内容简介:715入v,v后日更六千字,每天晚上九点更新。想参加抽奖的宝贝记得全订,谢谢小天使南希有美貌,有头脑,本该是妥妥的人生赢家。可当她心脏病突发挂掉后,南希发现,自己好像还有逆天的运气。只 要能在1w0-50707 >>
内容简介:下一本《我给暴君当妖妃》求预收3作为合欢宫最美貌的小师弟,桃卿是个不折不扣的万人迷,爱慕者多如过江之鲫,但由于他太受欢迎且过于海王,最终被求而不得的病娇鬼修大卸八块了。桃卿死后神魂不散 ,意外得知原来自己生活在一本修真小说里,他是个出场不到三章的炮灰,并且:被他坐在腿上喂酒的清俊剑修是未来的剑仙男二;侍奉过他的美少年奴隶是未来的魔尊男三;对他爱而不得的病娇鬼修是血祭三界的疯子大反派;任1w85619-89281 >>
内容简介:穿越成为大周王朝七皇子,结果醒来后至尊骨被夺,沦为废人,被贬幽州,却觉醒签到系统。苏芒抱着不苟到无敌不出世的念头,在幽州城内开启了他的签到生涯。“宿主今日签到成功,获得葵花宝典。”“宿 主今日签到成功,获得九龙镇天经。”“宿主今日签到成功,获得千年蟠桃。”五年后,当重兵压境,宗师袭来,要一举击垮幽州,直取帝都之时,几十万大军前,一道身影缥缈而现,举手间天崩地裂1w0-34987 >>
内容简介:《她似毒小说全文在线阅读》简介:时间一点点倒计时,每过去一秒,都是致命于顾乔心间(偏爱似毒酒)。甚至到最后,她那被哭声掩盖声音吐出极为不清楚字(偏爱似毒酒)。“求求……求求你们……跟我 在一起。”“求你们了。”她快要撑不下去了。封廷御长身玉立,双腿阔步朝着她走去,大手一把扣在她手腕上,指尖夹着一张一百万的支票(偏爱似毒酒)。就那么落在她的眼前:“时间到了,你输了。”那支票也当着她的面撕成了粉碎。顾乔想要去抢,她抢不过,只能哭的喘不过来气求着(偏爱似毒酒)。她不是想要钱,她只是想要去找沈少卿啊。“不要……封先生……不要。”“求你了。”“……”不管顾乔如何哭,如何哀求,这样卑微的她落在封廷御眼眸里,这个男人依旧无动于衷(偏爱似毒酒)。。1w0-27424 >>
内容简介:凭着姥爷留下的半本残书,我干起了招摇撞骗的阴倌行当。本来以为只要恪守规矩,就能平平安安,没想到最后一单生意却将我卷入了迷离的漩涡,更让我从此以后行走在阳世和阴间的边缘……1w23949 -65594 >>
内容简介:这个世界一直有这样一种人:能够行走于阴阳两界,占卜过去未来,甚至还具有强大的力量能镇压妖邪,他们就是传说中的——通灵师!楚乔,神巫世家第二十三代嫡系女传人,身具神巫灵血,手掌通灵幻兽, 契约了如妖孽一般的持有灵,还有与生俱来的鬼瞳让一切妖孽鬼祟无处遁形!学校公寓的女厕中,总有人半夜兜售红马甲;博物馆中的血玉,竟然牵扯出千年前的一段爱恨情仇;美丽的苜蓿花田中,终日游荡着一个执着于不伦之爱的美丽灵魂一桩桩灵异事件接踵而来。原本楚乔以为自己可以去牛叉哄哄的拯救世界了,可谁来告诉她——为什么她的通灵幻兽是个只知道吃且毒舌的家伙?为什么她的持有灵是个怕鬼的家伙?亲,你本来就是鬼好不好?!为什么那个同样身为通灵师的未婚夫,只会眨着如小鹿一般纯净的大眼睛,拉着她的衣角小声的叫着:“乔乔,我怕”尽管人生如此杯具,楚乔仍立志做个最伟大的通灵师!迷糊的神巫大人不知道,她那条只知道吃的通灵幻兽,竟然是具有神兽血脉且法力无边的通天灵兽!那只“怕鬼”的妖孽持有灵,居然是三千年前最强大的通灵师!而那个看似如小鹿般无害的未婚夫,其实是一只腹黑无比又宠她无度的“灰太郎”月黑风高,某鬼坐在高高的围墙上,对月吟哦。楚乔举着一只碗,准备收服她通灵师生涯中的第一只鬼——“快到碗里来!”“”如妖孽般的美男鬼,优雅扭头,深情凝视,半晌,微笑,轻启朱唇——“你才到碗里去!”一段狂揍之后——“你就不能找一只大点的碗吗?!”“乔乔,我不是只会吃!”某兽很严肃的道。“你还会什么?”楚乔两眼放光,无比期待。“我还会长肉哇!”某兽揉了揉自己又大了一圈的肚腩,无限忧桑的道,“该减肥了啊”“”楚乔泪流满面,四十五角望天。“哇!乔乔,那边有鬼!我好怕!”某小鹿一手捂眼,一手指着一个方向。楚乔大怒,“敢吓唬我的小男朋友!找死!”撒丫子狂奔而去。小鹿直起身,拍拍手,一道符咒打出,隐匿在暗处的一只枉死鬼立即现行,簌簌发抖,大呼饶命。“敢给我的乔乔添麻烦!你是死的不耐烦了!”某小鹿冷冷一笑,下一瞬间,枉死鬼灰飞烟灭。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《鬼瞳天才通灵师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78333 >>
