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内容简介:简介:萧墨白穿成反派后,只想洗白自己每天起床第一句:你今天也在为洗白自己努力了吗?但剧情总是越走越远,主角和反派都在ooc的道路上一去不复返简单来说,这是一个反派绞尽脑汁洗白自己的历程 。1w0-109995 >>






内容简介:白枫意外穿越魂天大陆,激活最强暴神系统。“你说什么,你天阳丹已经是极品完美级的了,绝对不可能有比它还要好的,老子触发暴魂,炼制出来的药效能暴增成千上万倍,强的你TM都不敢吃,你信不信! ”“你说什么,你是神冥境强者,比我高七个大境界,信不信老子一拳触发暴魂,攻击力翻一亿倍,让你知道花儿为什么这样红!”“你说什么,你手里有七八件宝贝,老子随便杀两个敌人,触发暴魂都能爆出宝贝,看见那座小山了吗,都是我不要的宝贝!”不是我说,在我暴神白枫面前,尔等都是垃圾!1w0-70530 >>


内容简介:这是一个被战锤种族乱入的历史平行空间,绿皮和兽化人摧毁了中亚各国,东亚打遍天下无敌手的大唐在绿皮的大举入侵下岌岌可危,地方节度使趁机拥兵自重!黑暗精灵在中东建立了庞大的奥斯曼帝国,高等 精灵成为了英格兰人的主宰,矮人让北欧提前进入火器时代,战锤人类帝国的大炮让欧洲霸主哈布斯堡王朝摇摇欲坠!蜥蜴人和鼠人成为美洲原住民的噩梦,吸血鬼和古墓领导的亡灵兵团为争夺非洲大打出手。然而,无性繁殖的绿皮,遍布整1w0-78060 >>




内容简介:【您已随机抽到英雄——炼金术师·辛吉德!】【已自动获得获得其99999点熟练度以及亿场英雄对局经验!】Clearlove:“嘶,这个炼金在干什么啊!?”xiaohu:“断兵线!!他在我 们高地塔旁边犯罪!!”Uzi:“这什么吊英雄啊,怎么这个人把这个英雄玩得这么恶心?!”Theshy:“这团战没得打!我全程被毒熏,动都动不了!刚走两步就死了……”Faker:“喔呀?这个人怎么什么英雄都会?!”1w0-89301 >>




内容简介:从出生的那一刻我就知道了,我是一名超能力者在我半岁的时候就可以轻易的悬浮重至卡车的物体,之后随着我的成长,心灵感应,念力,瞬移,千里眼,时间倒转等等能力逐渐显露也愈加难以控制,给我带来 了很多麻烦在我过着我平静高中生活的某一天,世界意识突然找到我,说某个黑帮老板得到了升级超能力的方式从此可以“消去某样事物的存在”而消去了除了他以外的所有其他人的超能力“因为你这个人就是由超能力组成的,所以他这消去一发动你就嗝儿屁了”世界意识如是说我可真是太冤了,被世界意识紧急将灵魂传送到十年前的关键人物身上杜绝屑老板的谋害,从此成为背后灵——齐木楠子渴望普通的日常,但总是被一群替身使者搅得不得安宁又名:齐木楠子的灾难齐荒木友人帐cp布加拉提既然恋爱线开了那么前排提醒,楠子并没有保留很多齐神的设定,尤其性格的方面,会放大柔软而温柔的那部分,对超能力虽然会排斥,但复活的楠子却也会庆幸而珍惜她拥有的这份力量1w0-69375 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:人在原神,成为深渊魔王】程洛穿越到原神世界,成为深渊魔王,被邀请加入二次元聊天。从此,诸天万界多了一个不干正事的魔王。木叶舞王:你也想要起舞吗?云顶霸王:让我 来会会你,偶来瓦劲夫,偶来瓦女人的终结者,给我欢呼。没有大葱的初音:求求你们别打了,再打下去我要笑死了。我真不是魔王:求求你们干点正事吧。沃茨:干点正事吧,魔王大人。恶魔女王:干点正事吧,魔王大人。我有鼻子的:干点正事吧,魔王大人。……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76027 >>


