to consummate the relationship. On top of that, Yukari is keeping Aoi incredibly busy with troublesome jobs, which is the agency’s only source of steady income. Nori takes on a case to search for a missing father, and Aoi tells him to leave the job to him, but then suddenly leaves for an indefinite amount of time claiming the need to do some work for Yukari. Nori begins to feel guilty at his inability to effectively contribute to the agency and his fear of giving himself completely to his lover. But, when Yukari shows up the following day looking for Aoi, Nori learns that his lover has lied to him. Will Nori be able to solve the case of the missing father on his own? And what will happen between the couple if Nori is able to locate Aoi? 3) The Secret of a Secretary Usami is the manager of the secretaries for YM Company, run by Miyasako Yukari. He is constantly witness to Yukari’s immoral and perverted behavior with all of the secretaries. It is the secret of the secretary room that many of the young men within were transferred there for the sole reason of becoming Yukari’s sexual flavor of the week. What’s worse is how Yukari shamelessly uses them as a tool to blackmail ther companies. Usami respects his director, but can’t understand that side of him. Even more, he can’t understand why he has feelings for the man; why he wants to push the director down and dominate that proud guy. The very idea excites him. What will happen when he finally confesses these desires to Yukari? Will his dreams of topping the confident director be fulfilled? And why does he have the feeling that Yukari has his own agenda? 4) The Boss’s Secret Yukari hasn’t changed at all, much to Usami’s dismay. But when Yukari has sex with others, Usami rarely complains even though he is jealous. Usami’s desires to be seme are also strong, but he has not yet learned to fight for what he wants. Is Yukari teasing him too much? 5) The Devil & The Love Revolution Iwata Daichi is a newbie teacher, finally landing a job as a P.E. teacher. But, on his first day touring the school, he stumbles across another teacher, Yoshizawa, in a compromising situation with a student. In his efforts to question and scold Yoshizawa, Iwata is forced into his own compromising situation and taken advantage of by Yoshizawa, who threatens to use their encounter against the new teacher unless Iwata holds his tongue about what he saw. Iwata has always believed himself to be straight, but when starts to see things in a new light afterwards, and becomes a confidant for students in love. A series of misunderstandings shows both teachers how much they may have misjudged one another. Will Iwata realize his true self when Yoshizawa decides to be serious with him? 6) Their Position Kamio and Akagi work for the same company, having joined at the same time and being the same age. Time and time again, though, Akagi excels over Kamio. Whether it’d be by achievements, popularity with the ladies, or in school, Akagi is always ahead of Kamio. So, when Akagi’s business proposal is chosen, he wants Kamio to be his assistant, telling his coworker that ‘Kamio is enough’. Kamio believes it is to pick on him and treat him as an underling. But, what can Kamio believe when Akagi confesses the true reasons for choosing him as an assistant? Is it really just to make fun of him or does Akagi have deeper feelings for his contemporary? And what are the two of them to do when they are accidentally locked within their office building overnight?


Meet Sagaki-san. Your everyday rounin student, whose life got turned around after waking up with Kanna sleeping right beside him. How did this stuttering (and cute!) little girl get there? His problems did not stop there as his boss massacred the entire restaurant he works in. From Baka-Upates: Kagura is a professional slacker with nothing put a part-time job and cram school to keep him company. When a little girl suddenly shows up in his house one day, he thinks things can't get any weirder...until she starts calling him 'Daddy'! It's hard enough taking care of an ordinary child, but Kanna -- who doesn't speak his language, isn't from his dimension, and has hordes of evil minions hot on her heel -- is anything but ordinary!

Houkago No Shokuinshitsu

Basically a romance between two high school teachers - Kawase Mitsuro and Kazama Toshiaki. Complicated by Mitsuro's hesitation to accept Toshiaki's very open declaration of love. Slightly complicated by a bit of jealousy on the part of Mitsuro's younger brother Hitoshi. Note: in 2005 the story was re-released in two volumes under titles: 'Hatsu Natsu Monogatari' and 'Koutei ni Ouka Ranman' by Daitosha with newly drawn covers.

Katherine Katt: Universal Alien

Katherine Katt: Universal Alien summary: Katherine Katt: Universal Alien summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Katherine Katt: Universal Alien. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Passing of the Frontier

The Passing of the Frontier summary: The Passing of the Frontier summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Passing of the Frontier. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Canada and the Canadians

Canada and the Canadians summary: Canada and the Canadians summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Canada and the Canadians. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The State of the Blessed Dead

The State of the Blessed Dead summary: The State of the Blessed Dead summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The State of the Blessed Dead. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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