




简介【每周五更新】随主出征,战死沙场,白英从一只战虎重生变为病秧子美人,还嫁给了主人,从此猛虎变萌虎。 “过来,你不是一天天往我身上爬吗?跑什么!”当着满堂朝臣的面,将军大人冲白英招招手。 “明明是你不让我往你身上爬的……”白英一边嘟囔,一边乖乖爬将军大腿上坐好。 满堂朝臣面面相觑,这是,被将军大人撒狗粮了。












简介#古风##高甜#每周六、周日更新男扮女装的子乐化身舞姬靠近荒淫无度的当朝丞相左熠城,却不料被其识破真身,反压在床!子乐咆哮:ヽ(‘⌒´メ)ノ从我身上下去!左熠城:(◍´꒳`◍)那你上来吧~~~子乐:(╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)滚!@重庆缘漫动漫












类别都市 恋爱 生活




内容简介:  当拥有百万恒星之力的哨兵,遇上地表最强的白银超人;当以银河为试验场的天神组,遇上统领钢铁军团的机械超人;当至高无上的生命法庭,遇上视维度如尘埃的量子超人……这是一个穿越者,带着众多 超人模板来到漫威世界的故事。ps:非英雄向,不喜勿入~ps2:时间线以作者为准~1w0-4392 >>


内容简介:舒秦进临床那一天,遇到了凶巴巴的“住院总医师”禹明。禹明得知舒秦是他师妹,嘲讽脸:“带教?谁愿意教谁教,我可没这个空。”无奈科主任发话,禹医生被迫手把手教了舒秦一个月,从一脸不爽,变成 了一脸暗爽。这回轮到舒秦不爽了:“当初是谁不肯带我的,现在这人怎么撵都撵不走了。”护“妹”狂魔vs淡定脸师妹。各位书友要是觉得《谁动了我的听诊器》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25291 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:玄幻:看书就无敌】林渊穿越玄幻世界,这里强者为尊,弱者为蚁。他虽为天命圣朝太师之子,然而母亲身份原因,在府中不受待见,地位低下。并且因为先天体弱,无法修行。好 在他觉醒“大道图书馆”,通过阅读小说,便可获得书中的功法传承,神通法宝,仙丹神药……等等。阅读圣皇,获诸神印记,神象镇狱劲,觉醒八亿四千万神象微粒,震铄万古!阅读完美纪元,获无上帝血,他化自在大法,他化自在,他化万古,他化轮回!阅读武之祖墓,获永恒天舟,开辟永恒国度,横渡无尽虚空,征伐诸天,冠压万域!林渊:我林某人能有今天的实力,完全是靠自己努力走来的,看书只不过是平时放松,爱好。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢玄幻:看书就无敌,别忘记分享给朋友作者:鹏哥上天榜所写的《玄幻:看书就无敌》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-29099 >>


内容简介:《都市秒杀福袋十个亿》简介:“意思就是,节目组早就把正确的答案给了杨洋了呗(开局签到十八年)。”“诶!这么说的话,这个可能性还挺大的,毕竟,人家杨总课时节目组的投资人呢!”“啊这这不太 可能吧,你们没看到导演那个惊讶的表情吗?甚至在公布答案的时候,都有些结巴了,很明显,杨总的答案出乎他们的意料啊!”“我也是感觉这假不了,毕竟这可是实时直播,没能进行后期剪辑跟不拍,所以,假不了!”杨洋的表现,让逛中门一时间再次沸腾了起来(开局签到十八年)。如此电钻的问题,都能答对,真的假的?如果是的,不是剧本,也没有提前告知答案,那杨洋就真的牛逼了!“接下来,是第二个问题,请问现在所有跳广场舞的有多少位大爷在最后集合的时候,跑错了方向?”导演可是相当地坏,问题问到一半,居然故意停顿了一下(开局签到十八年)。。1w22773-68126 >>