内容简介:《漫威之极速者》是作者旦炎灵创作做为一项绝密实验的最后参与者,我们的主角穿越到了漫威世界。“他是谁?”人们迷惑不解,但又为其卓越成就而惊奇。钢铁侠、神盾局、x战警纷纷中招。宁静的时光被 闯入者无情打乱,新的时代即将到来。一只来自平行位面的蝴蝶翩翩起舞,挥动着轻盈的翅膀,在新世界扇起了阵阵风浪。“我来,我见,我征服。”淌过条条激流,主角坐在万花丛中淡然说道。本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】笔趣阁首发漫威之极速者最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-87206 >>
内容简介:“我刚接手罗德岛的时候,干员还没有形成战斗力,部队缺乏训练,缺少实战经验,最重要的,就是缺少高星干员!五星干员,全岛不到十个!六星干员,一个都没有,四星干员都是别人淘汰不要的感染者神经 病,一个个病入膏肓了,就这,两个作战小队都分不到一个!我去找凯尔希要合成玉,你猜凯尔希怎么说?”“凯尔希说,要合成玉没有,要命一条!你李云龙看我这颗脑袋值多少源石,就砍了拿去换合成玉去!!”“得嘞,我等的就是这句话!就这么着,不到一年,罗德岛什么都有了,能天使!银老板!小火龙!小绵羊!手里的干员多,咱腰杆子就硬,没有这家底儿,我敢跟整合运动硬碰硬的对着干?做梦吧!”“陈sir,这你就明白了吧?”凯尔希:“喵喵喵?!”各位书友要是觉得《罗德岛博士就是老子李云龙!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97289 >>
内容简介:平凡大学生沈顾在发现成为“备胎”后,意外获得恋爱辅助系统代价是三年内不会真心爱上任何人【叮咚!】【恋爱辅助系统已激活,恋爱游戏开始】【可获得大量游戏币奖励】【完成系统临时任务,可获得适 当游戏币奖励】【游戏菜单已激活】【专属商城已激活】【当前游戏币0】【系统加载已完成,三年后将可选择是否卸载】【祝您游戏愉快】【尽心尽力恋爱,不许主动表白】【一旦发现宿主有违规行为,系统将自动纠正并处罚】1w0-26613 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:关于我成了快乐风男亚索这件事】江川穿越成英雄联盟世界里还没有成为疾风剑豪的亚索,拜师素马赵老,与阿卡丽为伴,艾瑞利亚为他舞动一圈刀锋,锐雯为他挑起折翼之舞,菲 奥娜转一曲利刃华尔兹,诡术妖姬乐芙兰,琴瑟仙女娑娜江川穿越而成的亚索与她们相遇,又会产生怎样的火花呢?齐天大圣孙悟空,无极剑圣易,戏命师烬,诺克萨斯统领斯维因,江川与他们又会是怎样的碰撞,诺克萨斯的入侵,艾欧亚的崛起,皮尔特沃夫的变革,祖安的反抗,德玛西亚的政变,当江川遇上这一件件史诗事件时,又会掀起怎样的波澜变化呢?飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76492 >>
Demon summoner - what is this? And why?... These are the main questions Touya Douji is trying to answer. Just where should he be looking for them? Maybe, inside himself?
