内容简介:虞兮枝穿书了,成了仙侠文里存在感极低的宗门二师姐。按照剧情,原主会因为嫉恨女主小师妹的千万宠爱而心灵扭曲,彻底黑化。成为小师妹证道的垫脚石,被一剑诛之,落得个神魂无存的下场。虞兮枝为了 活下去,通宵练剑,奋力升级,结果末了,她体内竟然藏着能一波送她到大宗师境界的汹涌灵力。再看看同门里还在辛辛苦苦筑基的诸位师兄妹、还没到洞玄期的掌门。突然觉得,故事可能和自己想的不太一样——这明明是满级大佬重回新手村!所以二师姐到底是个什么高危职业!都这么厉害了还能被小师妹一剑穿心?!不行,她还得再练练。于是大家眼睁睁看着与世无争的二师姐开始一心问道。先是在宗门内的选剑大会上,劈断了大师兄的剑;在试炼小秘境里力压他派精英弟子,轻松取得先天秘宝;又在五派三道比剑大会上一剑成名,拨得头筹,一夜之间成了所有人的女神。开始崭露头角的虞兮枝再无可能被一剑穿心,只有一点让她很苦恼。为何每次她装完逼耍完帅后一回头,总能看到那个原书里真正黑化、心狠手辣毁天灭地的反派小师叔,正在托着下巴含笑看着她?心狠手辣盛世美颜假娇弱·小师叔X戏精上身力拔山河假娴静·二师姐本文要点:·轻松仙侠向,剧情向,升级流,依然私设如山,为爱发电,随心所欲。1w0-2650 >>
内容简介:苏蔷穿书后就差把自己埋了。金手指,没有;外挂,没有;幸福的人生更是没有。绑定了一个延迟、抢钱,专政独裁的系统。等她死了一回才上线,偷偷摸摸升级不出声。关键是任务,还贼麻烦!什么叫参与剧 情活到大结局。偷偷摸摸把人设都改了,结局都没有了她活到狗屁的大结局。关键是人设崩得还不止一个人,那个高冷的男主确定不是脑子有毛病,放着全天下最好的女主不要,要娶她。关键是娶了当摆设放在那,天天没事就针对她,和男二勾勾搭搭,好了好了她相信他不是断袖成了吧!那个心机婊女配,是不是脑补傻了,天天和她称姐道妹跟在她屁股后面转,怎么看都像傻白甜。小奶狗,大灰狼,绿茶怪,心机婊,天天围在她面前转。苏蔷炸毛我一秒钟都不想在这里多待!系统请先活到大结局!ps轻松下饭~收藏哟~1w0-77449 >>
内容简介:有人说摄政王爷有洁癖,生人勿进,靠近者死。叶初云:???那这个天天缠着她,黏着她,骂也不骂走,踹也踹不开的男人是谁?又有人说摄政王爷权倾朝野、权势滔天,便是皇上也对他礼待有加,这世上再 无一人能让他低头折腰。所以眼前这位低着头弯着腰给她穿鞋的摄政王怕是个假的吧?还有人说摄政王沉默寡言、不解风情,视女色为无物。“本王的王妃貌美如花、娇俏可人、知书达理、贤良淑德,这世上再1w0-28282 >>
内容简介: 穿越仙侠世界,陈沉得到最强追踪系统,从此能追踪万物。陈沉:“系统,我缺钱了。”“两米之外,床底下藏着你爹的私房钱,五米之外,地下半米有一枚生锈的铜钱。”“前方草丛里有掉落的碎银子。 ”陈沉:“系统,我缺点机缘。”“猪圈前那坨屎其实并不普通。”“今夜子时前往二十里外的黑锋崖跳崖。”“某处地方隐藏着仙人洞府,请宿主自行探索。”书友群号:749558172,欢迎来吹牛比!vip全订群:8059583801w0-184 >>
内容简介:王二柱林芳是小说《少年梦》里的主人公,是作者“西天求佛”精心创作,讲述了王二柱睡的迷迷糊糊的时候,旁边床上传来一阵呻吟声。他悄悄从床上爬起来,蹑手蹑脚的把两张床之间的帘子掀开了一条缝, 没想到1w0-29460 >>
内容简介:唐峰穿越到特种兵融合世界,开局激活特种教官系统。正值入伍季,部队吸纳了不少具有潜力的新鲜血液。然而,这群新兵蛋子个个桀骜不驯,让全体军官难以管教。团里召集各级军官商讨此事,唐峰毛遂自荐 ,以打造最强部队为目标,全权负责训练这群刺头兵!何晨光:“莫非我进的是个假新兵连,怎么感觉比爷爷说的特种部队还难!”蒋小鱼:“连长,我读书少,你不要骗我,新兵训练怎么会有魔鬼周?”许三多:1w0-27560 >>
内容简介:天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮》宋咿祁淮著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮全文内容。1w0 -75557 >>
内容简介:一朝穿越成冲喜农妇,家里个个是奇葩。丈夫体弱,婶娘刻薄,堂妹阴险,妯娌是非多。杜兰袖子一挽,干脆分家!一穷二白咱不怕,柴米油盐来扛家。开作坊,制调料,办酒楼,日子过的风生水起。顾家人眼 馋找上门,杜兰银牙一咬,人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,斩草除根!只是解决完外患,她发现她还需解决内忧啊。丈夫冲她意味不明的笑了笑娘子不试试怎么知道。1w0-31883 >>
