内容简介:武道、道术,孰强孰弱世俗、修界,孰胜孰败一切尽在霸天武道!………………………………一直想写一本和封神一样世俗和修界重合的书,现在摸到点儿头绪了!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《霸天武圣》还 不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84216 >>
内容简介:牧尘穿越洪荒,成为一道虚无缥缈的灵体。本是个战五渣,却意外觉醒星海垂钓选择系统。“恭喜宿主垂钓百年,获得诛仙四剑仿品!”“恭喜宿主垂钓千年,成为太乙玄仙!”“恭喜宿主垂钓万年,成就大罗 金仙!”鸿钧:1w13352-27914 >>
内容简介:上一世,云卿暗恋了段南川十年,对方却连她的名字都不知。后来云卿家道中落,彼时,对方已经成了数一数二的精英权贵,竟提出要圈养她。请看书小说网怀着十年的小私心,云卿答应了。半年后,她为救段 南川而死,到死也没有等到一句喜欢。再醒来,云卿回到了十六岁,高一。暗恋太苦,她不想再尝试,于是收起所有心思,避开段南川,将这段无果的恋情扼杀在摇篮,全心全意挽回家族公司,改写人生。不听,不看。他走南,自己便向北。久而久之,人人都说,云卿和段南川不对付。可越是有意避开,却越是容易遇到。走廊,校园,酒吧……少年却一把将她从舞池中抓出来,红着眼睛呵斥:“你要是再敢来这种地方,我打断你的腿!”云卿湿了眼眶。少年却被吓得手足无措,笨拙地拍着她的背。“别哭,我吓唬你呢。”各位书友要是觉得《偏执狂暗恋我十年》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67086 >>
内容简介:一场意外,穿越到了亮剑世界,成为了李云龙!穿越第一天,奖励一吨武器弹药。穿越第二天,奖励牛肉罐头一吨。穿越第三天,奖励大洋一万块。……奖励飞机……大炮……坦克……。坂田联队?山崎大队? 军事观摩团?鬼子关东军?山本特工队?……这些都是精锐?李云龙:狗屁的精锐!老子打的就是精锐!乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《亮剑:咱李云龙打的就是精锐》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76402 >>
内容简介:一觉醒来,薄岁发现自己穿进了一本耽美灵异文中。这本书中主角攻是特殊事件管理局挂名大佬,主角受是天师世家继承人。而他,只是一个和主角攻受住在同一栋楼中的咸鱼炮灰。好在咸鱼很安全,薄岁松了 口气。然而直到某天夜里,薄岁发现自己好像也……不是那么的安全。他的头发不受控制的生长,半夜之时总是充满爱怜的环绕着他,眼睛在看着镜子时变成了异色,好像瞳孔之外还有另一副颜色。薄岁隐隐发现自己好像觉醒了什么莫名其妙的东西。终于在一个月黑风高的夜里,他猜测成真。薄岁心潮澎湃,忍不住开口唱了歌,在月华之下慢慢变成一只鲛人。充满着异端诡异,与人类格格不入,却美的叫人心惊的鲛人。鲛人——特殊管理局S级生物,食肉,性凶,能力不可言说。薄岁变成鲛人后本以为自己会控制不住本能。然而在看清自己形象之后,他心里却升起了另一种刻在种族里的强烈念头,驱使着他站起身来,看向黑暗心脏鼓动。邪神隐于暗处,将所有人玩弄于股掌之间。可是最近他却发现自己的追随者离奇失踪了。每去派出去一个就会迅速不见,连带着信仰也会消失。多次召回无果之后,邪神起了些兴趣。他顺着痕迹降临,却看到自己的追随者们神色恍惚的坐在墙角,双手抱头精神崩溃,嘴里却喃喃着——爱与和平?而这间废弃的工厂里,一个长发漂亮的鲛人正坐在窗前唱歌,听见声音后回过头来,手里的奶茶还没来得及藏下去……邪神……有些可爱。唱歌狂人薄岁……糟糕,偷人家小弟被发现了。“介意多一个观众吗?”在沉默许久之后,绅士的邪神忽然弯腰开口笑道。策反了邪神众多小弟的鲛人……?听歌听到精神恍惚的邪祟们……?PS每个月总有那么几天想唱歌(策反)的万人迷鲛人受VS愉悦犯真香邪神攻1w0-81103 >>
内容简介:他不断破坏着这个世界的潜规则,却一直认为自己是个正直向上的大好青年。他被无数上流社会的家伙恨之入骨,却能够在民众心中拥有至高无上的地位。身负血海深仇,腹黑的顶尖特种兵回归都市,极爽极热 血!精彩章节尽在《都市邪王》!求订阅!1w0-1085 >>
内容简介:顾西宇领了一个任务。他需要到几个小世界解决危险指数超标的反派,让世界恢复和谐美好。就是,发派给他的系统有点奇怪,和他打招呼的第一句话是——「你是谁?」一开始,顾西宇以为这是管理局新研发 的超智能人性化系统。后来觉得他的系统有病病。·豪门大佬反派会为了争夺主权,绑架主角以作威胁。顾西宇以为自己会收到捅反派一刀阻止他的指令。系统却说:「你送他一束花,他心情一好可能就不绑架主角了。」帝国皇子反派为了夺走继承权毁灭帝国,会害得主角太子重伤。系统的指令:「你给他撒个娇,他可能会接受你这个方式的要求不夺位。」1w0-66176 >>
内容简介:文娱:从被天后老婆离婚开始几年前,林墨隐姓埋名,拒当天王,只想和老婆安静的过日子。没成想,老婆成为娱乐圈一线天后,坚决与他离婚。没办法,沉寂多年的林墨,只好从幕后走向前台。“我不喜欢娱 乐1w0-75320 >>
内容简介:新浪微博夜羽乱rania徐念是被家里人捧在手心怕摔,含在嘴里怕化宠大的小公主,软萌乖傻白甜,连爱好都是少女心十足地给娃娃设计衣服。她这辈子做过最有勇气的一件事,就是得知周晨骁因为任务受 伤,她含着眼泪蹭到他病床前,勾住他的小指头。“不干了和我回家好不好,以后我养你呀”富二代小可爱x硬汉特战队长前方高能预警,软妹硬起来自己都怕。从投胎小能手到知名服装品牌女总裁你只有一个特战队长男友的距离。全程撒糖,不甜不要钱。接档文他坏得很从出道那天起运气就好到爆炸的娱乐圈花瓶乔栖桐一直以来都拥有十分清晰的人生定位靠运气入行靠脸吃饭。直到她遇到国民男神级别的相声演员沈天航,男人长身玉立,领口盘扣系得工整,金丝眼镜后的一双眼睛深邃如汪洋,周身充斥着一种老艺术家淡漠禁欲的气质。从那以后,她在他的段子里活成了一个打过熊,扒过瞎,勇闯南极脚踏雪花,时不时还要来次胸口碎大石的女人一句话简介说相声的没有好人,“糟老头子”坏得很。斯文败类相声“老”艺术家x锦鲤运花瓶小姐姐。男主28岁,比女主大5岁,老的是范儿不是人。锦鲤小姐姐前期胸无大志靠运气,后面会努力让实力配得上好运。1w0-32258 >>
内容简介:始皇祭天:我携仓库,落于祭台上这一年,魔都港的大型集散地管理员柳谪,例行巡查,盘点仓库中储存的蔬菜,钢材,原料……一夜之间,整个港口,包括港口储存的无数物资凭空消失,让全球震动!那一年 ,徐福1w0-87311 >>
From VIZ: Becoming a ninja is just a childhood dream for sixteen-year-old Recca, until a fateful encounter reveals he has inherited ninja powers, including the ability to wield fire! As Recca learns to master the ancient ways of his ancestors, he is drawn to protect a mysterious girl named Yanagi...
