










类别动作 恋爱 古风






















内容简介:项小虎,农村孩子,天生奇力,初中辍学。其之后,外公教其习文,师父训其习武。五年后,外公去世,遵遗嘱,下山进城。又三年余,其精心设局,机巧套利,做出营销奇案,并被美女总裁赏识,从此便进入 了风云际会、谋夺机取的无边商海。其间,项小虎以商超、餐饮、生鲜为商机起始,以地产、加工、互联网、连锁经营为资本积累,最后成立农商会,拉动一地所有资本,共同建设有机农业,建立了全球最优质的我北方农业。如果读者能有耐1w0-28629 >>


内容简介:如果杀人不是为了装逼,那将毫无意义;如果活着不是为了装逼,那还不如死了。杀,就杀他个尸横遍野,装,就装他个巅峰不败!——新书《一剑独尊》已发布,欢迎大家去阅读, 在纵横直接搜索《一剑独尊》便可。微信公众号:直接搜:青鸾峰上。青鸾读者群:5717838241w0-1016 >>


内容简介:玄幻之我在未来捡属性玄幻之我在未来捡属性小说阅读玄幻小说类型小说玄幻之我在未来捡属性由作家鱼宝宝创作未来世界,天朝依靠无数年的奋斗,终于屹立在了银河之巅。不过这个时代,主宰一切的却是挥 手就能毁灭星系的恐怖武者。赵翎,重生于这个时代之中发现自己能拾取他人的属性!“叮……恭喜宿主拾取属性100000,灵魂10000”“叮……恭喜宿主拾取至高法则死亡法则之力”“叮……恭喜宿主拾取紫色级别体质战神之体:每一次战斗,实力提升一倍!”在无数个属性值,无数种小兵提供玄幻之我在未来捡属性最新章节玄幻之我在未来捡属性最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-103401 >>


内容简介:“林先生,对于您被提名‘感动华夏’候选人名单这件事您有什么感想?”——某记者。‘我只是顺手做了几件小事……’“今日流行天后沈溪与您微博互动,并称赞您是一名天才,请问,您觉的您是一名天才 吗?”‘低调,低调——’1w0-75996 >>






内容简介:一睁眼李青云发现自己穿越来到了前世曾玩过的一款游戏《模拟官途》的世界里。在这乱世之中,貌似当贪官最有前途。可是一想起当初玩贪官路线的种种死法,他怂了。李青云:怕死的我,从今往后跟贪官势 不两立。1w0-69532 >>






内容简介:  穿越成一名正在接受魔道宗门改造的新人,面对绝对的武力,身为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的四有青年,张长空很想肝胆两昆仑,可是,事到临头,面临生命与理想的选择下,张长空的内心可耻的 退缩了,无能感叹,有心杀贼,无力回天,顺其自然的成为了一名魔修,有了生命,才能有理想。1w0-1687 >>


内容简介:热爱美食的苏玖穿越了,穿到除了辟谷就是烤肉的修仙界。世间万物,唯美食不可辜负,苏玖开启了一条别开生面的修仙路。别人九死一生夺机缘,她一心找食材总遇天材地宝。别人进阶难如登天,她进阶靠吃 吃喝喝。某天,神秘的仙飨居公开面世,充满灵气的美食令修士趋之若鹜,避世的顶尖大能闻香而来,更闪瞎人眼的是还招来了世无其二的昭衍真君……1w0-2305 >>


内容简介:我和秀秀来到市公安局,直接找到了邢副局长,了解到了案情经过:今天上午,邻居发现秀秀父亲张满堂的饭店没有按时开门营业,觉得奇怪,敲门无人应答。随后看到窗户开着,向里面一看,桌椅凌乱,有的 凳子翻倒在地,好像是招贼了,就报了案。1w0-51373 >>

Hyouketsu Kiss Mate

From Doko Demo Doa Manga Scanlations: Yamato is the son of a human and the most powerful snow woman. One day a young snow woman named Hiori came to take him back to the village of the snow women. It is said that the kiss of a snow woman could freeze a man's heart. That's what Hiori intends to do to take Yamato back to the village. But how will Hiori accomplish her mission when Yamato, who isn't mesmerized by the usual enchantment of a snow woman, doesn't let Hiori come near him? Note: Original language image is unavailable without a watermark.