内容简介:精选来自————渣逢对手豪门世家情有独钟阴差阳错甜文——*男女主版文案*——就像你好不容易逮到机会本命大大愿意为你c出本子出插画却被小妖精插队以致敷衍了事绝美的儿子女儿没有了人生也不会 再爱了听说你一毕业就结婚时我就是这种感受!女主:代入感太强我已经开始窒息了!你比我更适合写小说笔给你你来写!!——*渣渣版文案*——绿茶初恋勾引,白莲月光为爱归国,个个抛出橄榄枝,渣渣仿佛重回十八处处开花,奈何家有小辣椒。婆婆怂恿不睡白不睡万一是你老婆不能生,那我老x家不就绝后了。仿佛医院检测都是骗钱的。不巧国家刚颁布离婚冷静期,离婚一个进展不好进入二次诉讼,还要为渣渣再搭一年,白月光又发暧昧微信。时灵灵怒从心头起,决定抢白月光的戏份,先扮失忆演圣母,不吵不闹。——*——“我都不记得自己认识这位先生,当然要离婚。我很冷静啊。感情可以重新培养?不了不了啤酒肚没救了脸我也一点都不喜欢……”一闹起来居委会大妈、街道办、网格员、七大姑八大姨爸妈都要围追堵截,盯街道离结率堪比ki;还会被组织、公司领导做思想工作,闹上一年半载,怕是超市大学生促销员那里都社会性死亡。一要离婚就被社会总动员,简直窒息。时灵灵就想安静地离个婚,该她的钱也一分不少。——*——就是毕业一结婚就备孕,三年了不想白费。真想生个孩子赶紧浪,烧烤奶茶造起来。反正渣渣忙着哄野花,她这朵家花也野一野好了。这次感情放一边,选个脸很香身材棒的优质dna载体就成,不不不,别误解当然不是带球跑,相亲多相快踹,总能找到合适的。11w0-80159 >>
内容简介:《红楼春梦》全网唯一免费完整版全本,全文无删减共118章!作者:幺鸡yaojiji。终于结束了,有些怅然,有些不舍。感谢大家的一路陪伴。点赞的、挑错的、吐槽的、做电子书的。在这里就不一 一提及了。谢谢你们。没有你们就没有幺鸡的春梦。还有默默潜水四年都没冒过泡的,幺鸡也爱你们……结束前自己又从头到尾的看了一遍。还是很不满意开头几十章。就这样吧,结束了。好也罢坏也罢,不过红楼一梦,总要有个结束的时候。人生什么的,其实就像是一本书。开头看过了就要一页页的往下翻,何苦总是要翻回去唏嘘嗟叹呢?或许明天的故事更精彩,谁知道呢?幺鸡在这里祝福看到这段文字的所有的人,认识我的和不认识我的,以及我认识的,我不认识的,最后祝大家今后的事业生活顺顺利利。1w0-26511 >>
Last Order starts when Desty Nova's nanotechnology resurrects Alita in the floating city of Tiphares. The town 's black secrets are viciously exposed, but it seems to be a little portion of a world that is complicated. Going into space with old and new companies to learn more about her forgotten past and equally, to look for her lost pal Lou Collins, Alita is caught up in an interplanetary battle between the main powers of the solar-system that was colonized. On the way, she forms an alliance with three of the Alita Replicas that have now started to believe for themselves, an unsavory superhacker, and Nova himself when she enters the Zenith of Things Tournament (Z.O.T.T.), a fighting contest held every 10 years. Including the way in which the Earth appeared from a cataclysmic impact winter that wiped-out the majority of the public throughout the length of the narrative, more history regarding the setting of Battle Angel Alita that had not been disclosed in the earlier string is shown.