内容简介:生产队的都说余家祖坟冒青烟了,新进门的媳妇突然一改先前的懒馋,不仅做得一手好菜,就是地里的农活也干得有模有样,更让人眼红的是,人家一举考上大学,毕业就成了吃商品粮的教师。眼看余家日子越 过越好,生产队的纷纷开始巴结当家的新媳妇,只有周小满在心底默默流泪,一辈子稳重内敛的自己,怎么就摊上这么个二流子老公1w0-89946 >>




内容简介:  婚后一个月,颜早被贴上了小三的标签,面对网上攻击,现实谩骂,她淡定的走到蓝暮面前:“爱不爱的无所谓,主要我这个人要面子,你有一个红颜知己,我就去找十个黑骑士。”  第二天,有关于蓝 暮另有所爱的新闻统统消失。  婚后两个月,公婆来逼离婚,颜早拿出婚前协议到蓝暮面前,“离婚可以,钱我一分不会退。”  蓝暮:“那不能离。”  婚后好几个月,协议到期,颜早收拾包袱走人,被男人堵在门口,“初三就看你开始给我写情书,怎么我到现在一封没收到?”  #人生最幸福的事情莫过于,你暗恋的人也一直默默关注着你#1w0-952 >>


内容简介:福威,福威,何为福威?有威才能有福!剑法为何名曰辟邪?剑名辟邪,自当“百邪辟易”除人间“恶鬼”。那什么又是江湖?有人的地方就会有恩怨,有恩怨就会有江湖。人就是江湖!是非曲直,公道人心何 在?公道不在人心,是非在乎实力。可否全身而退?即入江湖,自当以生死为疆!(纯江湖,纯侠义,不诸天,穿书无系统)1w0-114859 >>


内容简介:相府是个可怕的地方。相爷与丫鬟滚床单;正室气得命欲绝;小妾虎视又眈眈;打住……我只是个小丫鬟,与我有何相干。林西表示,她很慌乱!仰天长啸:老天爷——你个鸟蛋!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得 《极品丫鬟》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75143 >>


内容简介:广宗城里的一个小子,家中无权无势,卖了唯一的房产凑了点钱准备去衙门谋个差事,可钱也使了,职位却被他人占了,拼爹,没有;拼钱,没有;拼人,也就自己。无奈之下,他只好在大户人家打着短工供养 家中老母。有一次回家途中,偶遇一少女买东西没给钱,被老板抓着要送官,鬼使神差之下,他居然用身上那为数不多的钱替少女付了账。本以为少女只是自己的人生过客,没成想,他却稀里糊涂的成了张角的女婿。1w0-84498 >>




内容简介:【求收藏,求推荐】:“什么?!我穿越了,卧槽!怎么成了一头牛,不对是天青牛莽?还有抽奖?”穿越到斗罗大陆,林峰脸色很不好,开局没有系统,只有一部重瞳术,可恶。“还好我天生丽质,开局签到 天青牛莽,星斗大森林的老大哥。”“武魂殿美女必须拿下!嘤嘤嘤……”即刻,他又义正言辞道:“拿下武魂殿,一统斗罗大陆,成就至高神位,才是我最终的归属”于是,他开始化人了……各位书友要是觉得《斗罗:开局签到天青牛莽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得君如剑仙最新小说作品《斗罗:开局签到天青牛莽》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-78362 >>

Walking With You (Junko)

Ken and Yuu are childhood friends, they have always been together, they went to the same kindergarden, the same elementary school, the same middle school and now the same high school. Ken is really good at soccer, but he's hiding something from Yuu. What is it?

Kiseki No Koibito

A volume of sweet, beautifully drawn oneshots from one of our favorite mangaka. 1) Imaginary Lovers: a man reunites with his college love after three years only to find out that his thoroughly male love interest has apparently conceived, given birth to and raised a son in the three years since they parted. That this is anatomically possible doesn't even occur to our slightly dopey seme, who's just overjoyed at the prospect of getting back 'the one that got away' plus a rather adorable half-sized extra. 2) Brothers: two very different boys learn to co-exist when they suddenly find themselves living together and expected to act like brothers. 3) Supreme Logic Study: two college students bask in domestic bliss after ten years of friendship, totally unaware of their true feelings for each other. 4) Twin: when Wataru dies in a traffic accident, he thinks he has no lingering attachments to the living world... if that's so, then why can't he pass on to his next incarnation? And what's keeping the sad-eyed boy who shares his lonely rooftop? 5) Bet: a bet turns into something much more infuriating... 6) D.H: a boy is enlisted to write love letters for his less-than-literate best friend... unfortunately, the object of his friend's affection is his own secret crush.