Tokyo Mew Mew A La Mode

In the story it is revealed that when Ichigo Momomiya, the protagonist from the original Tokyo Mew Mew, is studying in England with Masaya Aoyama, Berry Shirayuki is introduced. Berry is trying to adjust to the private school which she has just transferred to. She later runs into Ryou Shirogane, who she follows into Café Mew Mew. While Berry is staring in awe at the cakes and pastries, Ryou sees her and yells, wondering who she is. Berry, caught by surprise, falls on top of the snacks. Embarrassed, she runs with her eyes closed into the employee's only section of the Café, and runs into the DNA-infusion device. She is transformed into a Mew Mew, with the DNA of a rabbit and a cat. She must temporarily take Ichigo's place as leader of the Mews to defend Tokyo from the Saint Rose Crusaders, while juggling her schoolwork and her new job at the Café. When Ichigo returns, she and Berry quickly become friends and she and the other Mew Mews move to her school in case of an attack

You Can Keep Doing This

Hotel owner Woojin Yoon tries his best to make his childhood friend Sarah Cha fall in love with him, but it always ends in failure. Not only that, what seems to be a rival appears, who goes by the name of Moonblossom Ryu. Sarah and Moonblossom's close relationship makes Woojin fume with jealousy, no matter how much they deny that there is more to the relationship. Woojin thus tries to use Moonblossom to become closer to Sarah, but his plans turn for the worse when he is left alone with his rival instead. Will Woojin get his wish and finally become Sarah's one and only, or will fate lead him to another?

Garnet Cradle - Gekkou No Aria

Amahashi Miku is a first year student at the elite Mifuta Academy and its a perfect one. Suddenly her life changes when she is chosen to play a role on the academy play. Soon a lot of events happen, including supernatural ones...and she even starts to have strange dreams with a unique black cat...

Queen Of The Sylphs

Queen Of The Sylphs summary: Queen Of The Sylphs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Queen Of The Sylphs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Blunders of a Bashful Man

The Blunders of a Bashful Man summary: The Blunders of a Bashful Man summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Blunders of a Bashful Man. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Other Likeness

The Other Likeness summary: The Other Likeness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Other Likeness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away summary: Pet shop owner Tang Wan was accidentally reborn into an interstellar world. When he opened his eyes, he found himself automatically married to a vegetable via the StarNetwork. A social status worth ten billion yuan; but with an unconscious husband, he was unable to withdraw any money. Tang Wan held the empty position of the First Gentleman, but was, in fact, a poor man.
In order to secure his future livelihood, Tang Wan was bound to the “Earth Pet System” and returned to his old business, with the goal of saving money, getting a divorce, and looking for a second spring!
After thousands of years of evolution, Earth’s energy depletion had long been abandoned to the distant corners of the Milky Way. All of the animals in the galaxy had evolved tremendously, and little furry cute ones only lived in textbooks. When Tang Wan and his cute little ones appeared, they became the treasures of the whole universe! The pet shop soon became famous in the interstellar world, and the whole universe lined up to be cat s*aves~
Finally surviving past the compulsory marriage period, Tang Wan happily took off the diamond ring worth billions: he can finally sell it for money!
However, Tang Wan could never have imagined that when he sat down at the dining table on a blind date with some fresh meat, the vegetative partner that he had come to an agreement with would suddenly open his eyes.
Gong: I heard you sold your wedding ring for one billion yuan?
Tang Wan reached out and pushed him down on the bed: Open what eyes, quickly close them.

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