From Blissful Sin: Comedian Ashina has nipples way more sensitive than most people. Suddenly, during a TV performance, he let out a strange voice, and anticipating a bad reaction from the audience, he decides to undergo a special nipple training by his performing partner, Kamiya… This book is a compilation of 6 complete stories including “It’s not like I’m doing it because I like it!” and others, like oyaji-uke, gijinka, historical tales and more! Presenting Kijima Hyougo’s and Aqua Comics’ muscleman smut series!
Hanamoto Mika is a shy, self-conscious 17-year-old-girl who wants very much to love and be loved. Hopelessly superstitious and unhappy with her current self, Mika tries to find answers and guidance to her life through fortune-telling and romance magazines. She decides to go on a group date with her friends and meets Takada. It’s love at first sight; at least on her end. Soon after, she encounters Takada coincidentally on the subway, but Mika trips and falls at his feet, then runs away in mortification before he could say a word. They meet again on a second group date, but to Mika’s humiliation, he has no recollection of her from the first date! But he does remember her embarrassing moment on the train. He apologizes for not remembering her and then explains that he had lost his contacts and couldn’t see clearly on that first date. Emboldened by his confession, she shocks him and herself by asking him out on a date! This is the story of unlikely relationships, and the trials and tribulations that await Mika and Takada - and their friends- in their search for love.
Anne leaves Green Gables and her work as a teacher in Avonlea to continue her education at Redmond College in Nova Scotia. She tucks her memories of rural Avonlea away and discovers life on her own terms, filled with surprises… including a marriage proposal from the worst fellow imaginable, the sale of her very first story, and a tragedy that teaches her a painful lesson.
Their Silver Wedding Journey summary: Their Silver Wedding Journey summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Their Silver Wedding Journey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Blood Brothers: A Medic's Sketch Book summary: Blood Brothers: A Medic's Sketch Book summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blood Brothers: A Medic's Sketch Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
My Wayward Ex-Wife summary: Mu Huanqing despised two people in her life. – The first was the Emperor, who had terrible matchmaking skills; the second was the Duke of Zhen Yuan, who was forced into a marriage with her due to the imperial edict. He did not like her and had contempt for her family, the Mu family, for using this marriage to climb up the social ladder. Because of Mu Huanqing, he couldn’t marry his sweetheart and could only make her a lowly concubine. She also didn’t care for him as she was originally living a free and leisurely lifestyle. Who knew that one imperial edict would end her happy days, causing her to be forcefully married to the cold, arrogant, and unmanageable Fu Yanlin? Not long after their marriage, he made her move into a manor in the country side, letting her live on her own. However, she didn’t care for it and instead even gave birth to an obedient and outstanding daughter. But one day, the husband who abandoned her suddenly appeared at the countryside manor, destroying her peaceful days. He was still cold and arrogant, but a reserved air of authority was added to him as time pa.s.sed. She didn’t know what type of plan he had concocted If he came to bully her treasured daughter, she would definitely break all ties with him! The little daughter widened her innocent eyes, looking at the demon that no one else could see. “I’m scared!” The demon gently pinched the little girl’s beautiful face: “Don’t be scared. The person your dad wants to bully isn’t you, but your mom.”
Holding Wonder summary: Holding Wonder summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Holding Wonder. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.