








类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁


















简介传闻存在着一个集合着社会各界知名人士的神秘组织——杀道会。每个杀道会的核心成员,都拥有匪夷所思的超能力,他们是超级杀手,也是至高道义实行者。 【更新频率:每周三、周五更新~】






内容简介:为了给父母报仇,华夏一代兵王陈阳退役回归都市。回归都市,陈阳本想低调调查,无奈敌人不放过他,各色美女也缠着他。这是一个醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权的故事。各位书友要是觉得《终极兵神陈阳》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2327-4845 >>


内容简介:我是梅山袁洪。封神大劫即将到来,为了不上封神榜,机智的我,立志要抱紧女娲娘娘的金大腿。毕竟有圣人做靠山不是万能的,没有圣人做靠山是万万不能的。(轻松欢乐休闲风,主角略腹黑,喜欢的朋友进 )本书关键词:武侠仙侠《封神:从抱女娲娘娘金大腿开始》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、午夜女主播、锦衣娘子、糊你一脸白月光快穿、校花之贴身高手、秋以为期、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、跨物种相亲、小娇妻,你被捕了!、我!无双战将、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、子夜十、那个被我活埋的人、子夜十顶点、居山海、烈火出击最强特种兵、直播之秘境探索、姐姐领进门:掌权、穿书后她成了种田文渣男配、重生八零年代好生活1w0-82576 >>


内容简介:  太古时代,强者如云,有妖族巨擘,仰天长啸吼碎域外星辰,有人族无上大能,挥手斩碎万古苍穹。更有太古龙象,掌管亿万星域,统治诸天万界。  而曾经最为强大的太古禁忌神术太古龙象诀却自太古 时代结束便消失不见,时至今日,太古龙象诀已经失传亿万年。  无尽岁月后,落魄少年林枫偶得太古第一禁忌神术太古龙象诀。  当林枫从世界最北部一个偏远小城走出之后,一段传奇由此展开。  这是一个强者如林,万族争锋的世界。 问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?  林枫凭借太古龙象诀,战天斗地,横扫诸天强者,霸绝万界。  群号:426393872,群号2:5939226371w0-21 >>


内容简介:《大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了》小说简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】【苏爽撩宠、1V1、优雅腹黑忠犬大魔王搞事自恋马甲小魔王】惊!薇笙机场被商界新贵扛肩跑,疑是恋 情曝光,新款狗粮太甜。薇笙:那个小王八蛋啊……是我二哥。爆!薇笙手术失败,医界圣手为其殉情,两人生死相随的爱情感人。薇笙:拔智齿也算手术?改天问我大哥愿不愿意跟我一起死!暖!名校小奶狗校草暗恋薇笙,为维大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了是原作者李秾秾精心创作的都市小说大作,小兵同步更新大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了最新章节,书友所发表的大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了评论,并不代表小兵赞同大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了的观点。关键词:大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了最新章节、大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了无弹窗、大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了txt下载您要是觉得《大佬的小魔王又掉马甲了》小说还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持李秾秾吧!1w0-82605 >>


内容简介:小兵提供快穿之娇宠女配全文阅读全本txt免费下载(无弹窗广告),快穿之娇宠女配电子书适合手机平板阅读,本站支持网盘、微盘高速免费下载。每次穿越,苏果都是被虐惨了的小炮灰。娇娇软软炮灰命 。却每次都成了黑化大佬的心尖宠。甜文宠文小甜饼么么哒1w20274-96649 >>




内容简介:穿越到秦时明月的世界中,李轩获得最强扮演系统,扮演的越像原人物,获得的力量就越强。剑神西门吹雪,神雕侠杨过,盗帅楚留香,四条眉毛陆小凤,剑魔独孤求败,无上宗师令东来……“红莲,明珠,焰 焰,弄玉,紫女,你们都冷静一下。”“那个,你们其实真的没有必要争的,因为你们的心上人…都是我的马甲……”看着聚在一起,一个个炫耀着自己心上人的众人,李轩的额头不自觉的划过一滴冷汗。本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76280 >>


内容简介:大家好,这里是盗墓直播间,正能量主播,在线带你逛古墓。快看啊,墓里有只女鬼,等我把它抓起来,给大家表演个才艺。老铁们,棺材里有只千年老僵尸,只要礼物到位,我把僵尸灌醉。喂警官,墓主人亲 自带我来它家拿东西的,你凭什么说我是盗墓啊?尸王:“这小子怎么又来我墓里了?我金牙都让他拔了,他还来干啥?”厉鬼:“有没有谁报警把他抓了?盗墓就算了,怎么拿了东西还打鬼啊?”妖女:“我这么漂亮,他都不放过我的墓,还有没有王法?还有没有法律?”陈三夜:喂,前面哪个鬼,对,就是喊你,过来。你的墓在哪儿啊?墓里有没有什么好东西啊?不说?沙包这么大的拳头,你吃不吃得消?1w0-97075 >>


