


简介【每周三更新】四人突然集体穿越,但只有一人才是真正被召唤的神女大人? 其他三人都被当做神女候补享受一切时,而林小柒却意外成为落单少女……等等!这个突然出现向她效忠的男人又是谁啊?!




















简介李子沫穿越到玄幻世界,还拜了个一脸禁欲的男子为师。某一夜,神秘男子夺走了她的第一次! “别乱来,我是师尊的亲传弟子!” “怎么亲?湿吻,还是?” “我师尊很厉害的,你给我小心点!” “床上比我还厉害?小东西,你敢背着我找男人” “。。。” 徘徊于两个男人间的李子沫却没发现,那两个人眉宇间竟有些相似










内容简介:洛清辞,出身平凡但天资过人,是苍玄界云天大陆中一位杀伐果断,一心大道的修仙者。因一次偶然机会获得了一块神秘黑石,修道一途自此如虎添翼,且看她如何历重重艰险,坚守道心,屹立于苍玄界巅峰, 最终飞升成仙。1w0-29569 >>


内容简介:  带着吃不完的二斤牛肉来到1980年,海王没有再次下海,转身做起了人民教师。渣男本不渣,他也想成家。上本入了精品的小说没有写好,这本已经酝酿半年,定当努力讲一个好故事。群号33506 84791w0-3570 >>




内容简介:起点女生网二组B班签约作品慎入!《越姬》一不小心已被我写得春意绵绵,春光荡漾,春暖花了,哎。简介:这是春秋,这里有最原始最浪漫的人性,也有最激烈最血腥的争斗。在这里,美貌位卑者,无论男 女都是礼品。在这里,才学剑术可令王侯低头。这是乱世,这里有最灿烂的,罂粟般的风华,也有罂粟般的血和毒。一切,只取决你够不够强大!她来到这里,成了被未婚夫劫杀的越女。为了摆脱身为礼物的命运,她绞尽脑汁,准备凭借智慧和剑术求取从容人生。ampamp林家成超级群:,敲门砖:请写出任何一本林家成小说中男主名字。林家成VIP读者群:,进群得提供VIP截图,欢迎各位真心喜欢林家成的朋友进入,让我们成为一家人吧。1w0-4828 >>


内容简介:自带角色扮演系统穿越异界,林奇告诉大家:变强是要靠演技的。鹰眼:林奇是我见过最强的剑士。红脚哲夫:林奇是我见过最好的厨师。耶稣布:林奇是我见过最厉害的狙击手。林奇:其实我是一个优秀的演 员作者自定义标签孤儿轻松位面无限流本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《海贼王之角色扮演》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-5298 >>


内容简介:脚踏天才,独霸四方。纵横火影,无敌都市。精彩万千,尽在本书。群号:1·7·8·4·4·2·0·5·3本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《火影之至高无上》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的 朋友推荐哦!1w0-79760 >>


内容简介:  21世纪的小团子穿成了八零年代的凄惨小孤儿。  这有什么!  山里,她守株待兔,逮回来肥兔子。  河边,她愿者上钩,钓回来大篓鱼。  镇上,发家致富,遍地是黄金。  而且,她还得了 三个好哥哥。  大哥冷,二哥傲,三哥是个铁憨憨。  各个都宠得她上天入地。  只是……这位出现在她课本里,圈粉无数的超级大佬怎么偏就盯上了她?  大佬撕了她收到的数十封情书,一本正经,“你还小,好好学习。”  转头她就被霸道的男人扣在墙角,他眸光深邃,嗓音暗哑。  “望共同进步。”  “???”  #女主:我想要福运。  神:给,大份的,十份够吗?  女主:够了,谢谢爸爸,爸爸真好!1w0-954 >>




