内容简介:完结文案《静影沉璧》前篇;萧明君与闻贤相一起成长相爱的故事,腹黑深情×温柔理性节选六月三十日,闻家治丧,皇帝下令,全城哀悼三日。皇太后感念闻家老太君及史绣衣的恩情,特令皇帝萧佑安御驾亲 至闻家灵堂,以表吊念之情,又因着自己伤势未愈,遣派了三皇子萧韫曦,以表感激之意。皇帝亲至灵堂已是泼各位书友要是觉得《歌沉碧玉(静影沉璧前篇)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!歌沉碧玉(静影沉璧前篇)最新章节歌沉碧玉(静影沉璧前篇)无弹窗歌沉碧玉(静影沉璧前篇)全文阅读1w0-28881 >>
内容简介:叶辰穿越斗罗,觉醒全能天赋。无论是魂力修炼,还是武魂研究,亦或是兵法布阵都是当世顶尖!他是三军大帅,是千道流和比比东亲自加冕的武魂殿大帅!他曾北伐上三门,仅率一千镇北军便就成功喝住那天 下的三大宗!笔趣阁他也曾东征星罗帝国,在寒冬飞雪之中,天降奇兵,逼得星罗大帝跪地出城而降!数年征战下,已然是将四方势力打的俯首称臣,直拜呼:“战神!”但是,一场意外过后。那些曾经被叶辰打残的势力,竟都开始变得蠢蠢欲动,武魂殿超然势力的地位,瞬间变的岌岌可危起来……各位书友要是觉得《斗罗:签到三年,重获封神之资》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65012 >>
内容简介:【零点日更下本开《偏偏招惹》OR《引我沦陷》】七中两大大佬,南楼清冷学神陆枕川,北楼年少成名的人间精灵奚柚。据传陆枕川这类的高岭之花,最厌奚柚的顽劣张扬。校园文化节上,奚柚正忙着选人加 入社团,传单正好发到陆枕川面前。“话剧社,了解一下?”陆枕川敛着眸,尾音压短,更显得冷淡:“搭讪?”有人劝:“阿柚算了吧,学神看着就没空参加社团。”奚柚偏偏不服,拿走陆枕川手上的西柚汽水,红唇染着水光,“不能搭讪吗,小哥哥?全七中都知道,陆枕川雷区就是西柚汽水,谁也不让动。正当大家都以为南北楼大佬要正式交锋时——“小、哥哥?”陆枕川笑意玩味,指腹抚上她的唇,蹭下一角口红绯色。“奚柚,我们试试?”人间精灵X白切黑·痞坏混学神校园双A丨明骚互撩丨也可能是互怼|夏日甜文“IWANTTOSEEU”又名《你是奚柚seeu》《我想是你》下本开【《偏偏招惹》年龄差6养成系甜文】文案:江城豪门圈里都知晓,孟家那个玩世不恭狂妄不羁的大少爷,养了个小姑娘七年。这事儿被不少好友调侃,“阿屿,这是提前养了个小媳妇儿?”“就一小朋友。”孟屿漫不经心,尾音拉长,“看上小孩儿,这不是畜生吗?”后来某节目组到夏聆欢家里录制,直播。主持人问:“听说昨晚孟少与新晋小花约会,对这事你有什么看法吗?”夏聆欢:“哥哥年纪也大了,希望他保重身体。”不过三秒,那个年纪大了的孟家大少爷从夏聆欢的房间里走出来。孟屿眼底睡意惺忪,准确无误地将人揽在怀里。“小朋友,你昨晚哭着求我的时候,可不是这么说的。”直播现场一片寂静,随后画面被迅速掐掉。看着直播的好友:……畜生。没过多久,热搜第一,孟氏集团的官方微博——【从始至终,都只有你。夏聆欢】·伪兔子X真灰狼接档文【《引我沦陷》追妻火葬场青梅竹马娱乐圈】文案:①游家大少爷游慕,冷戾至极不近女色,却只把青梅沈绘黎宠得无法无天。大家皆默认,这两人是一对。沈绘黎暗恋已久,她精心打扮,准备和他告白。聚会上,有人问:“阿慕,你和狐狸打算什么时候结婚?”“结婚?”少年指间燃着烟,笑得恣意又痞气,“别点谱,她是我妹妹。”沈绘黎如梦初醒,只是妹妹。②沈绘黎一走就是五年,再次见面的时候,她挽另一个男人的手臂介绍,“我男朋友。”“狐狸还找了个男朋友回来?”好友错愕,“阿慕你没希望了。”游慕嗤笑,不予置评。当晚在无人知的暗角里,游慕咬着她的唇,细碎的尾音被封缄在吻里,“你只能是我的。”沈绘黎没看见的是,那个最为不羁冷傲的大少爷,慢慢红了的眼圈。他紧紧拥她入怀,“阿黎,你什么时候愿意爱我一点。”“年年岁岁,朝夕与共,我仍爱你入骨。”妖孽明艳唱作人X偏执傲气型总裁本小说网提供尽仙著作的西柚汽水最新章 >>
内容简介:“厉司决,我死也不跟你离婚!”重生前,她恨他,厌他,为了离开他不惜以死相逼!直到她被渣男贱女毁去容貌,丢在山洞里饱受折磨,她才知道,原来她最厌恶的男人早已爱她入骨,偏执成狂!为了救她, 不惜放弃一切!重生一世,她势必要爱他,宠他,赚钱养他!她身披无数马甲,带着一双萌宝怒赚十个亿!不料,却被他圈在怀里,“十个亿?哄我都不够。”下一秒,她手机到账一百亿。“拿去,养我。”1w0-87320 >>
内容简介:赵念舟把文件递过来让李晋成签字,他紧紧盯着她,沉默几秒说“你……”“这是下午要讨论的方案,汪经理还等着。”他眉头皱了皱,从西装口袋里掏出一支外形简单的黑色钢笔,文件签完字却不给她。赵念 舟面无表情地问“李总还有什么吩咐?”李晋成掀眼皮子瞧她,低声道“今早怎么不声不响走了,你……”“哦,对了,孙经理说德国那边数据出了些问题,等不及您回去,他带着吴秘书先过去了。”她再次打断他的话。李晋成脸1w0-96215 >>
内容简介:为了支付哥哥的治疗费,沈柒不得不代替自己的妹妹嫁入豪门贺家。她一直以为自己嫁的是贺家长子,却不知道自己名义上的丈夫是次子贺逸宁。贺逸宁,贺家真正的继承人,叱咤风云的商业帝王,冷酷无情的 职场暴君,她妹妹的做梦都想嫁的人。当这个商业帝王压着自己上下其手时,她懵了:“喂,你要做什么?我可是你的大嫂!”“大嫂?”贺逸宁邪魅一笑:“结婚证你真的看过了吗?”1w0-2700 >>
内容简介:贺凌峰直播带货,客户来自诸天万界!“恶魔果实滞销,帮帮我们!”“这天空套也太好看了吧?买它!买它!买它!”“现场开箱评测钢铁侠血边装甲,史上最高性价比!”“今晚八点,紫霞仙子做客直播间 ,不见不散!”“拍卖恒星、黑洞,价高者得!”(已有完本精品《万界黑科技聊天群》、《别给我刷黑科技啦》等更的朋友可以先看老书!)我给万界直播带货地址:1w0-72234 >>
内容简介:三年了……一转眼,她代替哥哥参与科举,高中状元,而后入朝为官,已经近三年了。从初时的忐忑,每一步的谨小慎微,但现在在宫中大方行走,天知道她经历了多少次的危险。1w13679-12870 9 >>
