内容简介:金牌杀手逆天重生!混沌之初,神魔大战,一朵红莲妖娆降世……面对皇室,未婚夫当众悔婚,她淡笑以对,一纸休书,红衣倾城,“我要的是一生一代一双人,你,给不起!”紫家废物嫡女,一朝觉醒,一双 凤眸祸世,她不再是她……卖萌紫书友群:264236906(备注小说任意角色名0各位书友要是觉得《全能灵师之废柴三小姐》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97296 >>
内容简介:外人只知‘名模’的光鲜,却不知道那一路的艰难……我出生在天桥底下,母亲是智障流浪女,生父不祥。经历众多苦难,本以为春天就在前方的时候,却失足走进了一个自始至终都围绕着身高、体重、脸蛋和 三围较劲的外围圈子。圈中太多太多的女性被冷酷掠夺、无情秒杀,放眼四处满是空虚与失意的女人;能爬到这个圈子顶尖的人凤毛麟角,但我从不放弃。有志者、事竟成;苦心人,天不负!当我从外围模特之中走出来时,我再不是那个一出生就开始流浪的小女孩……1w0-74752 >>
内容简介:林与为了不被别人发现自己非人类的身份,勤勤恳恳地扮演一个无腺体的残疾Omega别的Omega感动哭了,他跟着假哭别的Omega上体育课中暑,他跟着假中暑别的Omega发情了,他跟着假装 发情装着装着怎么不对了呢?他脖子后面这是个啥?!身体怎么越来越热了?!校草段辞人帅腿长家世好,偏偏有厌O症,全校没一个Omega敢往他跟前凑,直到班里转来一个小可怜。他逗着逗着就忍不住了:“你这么香,让我咬一口呗。”林与:糟糕!我还是暴露了!预收文求收藏≧ω≦:1、《得绝症后我被gay了》【日天日地手撕厉鬼美强惨受X十项全能就是倒霉霸总攻】2、《被迫在ABO校园文里走剧情》季郁穿成了狗血校园文里的Aphla校霸男主每当剧情开始的时候,每当剧情开始,他就无法控制自己被迫欺负主角受、释放信息素勾引主角受,看着主角受脸红腿软求被咬……作为一个纯0,季郁表示:撞号了喂!每当剧情结束,季郁就屁颠屁颠去地找男二,对着他的宽肩窄臀公狗腰擦口水。直到有一天,顾琮终于忍无可忍,一口咬在季弘的腺体上,注入信息素。季郁双腿发软,脸颊潮红。他壮着胆子地摸了把顾琮的公狗腰,颤巍巍地说:“继、继续。”各位书友要是觉得《装O是会被咬的》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61359 >>
内容简介:《玄学大师要联姻》在线做法求预收孟鱼放弃高薪工作,改行做了地府特办处的职员,兼职一家香火店。从此不但卖纸钱符咒拉高地府GDP,还得帮助各路鬼魂完成奇葩心愿,让他们心甘情愿去投胎。某日, 在地府进修土地神的外婆托梦,说给她定过娃娃亲……男主版文案:人帅多金的富三代蒋赫遵守祖父的意思,娶了个十平米香火店的店主。圈子里盛传那女人只会折纸钱,狐朋狗友天天赌他们什么时候会离婚。蒋赫:你们知道个P,昨晚亲眼看见那女人将无头鬼踹出门外。谁特么敢提离婚两个字……小剧场:倒霉鬼:中了彩票五千万,还没来得及花。孟鱼:我来替你花抠门富商:我的两百亿欧元,子孙谁也不能抢孟鱼:我来替你搞定造反王爷:我谋划一生,未当上皇帝孟鱼:哭了!换个理想行不行孟鱼表示,混个地府金饭碗太难了……一句话简介:地府黑科技,全球····求预收《玄学大师要联姻》····孤儿汤小鱼从小坎坷,吃了上顿没下顿,某天正在地里刨土豆时被天雷劈了一道,从此好像哪里变得不一样了。不仅算出邻居家的猫下几只崽,还能算出哪天下雨打雷。这天,汤小鱼从满地土豆子看出一副卦象:哟,亲生父母要来找她了!还是金光闪闪的大土豪!!!从此,身为金矿矿主唯一继承人的汤小鱼,人生开挂了……男主版文案:两大家族为了前途选择联姻,这在圈子里很常见,可是蒋家三公子蒋澈即将联姻的对象有些磕碜。发小甲:“听说是地里刨土豆子的土妞。”发小乙:“扯淡!明明是刨地瓜的土妞。”蒋澈生无可恋,他亲眼看到那土妞刨出来一撮花生,还说是什么上上卦……····推荐基友的文····《久违了,周同学》by四单铺男霸女强的爱情《我和女主杠上了》by般罗若在线pk绿茶女主《狐狸精养崽攻略》by空煜锦歪养崽子正当爹《鉴情师》by噗噗星这该死的真香定律!《一代名师【系统】》by木易少一横一个怕麻烦的老师得到系统后……····我的完结文····《半神她超刚超凶》女主硬核,在线成神《后宫职场升职记》女主后宫咸鱼翻身史《厉害了,朕的娘娘》后宫狡猾女官与腹黑皇帝的奋斗史《穿越之又一春》穿越女医生遇见如玉暖男《我家叫兽是狼变的》暖心高能的缉毒猎人1w0-29819 >>