内容简介:  全能大佬白盈盈穿书了,拿的却是脑残女配剧本,活不过一集就凄惨下线了。而堵在她和太子私通的门外的,是她的未婚夫,太子的瘸子皇叔,也是未来权倾天下的摄政王。为了保住小命,白盈盈表示:太 子太弱鸡,未来夫君才是救命稻草。白盈盈:“夫君~我能治好你的腿。”结果被当成刺客,打入水牢。白盈盈:“夫君~这是我做的烤烧鸡,可香了,你叫我一声娘子,我就给你吃。”楚天辞:“本王就算饿死,也不会吃的。”白盈盈的迷弟们看不下去了——神仙知音:“盈盈,随我一起隐居仙林,从此琴笛合鸣,潇潇洒洒一辈子。”魔教教主:“盈盈,与为兄一起行走江湖,没人敢招惹本尊的妹妹。”敌国皇帝:“朕已经把皇后之位留出来了,就等盈盈过来了。”白盈盈一咬牙,决定离家出走。楚天辞慌忙地坐回轮椅车,伸出腿:“本王的腿疾又犯了,给你治……”“治不了。”“本王肚子有点饿了,想吃娘子做的烤烧鸡。”“不会做。”某人忙站起来,闪身堵在门口:“想走先把偷我的东西留下。”白盈盈气:“我偷你什么了?”某人气定神闲:“我的心!”白盈盈:“……”后来——风云变幻,她为他,孤身犯险,一支魔笛退万军,名动天下。他为她噬血成魔,屠城掠地,踏碎山河,也为她放下屠刀,洗手做汤羹。1w0-2961 >>


内容简介:】:季解之怎么也想不到自己会因为在马路上踩死了一只蚂蚁而被一个叫“099”的系统给讹上。099:“你踩死的是我们爱动物世界的程序员,现在各个小说副本濒临崩坏,需要你去维护。”第一个世界 :他睁眼就看到一头浑身雪白、斜眼蓝瞳,虎视眈眈盯着他的生物。季解之:“不懂就问,有哈士奇长这样的吗?”099:“你好,据爱动物百科分析,这是一头雪狼,并且处于饥饿状态。”……草!季解之没跑出两步被雪狼一口刁住衣领拖回狼窝,正当他要接受自己的死亡时,身上的狼突地变了——成了一头白发少年,眼泪prada、prada地掉,面上却是发狠,凶恶地对他说:“你还知道回来!”季解之:“不是,这原作到底是什么小说?”099:“furry人外文,另外这本文的设定是寻妻。”季解之:“……”第二个世界:谢邀,刚穿越,人在床下,床上躺了只猫头男身的生物。白猫头忽地睁开眼睛,冷蓝色的竖瞳眨了两下。“老婆,早上好。”季解之:“……”……第五个世界:季解之看着眼前仙气飘飘的生物艰难地咽了口口水。“虽然但是,这物种是不是超纲了?”【食用指南】:切片攻,雪狼、波斯猫、白鹿、雪豹,最后一个你猜。2刑祁X季解之,从头到尾都是一个攻哈~3不是我脚踏N条船,而是这船他自个裂了jpg标签:年下系统快穿穿书主角:季解之,刑祁┃配角:099┃其它:船他自个裂了jpg立意:即使人生苦难繁多,仍需努力前行。1w0-98774 >>


内容简介:1v1刻板加正气凛然的男主vs又飒又作的流心鸭蛋型女主末世降临,白清韵为救崽崽被感染,就在她以为自己要死的时候,重生回末世前了!重生归来,她只想好好养两只崽。别人在末世光顾着逃生,她握 成长空间,一边砍丧尸一边锻炼崽崽,激发异能。渐渐地……越来越多男人争着要当她两个崽崽的爹!崽崽亲爹看不下去了,火速出来认亲。然而两个崽崽嫌弃地看着他,妈咪说了,爹爹只会影响她拔刀的速度~等更新时小可爱们可以去看看妖妖完结小说《穿成农家锦绣福女》1w0-77005 >>


内容简介:开局一条口胡,穿越了两世的反派,最终都被主角干掉,第三世的千夜本想做个好人,但奈何生活艰辛什么?我的母亲叫丽丝菲尔,我的妹妹叫做伊利亚?我打工的咖啡店楼上是一家叫做毛利侦探事务所的事务 所?!主线柯南,穿插路人1w0-74632 >>


From CMX: How far will one man go for love? Find out in SEIMADEN, the tale of Laures, who agreed to become a demon in order to free his one true love Erise from a demon king! Laures became the next Demon King, and Alice was freed — with death. Laures, however, realized that his new inhuman status gave him a rare opportunity: by being the cruelest and best Demon King, he survived long enough to see Alice reincarnated, and then he would effectively be reunited with her. Laures, after living through the centuries, has finally found his beloved reincarnated as Hilda, a dancer who has no memories of her own past or identity. Now he must see if she will accept him as a creature of the underworld…