内容简介:别问tr系统能做什么。要问你想做什么?别问有没有tr系统不能做的。要问你有多少东西不知道?别问tr是什么。要问你听说过泰拉瑞亚吗?一个从泰拉瑞亚世界开始的屠神灭世之旅……三观未必端正… …听说还有点虐……1w0-81415 >>
内容简介:《深空旅人》南十字星文明联军作战会议上,全息投影介绍着那些神秘的敌人。“他们号称来自地球,无法准确断定属于哪个发展侧向的文明,融合了科技、灵能、神秘等不同领域。”“各位请看,这个身穿红 金色动力装甲的地球人,号称‘钢铁侠’。”“这个一身圣光,挥舞着锤子的地球人,自称‘魔兽圣骑士’。”“这个地球人号称‘神奇宝贝大师’,使用空间折叠技术的球形设备,可以放出一群看上去可爱但是无比危险的电气老鼠。”“嗯,这个绿帽子的地1w0-80714 >>
Collection of crazy tales of love. 1) Electrical Shock Love Machine One of the most beautiful and popular girls in school, has zero interest in boys or romance. That is, until she meets Bansaku. He seems like a very average boy, unless one looks very closely... and Madoka does. She becomes so hypnotized by the little things about him that she loses her good senses, and when she regains them, she finds herself touching poor Bansaku, who has no idea what she's playing it! Madoka has spent her life dodging the unwelcome advances of desperate male love machines... Does Bansaku feel the same sort of disgust for Madoka's long-repressed, electrically-charged lust? 2) My Baby: Morimura Aki's handsome looks attract women by the thousands, but his violent manner keeps them all at arm's length. As an innocent bystander, Moe couldn't have cared less... until one of his outbursts led to her injury! Now revenge is a matter of pride. But when she exacts it, there's an unexpected result...? (No, really, you'll never guess if you don't read it!) 3) Like in Cinderella: When Chiyo lost her job and had to take on work picking weeds for the rich, she never expected to become like Cinderella. But when Yoshimune, the handsome young master of the Tokugawa Financial Empire, runs away from his 'castle' with her, that's what Chiyo is certain will happen. But there's no guarantee that these two will live happily ever after, because this fairy tale isn't Cinderella's -- it's Chiyo's! 4) Don't Get Me into It: None of Ichirou's home tutors ever come back after the first tutoring session, but Takigawa Megu can't imagine why -- he's so cute! And... tied down in his chair!? It turns out that Ichirou is a complete and utter brat! Megu makes it her mission to prove herself superior to him, and Ichirou is actually impressed? Now, every time he gives her an inch, he gets her a little more into it. Before long, Megu feels like tutoring Ichirou... in the ways of LOVE!
Tokunaga-kun, Chiharu Taniyama's classmate and recent neighbor, is always laughing at her, and it annoys her to no end. How can she be cute? Then, she finds a magazine with tips on being popular. Will she get her revenge on Tokunaga?