内容简介:浅情人不知。爱情这种东西,只有用情深的人才会明白其中的幸福和痛苦。宁教授语录:“我不懂女人的爱情,但我自信会做得很好。”“……”本文也可以叫做《他的爱情浅》,《你的一生一定会遇到一个很 帅的教授》,《我和宁教授不得不说的故事》文谢绝扒榜!进来点击文名下收藏此文章的朋友,一个月内会发生好事哦信则灵。浅缘深系列文推荐时间哒:我若在你心上情敌三千也无妨难得爱浓请专注泡我一个,么么哒作者:师小札所写的《浅情人不知》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-60475 >>
内容简介: 待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀;冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。黄巢振臂,昔日震烁古今的大唐王朝走向覆灭,五代十国乱世开启,金戈铁马寻常事,是非成败转头空。在汹涌浪潮的末尾和高潮, 后周北宋之间那些年,史从云早知道周世宗雄才伟略,赵匡胤君临天下,听说过南唐大小周后,知道后蜀花蕊夫人。中原群雄割据,北方契丹虎视眈眈。风云际会,天翻地覆之际,史从云跟着只长肌肉不长脑的大爹,该如何在乱世中谋存。一步步从胸无大志,只想苟全性命于乱世的小人物成长为气吞天下的雄主......(主角比较不守规矩,卫道士误入)1w0-3053 >>
内容简介:虫族之完美雄主虫族的大众情虫,俊美剽悍的第一军团元帅,突然爆出已婚的消息,全星际哗然!元帅的雄主是垃圾星上的丑八怪雄虫,一个丧失晶核与虫纹、无法生育、底层E级的废物。看着1w0-872 47 >>
内容简介:那些年贾二虎全文免费阅读全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《那些年贾二虎全文免费阅读》贾二虎著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读那些年贾二虎全文免费阅读 全文内容。1w9621-34931 >>
内容简介:21世纪的暗夜组织有个全能型杀手叫安雪棠,但她穿越了。穿越第一天就被卖给了一个残障人士当妻子,传闻那人不仅双腿残疾还凶残暴戾。可作为声控颜控的安雪棠一进门就被那人的声音和俊美的容貌蛊惑 住了。双腿残疾?没事,我能治。中毒活不过半年?没事,我能解。需要养个小包子?没事,我养的起。想要当摄政王?没事,我助你一臂之力。想要生个小1w17130-26853 >>
内容简介:许星辰和邵怀明结婚的时候,所有人都说她瞎了眼,好好的名牌大学毕业生,找个建筑工,除了那张脸,一穷二白。后来,邵怀明摇身一变,成了商界大佬,所有人都说许星辰眼光好,嫁得好。许星辰:可我想 离婚。邵大佬:各位书友要是觉得《先婚后爱,大佬要离婚!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w13183-25235 >>
Love can change everything. ... Original webcomic: http://www.u17.com/comic/106369.html Please come visit this link if you like the story. Higher view count does benefit the author.
