内容简介:接档文《肆意撩拨》古穿今、穿书,酒吧风情万种四面玲珑旗袍女老板vs傻吊萌霸道不讲理小皇帝。小姑娘身子柔软,胆小如鼠,最拿手的把戏就是能把腰对半折起。长公主夜夜就看着练习下腰的动作,然后 哭得眼睛通红。她抬手擦掉她的眼泪:“你自己要做的,哭什么。”明姝累得眼泪往下掉,哭着抓着长公主的襟口:“我、我不想练了。”长公主无动《养大的娃重生了》小说推荐:暖婚100天、重生八零:媳妇有点辣、重生成年代文反派他亲闺女、医定终身:秦爷,扎个针、少夫人今天又败家了、重生暖婚:顾少,碗里来、快穿法则:腹黑男神,强势宠、每天被迫和大佬谈恋爱、全能大佬她马甲多又多、病娇王爷深深宠、天价鲜妻:爷,别撩了!、快穿:宿主每天都在被攻略、重生暖婚:大财阀的小甜妻、江少吻过火:替身娇妻入怀宠、喜上眉头、黑少,你老婆又在装傻、天价宠妻:霍总请接招、隐婚:邢二少宠妻要翻车、少夫人今天又作妖了、重生八八年代:农媳有点甜1w0-67586 >>
内容简介:人生逆境里,人不如狗。一遭天开眼,透视人间丑恶,美女绝色!玉棺女尸,神秘青铜宝书,古老合金,这背后隐藏着什么秘密?新书《开个诊所来修仙》已经开书各位书友要是觉得《超品透视txt精校全本 》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的书友朋友推荐阅读哦1w1788-28182 >>
内容简介:一朝穿越七零年代,缺衣少粮,格外荒凉。然而,徐莎觉得,自己还能再苟一万年。谁让她有一座荒废的城市呢。金手指的快乐,你想象不到!徐莎握紧小铁锨,背着小书包飞快的冲进居民楼。发了!这是什么 神仙老破小,这家存着三十斤大米!那家藏着一箱真空鸭货大礼包!擦,还有一家竟然屯了风干腊肉?装进小背包,她就是七十年代最富的崽!!!听说了吗?老徐家那个外孙女儿回来了,娘死了,爹哪儿能不再娶?可怜呦!听说了吗?老徐家那个外孙女儿被打了,这不是做妇女工作吗?让陈二打了,可怜呦!听说了吗?老徐家那个外孙女儿去公社开会,路上遇到两帮人打群架,被殃及了,可怜呦!听说了吗?老徐家那个二儿媳对着那个外孙女儿发狂,说不许她吃饭,可怜呦!徐莎:???甲乙丙丁:别的不想说,巨冤打在额头!1w0-3989 >>
内容简介:简介关于万古神帝内:八百年前,明帝之子张若尘,被他的未婚妻池瑶公主杀死,一代天骄,就此陨落。八百年后,张若尘重新活了过来,却发现曾经杀死他的未婚妻,已经统一昆仑界,开辟出第一中央帝国, 号称“池瑶女皇”。池瑶女皇——统御天下,威临八方;青春永驻,不死不灭。张若尘站在诸皇祠堂外,望着池瑶女皇的神像,心中燃烧起熊熊的仇恨烈焰,“待我重修十三年,敢叫女皇下黄泉”。各位书友要是觉得《万古神帝内》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w61-98484 >>
内容简介:风格架空网遊修真作品简介这就是个外表冷淡实际闷骚YD受在虚拟世界中打破心理界限尽情释放自己欲望的故事未来什么的网游什么的只是一个背景,重点在这是一个无下限的世界,小受在不用担心私人信息 暴露的情况下肆无西西fer最新鼎力大作,年度必看综合小说。1w0-66406 >>
内容简介:文案一阮昭第一次见到傅时浔时,是在扎寺伦布寺的佛殿外。她站在廊下隔着窗棂往里看时,就见到一个上了年纪的高僧领着一个白衣黑裤的男人在佛殿内。导游刚还跟她说,这间佛殿寻常人进不得。于是她饶 有兴趣的看着这个应该“不寻常”的男人。直到对方轻抬眼,淡淡扫过来。阮昭看着他,心魂一荡。当下,阮昭进了可以朝拜的殿宇,虔诚许下心愿:第一:若是让她见到刚才那个男人第二面,她一定跟他要联系方式第二:若这男人日后落到她1w0-83478 >>
内容简介:一个吃货的穿越故事。轻松温馨不费脑,美男美食都不少,家长里短平常事,老少皆宜恰恰好!看吃货罗扇怎样用锅碗瓢盆经营自己的古代生活乐观低调有爱心,阳光健康小萝莉,闲看明月伴清风,笑品人间酸 甜剧!1w0-65447 >>
内容简介:【更新时间调整至晚上十点左右】预收文《小仓鼠很忙》仓楠暗恋了沈一淮十年。沈一淮却喜欢了她十五年。温馨无虐治愈系小甜文双向暗恋戳专栏可见·······我希望你身边的人看不见你我希望你的身 体和灵魂都属于我我想把你囚在我身边哪里都不让你去——付斯年。叶清安有个邻家弟弟,从小就喜欢黏着她,独占欲更是强硬到不允许她跟任何一个男孩子说话。叶清安原本不以为然。小孩子而已,怎么会明白什么是喜欢。直到她看到付斯年背着她将别的男孩子一拳打倒在地,漂亮的黑眸中划过一丝凶狠,恶声恶气地威胁道“离清安远点,不然我不会放过你。”原来这个比她小了三岁的弟弟,心思却如此复杂。叶清安逃了。多年以后。付斯年把玩着叶清安的照片,骨节分明的手指划过她的脸,他面上似笑非笑道“我回来了。”清安,你跑不掉了。【安利】玄宓mi预收文《狭陆相逢挽挽胜》搜索作者名即可见。田弋《恰到好处一点甜》1w0-28684 >>
内容简介:——你抽到的题目是:《论病弱受如何在不同世界生存》。外形设定:肤白貌美大长腿。性设定:高贵冷艳张扬跋扈隐忍倔强淡泊名利冰清玉洁婊里婊气……——很好。——你是个直男,或有一颗当攻的心,或 者是清心寡欲的佛系。——……我不是,我没有,别瞎说。——但你做不到,因为你弱不禁风,手无缚鸡之力,身娇体柔易推倒,注定是个受。——……——你没有需要攻略的目标,他们会自己来靠近你、接触你、义无反顾地爱上你,你是诱导飞蛾扑火的光。1帅裂天际精分攻×影帝病弱美诱受,所有攻本质上都是同一个人,1v1主受,狗血苏爽带感。2排雷:受本体是弯成蚊香的纯零基佬,但扮演的角色有直男、自以为是攻的受、不想谈恋爱的佛系等,无论哪种最终都会被攻——,人设无脑苏,剧情无节操。确定会写的几个世界:《紫萸香》(古风):采摘高岭之花的正确方法与错误示范。《彗星靥》(星际ABO):震惊!最强星盗竟成他人身下受!《白无垢》(百鬼夜行):献给大天狗的祭品是穿纯白花嫁的女装大佬。《血菩提》(现代):深情男鬼和佛系风水师。《荆棘雪》(西幻):高塔上的病美人。朋友的文:《公子好苏》by歌1w0-31564 >>
内容简介:大四学生段天瑞玩《天下第一》玩到关服!五年近乎单机的网游让他成为了整个游戏的排行榜第一,各种宝物、宠物、法宝都是极品。谁知道关服这一天,游戏映射现实,男主成为了实实在在的世界第一大佬! 高冷美女辅导员竟然是软萌可爱的游戏老婆……1w0-55034 >>
I've posessed the body of the sociopathic villainess, Illyana! An evil villainess who picks up a boy named Magnus and raises him however she pleases... that Illyana is me?! 'I am going to tame you into a beast that cannot do anything without me. Just as you had done to me.' And after 2 years, he who had become an emperor began his revenge. Excuse me, author! Illyana was the sinner but why must I suffer his vengeance? I was just a normal reader named Yuna! (Anilist) The only real villain in the novel, took a handsome man and tamed him for the rest of his life. After putting his fear to the limit, he learned to plead with her, becoming a beast from which he could never escape even if he loosened his leash. However, one day, the beast falls in love and becomes emperor with the woman who saved him, and plunges the evil woman into an eternal bondage. (NovelUpdates)