Only You (Tohjoh Asami)

Except for story 5 and 6, the other chapters have Yuuki and Doujima as main characters! That means these are not oneshots but a very hot story about school boys. 1) Only You - Doujima is a captain and the only member of his Judo club of his high school. In order to prevent his club from being shut down due to the lack of members, he tries to recruit the reluctant, number-one judo member from junior high, Yuuki. Will Yuuki join the Judo club and how does Doujima tempt him? 2) Lovin' You 3) With You 4) For You - Does sempai love him? Will sempai remember his birthday? The way this junior shows his love is by [i]taking[/i] sempai! 5) Breathless 6) Violent Passion - Indulgent Tyrant - Fujikawa-sensei is working part-time at a host club to pay off a debt he had co-signed for. The vice-principal of the school threatens to expose him if Fujikawa doesn't become his boy-toy, but Fujikawa is saved by the intervention of a student, Kagaya. But it turns out to be a case of out of the frying pan, into the fire. Kagaya helps resolve the debt for Fujikawa-sensei, but he makes the sensei pay with his body. Will the sensei be able to get out of this situation before he starts to like it? 7) Happy Days 8) Give me Senpai


From Reverein Scanlations: A series of short stories featuring two characters with the same name, Asuka Koji and Takaki Asuka. They both have super powers and share a common love: SAKE! This really has no real plot but it provides a lot of entertainment and random characters from her other works also appear.

Admiral’S Monster Wife

Read manhwa Admiral's Monster Wife / Lydia Planang is called a monster because of her scales.She was treated like a minor and forced to marry by order of the emperor. Her fianc is a wild and fierce sailor.He is the admiral of Chilia, who is rumored to be very sadistic.But when he first met her, he was incredibly nice to her?'My husband just grabbed his wife's hand and he was already screaming.'Lydia learns little by little about Chilia's secret in the admiral's intense love.Dragons, giant octopuses, sea snakes, fairies and mermaidsA destined love after marriage on the splendid ocean!***'I know a plant that can help my husband increase his stamina.'Alexander leaned over and whispered in her ear.'If you weren't satisfied last night, I'll try to find it.''Oh no!'Last night!Lydia literally blushed as she recalled her secrets that she couldn't tell anyone.

Wait and Hope

Wait and Hope summary: Wait and Hope summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wait and Hope. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hunter Of The Forbidden Region

Hunter Of The Forbidden Region summary: Every being has a spirit. Inevitably there will be some individuals, or some incidents, that we have never came across. Six years ago, it was rumored that a mystical giant python was facing it’s transformation. The news attracted hunters all over the world to Kunlun Mountain. At the end, the giant python died and Lin Shuo was the only hunter who survived and had since retired into the remote mountains. Six years later, a piece of giant python scale appeared in front of Lin Shuo. The giant python who had failed to transform survived. Lin Shuo decided to embark on a journey again in order to find out the truth from six years ago.

The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon

The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon summary: The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kill the Lights

Kill the Lights summary: Mason was a mercenary, until the day he died on a mission after being betrayed by his unit.
At the same time, there was a Hollywood actor named Haley Lusk. While famous as a child actor, as an adult, he grew addicted to drugs and s.e.x. With a nasty personality and sub-par acting ability, Haley was unliked, yet he still confessed to Noah Raycarlton in front of the world causing him to be hated by most people. Then one day, he suddenly had a heart attack and died.
Noah Raycarlton is the young CEO of a big company. Though not a celebrity, his mother was an immensely popular actress. Due to his good looks and kindness, he is loved by everyone.
Mason thought he was dead for sure, but he woke up in the hospital full of people he didn’t know. They told him that they were his family and called him Haley. He was so confused, and people told him that he had a heart attack due to overdose and died for a while.
He realizes that his soul went inside of this Hollywood actor Haley Lusk, and he decides to live a second life. But because of things that Haley did, he has a difficult time with Noah and other people. Mason finds out right away that he knew Noah when they were kids.

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