Jinjuu Houretsuden

From Storm in Heaven: In ancient China there exists an alternate dimension called Jusenkai, whose inhabitants, the Senkaijin, possess tremendous powers. One of them, YanLang, fled to Earth along with his rebel army after being defeated during his attempt to overthrow the Emperor. In order to capture the fugitives, the Emperor sent his elite soldiers to Earth after them. LiFang has been traveling alone to find his father's murderer when he picks up a sick and injured man. That aloof man, TuoRen, turns out to be one of the imperial soldiers sent to earth to hunt and capture the Senkaijin rebels. While his comrades work in pairs, TuoRen prefers to be alone. That is, until the strangely powerful human, LiFang, decides to follow him on his quest. The volume 5 extra is the unrelated short story Time Lag.

Hizamazu Ai Ni Kogareru

1-3) On My Knees, Yearning for Your Love Hibiki is the bodyguard hired to protect Buyu, the heir of a Hong Kong financial empire. Although Buyu is responsible for overseeing the family fortune, he still often finds the time to enjoy the nightlife with the ladies. Despite Hibiki’s warnings to Buyu about his uncle’s plot to have him killed so he can take over the empire, Buyu continuously ignores Hibiki’s urgent pleas to cooperate with him. What would it take for Buyu to take Hibiki seriously!? 4) Feverish Kimura and his lover Yuichi are both doctors in the same hospital, and Yuichi uses it as an excuse to have sex at work, despite Kimura's protests. Will Yuichi demands push Kimura too far? 5) Can’t Win Against the Sun! College student Himawari has been freeloading off Takabayashi sensei for a long time. Because, despite sensei hostile attitude and filthy mouth, he's really very kind. But Himawari, who has fallen in love with him, may finally be asking for too much... 6) Seduction of Cinderella Aki is a model scout who has to babysit his top model, the childish but loving Haru, even to the point of having a sexual relationship with him! But this is all just for Haru's own good, right? 7) Anata no Chef Young chef is in love with the strict maître d'hôtel.

The Legend Of The Railway Hero

The Legend Of The Railway Hero summary: “Did a demon lord appear?” “Stop wasting time blabbering nonsense.” While on his way home, Tamagawa Teruya, an ordinary high school student with a peculiar hobby had lost consciousness. He woke up enveloped by light, apparently transported to the Kingdom of Lutetia in another world with the help of a reckless magical experiment. To Teruya’s immense disappointment, the Kingdom was on the verge of ruin. One not brought about by a giant dragon attack or a hostile demon lord, but by its own railway system which allowed goods from other places to flood the country leading to an economic collapse. And just when the Queen and the ruling elite were at their wits’ end, our hero appeared and came alight upon hearing the word ‘railway’. That was because Tamagawa Teruya was a train-otaku, someone who loved the railways with the deepest of pa.s.sions, easily three times as much as he loved rice. And with the help of the knowledge every train-otaku carried in their head, he rose to the challenge and saved the day. Thus rose the curtains of a story in which a high school senior that is a railway maniac becomes a hero by employing his knowledge of trains.

Mary Louise

Mary Louise summary: Mary Louise summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mary Louise. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ava Delaney: Tethers

Ava Delaney: Tethers summary: Ava Delaney: Tethers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ava Delaney: Tethers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Stranger's Homeward Journey

The Stranger's Homeward Journey summary: Luo Shaoheng could never have imagined that the man he rescued in an alleyway that night would change his life forever. He was the one he had been searching for his entire life – his soulmate. With him, he experienced the sweetest love, yet he also experienced the irrevocable pain of separation through death… To his surprise, the lover he had thought had perished in that car crash ten years ago appeared in front of him once again. However, he had no memory of him nor the time they spent together… “It doesn’t matter. I’ll use this chance to make you fall in love with me anew.”

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