From Baka Updates: 在那個地方… 死者追尋生命的陽光, 生者追求死亡的安息。 而那裡就是地獄! At that place... The dead yearn for the life of light The ones alive yearn for the solace of death That place is Hell!
The peaceful lives of many are taken away as a freak meteor shower destroys the Kanto area of Japan. However, the lives of the victims aren't lost, as they start to awaken one by one into a strange pre-historic world. A girl named Kyoka awakens into this world, and is attacked by a monster, however she is saved by Shinma Shingo, another monster. She joins Shinma and his companion as they search to find a way back home.
Fate Comes With Time summary: On the day my colleague broke my heart, I met my neighbour who just moved into the city on the verandah. His name is Chrono, he is a hairdresser. Whether this encounter is destiny or not will surely be revealed from now.
Celestial Employee summary:
An ordinary run of the mill employee, a recently graduated new employee. An unlucky guy frustrated with life, a n.o.body always being bullied by his superiors and colleagues.
Unexpectedly, a n.o.body like this obtained a fabled power, a thing of the legends, the celestial arts of the Immortals. He turned into the only remaining disciple of the legendary magical treasure refining sect, the Three Treasure Sect, from aeons ago. With this, he gained the ability to refine all kinds of magical treasures, isn’t that amazing?
Author note from Chapter 23 that gives insights into the novel. (Parts are ommited because they are irrelevant at this point.)
It’s the eve of the lunar new year, let me say some things. Secondly, issues with the plot, those who read my novel would know. My novel isn’t like those where the lead is super powerful from the start (TL:and/or MC doesn’t power up like most/every other chinese novel MC on steroids.). Therefore those looking for an invincible MC from the start (TL:and/or power ups easily) would inevitably be slightly disappointed. I prefer to write the process of how a person slowly becomes stronger, as well a the lead’s normal and dull life, rather than him being invincible immediately, and proceeding to become almighty under the heavens, and XXOO (TL: You know… >.>
George Bernard Shaw summary: George Bernard Shaw summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of George Bernard Shaw. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Vampire Babylon - Midnight Reign summary: Vampire Babylon - Midnight Reign summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vampire Babylon - Midnight Reign. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.