A Collection of 5 oneshots. 1) The Penguin Prince Ranko is a girl who is frightened by the students in her school until she is labelled as a 'witch'. Murakami is a good-looking boy given the title 'prince' by the other students, especially the female ones. One day, Ranko discovered Murakami's biggest embarassing secret. By understanding the difficulties that Murakami faces as an idol, Ranko begins to know the truth meaning of love. 2) One Thousand Years Love Song It's about this boy who is always enthusiastic when it comes to class activities and attention, and a girl who scored the highest in Japanese history in the same class. She and the boy are appointed as the class representatives. And of course, she has a secret crush on him. Having to spend time with him everyday, she finds herself unable to suppress her feelings for him anymore... 3) Sitting Straight Tea Time t's about a girl who is being forced to learn how to act more lady-like by her sister by learning the proper way of the Japanese tea ceremony. She finds out that she will be taught by a boy who is a known delinquent in her school. However, that boy turned out to be perfectly fit wearing a kimono with no sign of the delinquent in sight. 4) Tea Time With Flowers And You The continuation of story 3 where both of them have become a couple. One day, the boy's first crush comes back and this makes his new girlfriend feel uneasy. Moreover, knowing that he had once confessed to that girl makes her even more anxious. Soon, she learns that he was challenged by that girl that if by the time she came back, he can perform the tea ceremony successfully, she might reconsider his confession. Will he perform well in the tea ceremony and be with his first crush, or will he turn the challenge down, and continue to be together with his current girlfriend? [Story 5] Searching for Four-Leaf Clover He has always been told that he plays piano without a soul. He plays incredibly, but it's like hearing a machine play. One day, he meets a girl that by chance saw him crying while throwing sheet music. Being a considerate person, she believes the piece is important to him and returns it, but the boy scolds her for being a busybody. He realizes the girl's good intentions and apologizes to her. She tells him that while searching for his piece she lost her earring and couldn't find it. The boy finds it easily and he tells her the secret to search for things.
From Wasurenagusa: Wada Tatsuki seems to be an ordinary bus driver, living a simple and peaceful life. However there is a heavy burden he holds in his heart, a terrible thing that he has done in the past. What if one day the man he hurt appears and wants to take revenge?
Tsubaki is a girl who loves making her younger sister's hair pretty every morning, but she doesn't think that kind of style suits herself! The day of her High School Beginning Ceremony, after she failed in being the top student (who usually makes the ceremony speech), she finds herself sitting next to the actual top student of the first years, the worst rude guy ever, Kyouta. She ends up cutting his hair on purpose because of the bad things he says to her. Kyouta demands that Tsubaki pay him back with her body, but Tsubaki fixes his hair instead--making it even shorter! After that, Kyouta unexpectedly kisses Tsubaki and swears that he'll make her his woman.
Vampire - Dead By Dusk summary: Vampire - Dead By Dusk summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vampire - Dead By Dusk. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Borne In Blood summary: Borne In Blood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Borne In Blood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Heroes Fall: When War Calls summary: The Heroes Fall: When War Calls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Heroes Fall: When War Calls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Last Words Of Distinguished Men And Women summary: The Last Words Of Distinguished Men And Women summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Words Of Distinguished Men And Women. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.