内容简介:「通知书名改啦,原名《他一身戾气》下本预收《易燃禁区》」1苏零在一个雨夜遇见了沈子骁。那个时候他因救人受伤,浑身是血,手搭在膝盖上,半死不活地靠在巷子口。苏零将雨伞搭在了他的身上,转身 欲走时,却被他一把握住了手腕。沈子骁狭长的眼睛泛着一点腥红,漆黑的瞳仁紧紧的盯着苏零,像只刚醒的狮子般一身凛冽。然后——苏零将他捡回了家。2圈子里的人都知道,那个离家出走的大小姐苏零,看似无害,其实一身带刺。她曾在众目睽睽之下,动作漂亮地过肩撂倒一个罪犯,干脆利落地反扣住那人的胳膊,用尖锐抵住犯人的喉。有纨绔弟子嘲讽道“这苏零没有了家里的庇护,还这么不知道天高地厚的横冲直闯,迟早得招惹一身麻烦。”“让她招惹。”沈子骁漫不经心地把玩着手上的玻璃杯,掀了掀眼皮,淡声道“我能护着。”3苏零觉得,沈子骁一定是个无家可归没有依靠的可怜穷鬼。有一天,苏零好奇“如果你几年前没有选择当特警,会去做什么”沈子骁抬了抬眼,漫不经心地说“继承我家的家产,当个富二代吧。”苏零一直以为沈子骁是吹牛逼。直到一场意外后两人再次见面时,沈子骁在一场拍卖会上出现,坐在现场最受人瞩目的位置,一掷千金,买下一座岛。为了你,我甘愿引火烧身。你是我至死不渝的信仰,你是我穷尽一生的偏执与渴望。久别重逢中途男女主会短暂分开1500字左右前特警狙击手浑身荷尔蒙爆炸的bossX离家出走格斗术一流的千金大小姐1V1脑残甜文双C双初恋日更3k起步别信作话有事请假作者微博昭乱——下本开《易燃禁区》——谢知影是京城圈里最受人瞩目的豪门大小姐。不仅家里有钱,还皮相美艳,八面玲珑嘴甜会勾人。只要谢大小姐的一句话,无数人上赶着在她的裙下俯首称臣。唯独顾之烽是个例外。谁都知道这地位能撼动整个上流圈的商业圈大佬,是出了名的清心寡欲八风不动心,而且对于这种类型的女人,向来没有半点好感。然后,顾之烽和谢知影结婚了。所有人都觉得这段婚姻不可能长久,并且搓着手等待接盘。谢知影一直觉得,嫁给这不解风情的铁面冷佛,简直是段丧偶式商业联姻。直到婚后。谢知影清心寡欲个鬼。从见到谢知影的那一刻起,顾之烽便不能容许有任何一个除了自己以外的人,再去染指。谁都不知道,谢知影是顾之烽费了怎样的心力和手段才带回家据为己有的。p如果您喜欢他是烈火与骄阳,别忘记分享给朋友作者:昭乱所写的《他是烈火与骄阳》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83740 >>
内容简介:等待(百合ABO)是由板凳所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供等待(百合ABO)最新章节阅读等待(百合ABO)全文阅读等待(百合ABO)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现等待(百合ABO)更新慢 了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-87316 >>
内容简介:穿越前,苏年是医院的拼命三娘,外科一把手;穿越后,她变成戚卿苒,是人人唾弃的花痴病秧子。本只想好好养好这具破身体,谁知莫名发现自带金手指,脑子里有一部医书宝典。看她如何从被人唾骂的花痴 女变为权倾天下的医妃。挣钱,撩汉一样不落。”王爷,让臣妾看看您的腿。”“王妃,你说的是哪一只?”“三只一起看。”“王妃,你可是在撩我?”“胡说,分明是你居心不轨勾引我。”“……”1w5519-27432 >>
内容简介:她是齐国最可爱的小公主上官蝶舞,只因在出宫的时候遇到了年仅五岁的他楚冥远,看不得他被人欺凌,便带着他回了宫。如此,两人一起相伴着长大,青梅竹马,两小无猜,互相爱慕。然而,一个公主,一个 侍卫,两人身份上的差距,如同鸿沟,难以跨越,要想在一起谈何容易?爱情,从来不是两情相悦就能永远在一起。他们一直坚持不放弃,经历重重困难,最后是否能守得云开见月明,最终有情人终成眷属?1w0-95504 >>
内容简介:她是被戳瞎双眼,砍断四肢后重生的庶女,逼迫给姐姐替嫁给权势滔天的东厂厂公,他是大殷朝性格最暴虐,最有权势的公公,为报国仇甘愿成为假太监,谄媚讨好。一对伪夫妻,一个把持朝政,一个搅动后宫 ,成为人人得而诛之的奸佞,是小皇帝最害怕的仇敌。私下她问:“为什么你要如此宠溺我,不容别人说我分毫?”他嗜血冷笑:“不过是不允许我有半分污名罢了。”轻描淡写,毫无波澜。她伤心欲绝却依旧笑脸相迎,不管你是真太监还是假太监,前世我负了你,今生必定要焐热你的心!!!1w0-84592 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:四合院:我,大反派!开局坑傻柱】穿越《禽满四合院》世界,成了反派许大茂。激活反派空间,只要搞事情,就能获得经验升级。许大茂嘿嘿一笑,这个他喜欢,反派嘛,尽情嚣 张就够了!傻柱想要给棒梗偷鸡背锅?坑傻柱半个月工资。许大茂反手就获得空间良田十亩。秦淮茹和傻柱想算计娄晓娥?看他先跟娄晓娥造对龙凤胎!傻柱就该绝户!许大茂反手获得空间养猪场。许大茂一路走走走,坑坑坑,直到坑到人生巅峰。三位大爷:四合院以后最出息的就是大茂了。棒梗:我不要傻柱当我爹,我要许大茂当我爹。于海棠:许大茂,你是人间四月天。何雨水:大茂哥才是人间真男儿。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-70602 >>
内容简介:通信设备被映射为修仙大派挖掘灵石的矿机,手机被映射成修士联络的符器。在传统的仙侠世界里,一个凡人少年开始改变命运:没有功法,便自创野路修仙。失去前途,就寻求被淘汰。炼气计杀金丹,筑基奇 袭元婴。仙子、魔女与师姐,怎么选?宗门的矿机和符器,如何卖?武力要彪悍,商战要做奇才。从鸿青界到朝阳河系,从凡人到半仙,爱情、友情与亲情,……,一切碍难,我都一刀斩!“金手指”之光芒,不及思考的力量1w0-90950 >>
内容简介:鹅鹅鹅?What?莫名其妙的死亡?嗯,没事,苏子莫可以接受。重生到别的世界?嗯,没事,苏子莫可以接受。重生之后连个金手指都没有,独自修炼之路漫漫而且艰辛?嗯,没事,苏子莫都可以接受。然 而……重生之后连人都不是了?嗯,没……没事个屁呀!连种族都改了好吗?!就算是个魂兽我也可以接受,可你额了个喵的居然是狐狸!“小子莫,再借我我摸两下呗!”嗯?什么鬼?霍雨浩你1w0-27269 >>
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Black Saga is a graphic novel (drawn in anime/style) that takes place in the United States (US) in the year 2037, once a peaceful and free country, now a communistic land, ruled by a terrible dictator ,bent on global domination. Within the Government, all formed as one, the states are soon merged and split up like live stalk in order to control all of the US's inhabitants like animals. Known as 'Sectors' given a letter and a rank,the greatest,in which the governments all reside in...is Sector.Y.It is known for it's evil, and unholy biological weaponry and experimentation...soon to assure their goal of pure