Ichihara is a boy living with supernatural powers and is treated differently by everyone except by his mother. He is trying to live a normal life but instead everyone wants to fight him and calls him a monster.
Naa-tan to Goshujin-tama summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Naa-tan to Goshujin-tama. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A collection of short, bittersweet love stories, including several incestuous ones. 1). Until the Ice Melts and Turns to Blood. The Karaoke staff call her 'the lonely girl.' She rents a room all night and won't go home. Why? And what can Nogami say to help her? 2). Suicide Note. Two charming girls, Michi and Rina, decide to end their lives this day. As the day ends we slowly discover why: both the horror--and the hope. 3). White. It happened once, years ago... Now it's all Minako can think about. She yearns to do it again. But how does her brother feel...? 4). Yellow. She just wants her brother to look at her--really look at her as a girl, not just a sister. 5). Blue. They were finally reunited after their parents divorced. She can't resist her feelings for him anymore. But will she lose everything for one night of bliss? 6). Prohibition. A walk together. A stolen kiss. Tears. 7). Moon River. A young man studies and studies afraid of his own problems of failing. Until he meets a girl with a specific problem of her own by the river... 8). Bitter Cakes. Miho meets with her friend Natsuki, who is blind. Natsuki trusts her other senses--and herself. But Miho trusts no one--yet perhaps trusts her eyes a little too much... 9). Love Horizon. A girl sees her high school crush by chance, but something is very different about him. 10). The Day It Rained. A short political piece regarding a young man, and a doll. 11). No Count. A young girl finds out that her first kiss was with her oniichan.
Forgotten Realms - Realms of Magic summary: Forgotten Realms - Realms of Magic summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Forgotten Realms - Realms of Magic. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Virtua Fighter summary:
Virtua Fighter adaptation drawn by Yoshihide Fujiwara, who also drew the manga Kenji.
Kenji was a huge influence on Yu Suzuki and the development of Virtua Fighter, as well as the spread of Chinese martial arts in j.a.pan. In fact, a bunch of Akira 's signature moves are prominently featured in Kenji, so for the author to do the Virtua Fighter manga is like coming full circle.
The story revolves around Akira advancing through the world martial arts tournament and uncovering a secret ploy by Dural.
Post-Apocalyptic Nomadic Warriors summary: Post-Apocalyptic Nomadic Warriors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Post-Apocalyptic Nomadic Warriors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Goat-gland Transplantation summary: The Goat-gland Transplantation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Goat-gland Transplantation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.