From Awakened Memories and Covenant of Darkness: My private tutor, Midorikawa-sensei is a student attending a super elite medical school. He confessed to me and we started dating but I inadvertently lost my virginity! It is because, everyone around me already experienced their first time and I thought it was too late for me. At that time, my non related sister who has always lived separately from me returned. We met for many days and suddenly she is a he. A he who wants to have a romp in the hay with me!?
Sun Jong is a girl who doesn't like to be near others, and wears a mask on her face. Her grandma decides to take in a good looking boy who has the mission to become friends with her. Can she take off the mask?
The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre summary:
The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre was first serialized by Jin Yong in newspapers from 6 July 1961 to 2 September 1963.
The book is the third of the Condor Trilogy. The story has undergone two revisions. The second edition was released in 1979 and and the third edition was published in 2005.
Set in the late Yuan dynasty, the story revolves around a pair of priceless and extremely powerful weapons, the Heaven Reliant Sword (倚天劍) and Dragon Slaying Saber (屠龍刀), which are coveted by many martial artists in the jianghu. Either or both of them are thought to allow their wielder to rule the wulin (martial artists’ community), according to a widely circulated mantra which goes, “Honoured by the wulin, the precious Saber slays the Dragon. It commands the world. Who dares to disobey? If the Heaven Reliant does not appear, who can challenge it?” (武林至尊,寶刀屠龍,號令天下,莫敢不從!倚天不出,誰與爭鋒?). The origins of this mantra are not known at the beginning of the story.
The protagonist, Zhang Wuji, is of mixed heritage: His father, Zhang Cuishan, is an apprentice of Zhang Sanfeng, the highly revered leader of the Wudang Sect; his mother, Yin Susu, is the daughter of Yin Tianzheng, the chief of the “unorthodox” Heavenly Eagle Cult. He spent his childhood on a reclusive northern island, where he was born, with only his parents and his G.o.dfather, Xie Xun, to keep him company. When he is about 10 years old, he returns to the Chinese mainland with his parents. They soon find themselves the target of several martial artists, who try to force them to reveal the whereabouts of Xie Xun and the Dragon Slaying Saber. His parents refuse and commit suicide. At the same time, Zhang Wuji is wounded by the Xuanming Elders, but he survives after seeking medical treatment from Hu Qingniu, an eccentric physician.
Jack Buntline summary: Jack Buntline summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jack Buntline. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Demon Boss In The Human World [Entertainment Circle] summary: The general of the demon world possessed the body of a third-rate small time celebrity. This was the story of him coming over, determined to make preparations for the demon world’s invasion of the human world, but he accidentally got mixed in with the entertainment circle instead. From endless scandals to endless gossiping, and from a n.o.body to a hot topic, the third-rate star had became the most eye-catching male G.o.d in the entertainment industry with a leap. The reporters were tirelessly unearthing the ‘story’ behind him! The object of their gossip had expressed that he had a pair of very strong thighs, and anyone could feel free to hug them! Please, come and hug them! Gu Yan says: Stupid humans, what I want to conquer is the human world. Domineering and ruthless villain boss bottom x Cheating protagonist type beautiful and aloof dominant top. Tags: Mary sue indulgence, strong bottom x strong top, love and hate relationship, not all about the entertainment circle
Show Me The Money summary: G.o.dd.a.m.nit! Now I’ve got to look for another job to pay the bills! That f*cker! I did nothing wrong! Huh? What’s that? Eternal, a full dive VRMMMORPG that gives you the chance to make real money? Perfect, that’s exactly what I need! Now&h.e.l.lip; What cla.s.s should I pick? Warrior? No, I don’t want to tank. Knight? Please, I already said I hate tanking. Healer? Oh G.o.d, please don’t make me babysit people. Archer? Mage? No, I’ll be too far from the loot! Rogue? Seems nice. We can steal stuff too? Perfect! Now&h.e.l.lip;. Show me the gold! Show me the cash! Show me the money!