domination over humans, in the sad dream of achieving Goddom, 'Project Delta Y', the project of creating humans known as 'Assassins', purely artificial humans, who live in secrecy,as attack dogs, killing and terminating any threats to the one in control. Relotte Warden. Both forms of the 'Assassins' are split into 2 phases,1 and 2. The Assassins...born with superhuman abilities...superhuman agility and strength.But some reside in tieriny ,only wanting a peaceful life within human society .But our protagonist, Ethan, is determined to break free ,along with finding out his identity. But he'll learn,it's not all he expects it to be.Black Saga is a horror sci-fi genre comic,filled with blood,horrific creatures,and heart-tugging drama. The Beginning Chapters are from 2012 and have a lower art quality.
- Love Me Sinfully (Beginning) At the airport, Yuu Ono bumps into a man in a dark suit. The man then takes Yuu to meet his employer—Prince Carlo of the small country of Qurdis. It seems the Prince and Yuu share the same face… and the dark-suited man named Brad is none other than the Prince’s bodyguard! Prince Carlo has a request for Yuu, and that is to become his decoy. Fearing for his own safety, Yuu refuses the request. However, when Brad proclaims, 'I'll protect you even at the cost of my life…”—why can't Yuu control the wild beating of his heart?! - Love Me Sinfully (Conclusion) - A Soul Influences Love A member of parliament and a priest fall in love. - In The Dark Of The Night 28 years old and jobless because of the recession, Misaki returns to his hometown and happens to meet an acquaintance from middle school. - Before Dawn A short story about a chauffeur and his young boss. - Love Me Sinfully (Epilogue)
Collecting Teardrops summary: Nachdem Celad? die k?nigliche Hochschule abgeschlossen hat steht sie vor einer schwierigen Entscheidung: Soll sie weiterhin auf dem Bauernhof ihrer Eltern bleiben und sich vielleicht niemals verwirklichen k?nnen? Oder soll sie alles aufgeben und zurück in die Stadt gehen für ein bisschen Hoffnung auf ein erfülltes Leben?
Forging The Path To Godliness summary:
Having transmigrated to a new world and becoming an ordinary Blacksmith in a Blacksmith Shop, Ye Feng shortly has the Master Blacksmith System activated.
“Ding! Congratulations to the host for forging the low-grade weapon [West Wind Sword]. You have gained increased agility and the skill [Traveling With The Wind].”
“Ding! Congratulations to the host for forging the middle-grade weapon [Spear of Dawn]. You have gained increased endurance and the skill [Flaming Rebirth].”
The Legendary Master’s Wife summary:
After an explosion, You XiaoMo finds that he is now a probationary disciple of the TianXin sect. However, he is one with dubious potential, so just when he starts to adapt to his new circ.u.mstances, he receives a piece of bad news. If he is unable to produce the required result after half a year to become an official disciple of the TianXin sect, he would be driven out of the sect.
While You XiaoMo is going all out to make medicines and earn money, he runs into Ling Xiao. To his horror, he later discovers that Ling Xiao is really someone cloaked in human skin.
Sharpe's Siege summary: Sharpe's Siege summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sharpe's Siege. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.