内容简介:  纤纤素手,将经纬拨动于手掌之间。  出生于苏绣世家,以双面绣和仿真绣渐长的她。  意外穿越,得窥千年宋锦的织造秘密。  原来宋锦织造,没有她想象中的那么简单。  拜师学艺,先从织机 开始!  败家娘亲坑货爸,外加祖母要养生,一切都需要一个字,钱!  小剧场:纨绔纨绔,我是一颗涉世未深的小白菜。  白菜白菜,我是一个城府极深的老油条。你不会的,我教你!  纨绔纨绔,收到了,收到了。  白菜白菜,想你想你……  滴……你的对象已挂断,请稍后再拨。(建了个群:237408156 有什么话欢迎进群畅聊)1w0-4354 >>

If U

Yeong-Li gets a visit from her twin sister from South Korea who want to switch places with her so that she can get to know the family that she didn't grow up with. Will Yeong-Li be able to get along with the family that threw her away from infancy...

Pom The Panda

It's a sad and beautiful tale about Pom the panda, a little fellow who dressed as a panda and hands out balloons to children. Pom loves a human girl, Fuu. Poor Pom dies before confessing his love to Fuu. Pom becomes a ghost who waits for a long, long time on the bench where he got a date with Fuu, trying to find the right words to tell his beloved that he will never come back without making her sad.

Kanon - Honto No Omoi Wa Egao No Mukougawa Ni

Kanon's story, set in the middle of winter, regards a group of five girls who are connected back to the same boy. Yuichi Aizawa, the main protagonist, had visited the city where the story takes place seven years prior to the story's beginning. In the beginning Yuichi is very detached from the city and its inhabitants. Prior to his return, it is decided that he is to stay with his cousin, Nayuki Minase, and her mother, Akiko. After his long absence, Yuichi has forgotten almost everything except minor details of what happened seven years before and is in need of being reminded of what he left behind. On the day after Yuichi's return, he is out with Nayuki who is showing him around town. Nayuki remembers that she has to buy things for dinner and Yuichi is reluctant to go with her, arguing that he might get lost. Moments after Nayuki left him waiting on the sidewalk, a strange girl named Ayu Tsukimiya barges into him with little warning. Upon recovering, she drags him away to a nearby café and confesses to inadvertently stealing a bag filled with taiyaki after being accidentally scared away by the salesman before she had a chance to pay. Yuichi then drags Ayu back to the salesman, they both apologize for the trouble, and Ayu is forgiven. They decide to meet up again another day and Ayu scampers off. Yuichi is not aware at first, but three other girls which he had forgotten are familiar with him. Throughout the story, as he learns about the supernatural undertones of the town, Yuichi is reminded of each girl and the events of seven years ago in the city covered in snow.

Mai, The Psychic Girl

Mai is silly, giggly, and flirtatious - just like any other cute fourteen-year-old girl. As far as Mai is concerned, her telekinetic abilities are just good for practical jokes. But when the secret organization known as the Wisdom Alliance tries to exploit her as a weapon to enslave the world, her father puts his life on the line to protect her. And Mai soon learns the hard way that her powers are no joke, but capable of unbelievable, deadly force! A mysterious organization of 'superhumans' appears, intending to force Mai into joining it. With visions of 'superior races', preparation for World War, and bases under the Ural mountains, it definitely has PLANS for the world. -- Viz

On Writing Romance

On Writing Romance summary: On Writing Romance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On Writing Romance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pursuing Immortality

Pursuing Immortality summary: Meet Gu Yu—a college dropout and a talented incense maker, and at the same time, the rather stoic protagonist of this story. Despite his somewhat introverted manner, he has a tendency to make sarcastic remarks in his thoughts. One day, after saving a squirrel, a windfall (metaphorically and literally) dropped into his lap. Stumbling into the cultivation world with little help, he was not turned into Superman overnight (as he would like). Apparently, becoming a cultivator would not make your life easier, at least in the beginning. Somewhere along the road, he ran into Jiang Xiaozhai, a young woman who’s got the brains, the beauty, and maybe one or two secrets of her own. As it turned out, the two made a perfect team—Mulder-and-Scully style. Motivated by many unanswered questions, they had been running up and down the country, getting into all kinds of trouble, and learning more of the modern cultivation world, which is by no means the same as in the ages long past…

Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked

Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked summary: Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Light of Asia

The Light of Asia summary: The Light of Asia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Light of Asia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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