The practitioner's Dan energy originates from the moon sun and five elements, the body has five elements, since all living things have the five elements, regarding the issue if humans can train the Dan, there are two main views: one party believes using people will result in many difficulties, thus they only use the elemental energy from external sources, they are called true practitioners, the other party believes the body is the supreme thing under the heavens, in order to increase their strength exponentially, they use other people, they are called nefarious practitioners. True practitioners and nefarious practitioners' battle, is now unfolding!!! - Gamernissem
From MangaHelpers: A young Japanese man once ran away to Broadway and became the extremely famous actor Hades, who played the role of Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar. Now, he's back in Japan and living like a bum, using his voice and charisma to trick women. One day, though, he comes face to face with a big surprise-- a teenage daughter he knew nothing about! Lisa also longs to become a famous actor, and is currently playing the role of 'Maria' in The Sound of Music. However, she holds a deep hatred for the father who abandoned her mother to raise a child alone. [tethysdust]
Mihama Academy - on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with the world around them; in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree. Whatever the circumstances behind its establishment, Mihama Academy is at present home to five female students, all with their own reasons for 'enrollment.' For better or worse, each girl has established a routine obliging of her current situation; life moves at an idle, yet accommodating pace within the walls of Mihama. Yet with the arrival of the institute's first male student, the nearly preposterously opaque Kazami Yuuji, the students at Mihama begin to fall out of step with their predetermined rhythms. Will Yuuji prove to be the element the girls around him needed to take hold of their lives once more, or will the weight of their pasts prove too steep a wall to overcome? And in the first place, just who is Kazami Yuuji? While the true nature of the 'job' he is wont to alight to at the most haphazard of moments remains shrouded in secrecy, one thing is for certain - his encroachment upon the quiet orchard known as Mihama Academy will prove itself momentous in one way or another. And of course, one cannot discount the possibility that perhaps Yuuji himself carries the weightiest past of any of the students...
Feats on the Fiord summary: Feats on the Fiord summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Feats on the Fiord. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Christian Life summary: The Christian Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Christian Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Sweep Winner summary: The Sweep Winner summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Sweep Winner. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
At the Foot of the Rainbow summary: At the Foot of the Rainbow summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of At the Foot of the Rainbow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.