内容简介:她的生死,与我无关。这是南晚意人生中听到的最后一句话。十年深爱,五年婚姻,换来的是家破人亡,身陷身陷囹圄。至此,她不再是萧太太,而是疯人院地下室里又聋又哑的玩具。浴火重生,她以为是救赎 ,却没想到只是另一场黑暗的开始。她以为爱的人,从不爱他,而她,已经没有力气再爱了。1w21694-28139 >>


内容简介:开新书了,开新书了,《诸天万界》,兄弟们投花的投花,收藏的收藏哇!传送门:http://www.17k.com/book/840179.html ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… 乱古时代,凶神恶斗,大道破灭,天地崩坏,无数生灵湮灭,然,天心仁慈,馀万族残存于世,于天灾中挣扎嘶吼,于凶神爪牙下忍辱负重,于岁月变迁中韬光养晦,终有各族神帝神王崛起,镇压凶神,划地而居,中央世界化为四海九州,万族兴盛,又开始了一轮新的征伐,苍穹破碎,凶神又将复出,而人族兴起,鸿蒙天帝率领百圣镇压九天十地,万族共存,开创了太古盛世,如今经过历史轮转,人族走向衰败,在末法年代,人族气运将尽之时,轩辕于苍茫天地之中,能否再兴人道?再创盛世?请看《吞噬苍穹》1w0-1175 >>


内容简介:  仙。是求不来的。莫求很早就明白这个道理。1w0-1944


内容简介:城破之夜,她初次被召侍寝,可是,带着杀戮和鲜血而来的,却是他——一个狠戾嗜杀的暴君?他画地为牢,强行将她禁在身侧,只是说好冷血无情,画风怎么越来越歪?欺她的,辱她的,统统被剁去喂狗!某 女终于忍不住,“陛下,你到底想干什么?”暴君强势壁咚,目光隐忍火辣,“朕想干什么,你心里没点数?”他弑血天下,唯独对她温柔内敛,宠她一世情深!1w0-27276 >>

Megumi No Daigo

Asahina Daigo, a young man fresh out of school and inaugurated into Company 'Me,' a firefighting unit in an area known for its lack of fires (which gives Company 'Me' a slacker image). Daigo is not particularly heroic; he's overly competitive against his rivals, naive, myopic, inexperienced, short-tempered, and is often off in la-la land with a spaced-out expression on his face.

Champagne Wa Koi No Biyaku

Can one night lead to many more? When tycoon Graydon Gallagher lends Rebecca a shoulder to cry on at her ex-fiance's wedding, she doesn't expect to wake up next to him the following day! Exactly what kind of comfort has he given her?! From Baka-Updates: Rebecca really is unfortunate. At first her fiancé gets stolen by her stepsister and then she even has to attend the wedding of those two. At the wedding tycoon Graydon Gallagher approaches and comforts her. The next morning she wakes up next to him and is not so sure what might have happened the evening before... After that Gray proposes to take her on a business trip with him and Rebecca agrees, thinking it might be the starting point to a new life... plus Gray assures her that it will only be those two weeks and after that it will simply be just a memory, nothing more.

Afro Samurai

Set in a 'futuristic, yet feudal Japan,' and stars a samurai named Afro for his hair. The story follows Afro as he tries to avenge his father's murder. In the world of Afro Samurai, it is said that the one who becomes 'Number One', will rule the world, wielding powers akin to a god. Someone becomes Number One by killing the previous Number One and taking his ceremonial headband. However, the only rule in this world is that only the 'Number Two' (also designated by a sacred headband) is allowed to fight the 'Number One.' The downside of this is that anyone (and typically everyone) can challenge and try to kill the Number Two, to gain the right to move forward and challenge Number One. Afro Samurai's father was the old Number One, until he was challenged by a gunman, 'Justice' (who was then Number Two), who fought him in a duel to become the new Number One. At the time the gunman challenged his father, Afro had only been a child. The gunman severed his father's head right in front of the young Afro. Now an adult, Afro Samurai is the current Number Two and a master swordsman; he travels the road seeking revenge on Justice, the current Number One. Lengthy flashbacks interspersed throughout the story detail how Afro rose from frightened boy fleeing the death of his father, to master swordsman, and eventually to become the current 'Number Two', while the story in the present deals with the adult Afro making his way to the mountain top keep of the 'Number One' to duel Justice, while at the same time the mysterious cult known as the 'Empty Seven Clan' sends various agents to kill Afro and take his Number Two headband.

Catch Smile!

Rui cannot play baseball any more, and all Kunihiro wants is for Rui to smile again.

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford

The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford summary: The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Eternal Log

Eternal Log summary: Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Haru!
As long as I can remember tou-san and kaa-san weren’t around so jii-chan and baa-chan raised me!
And I noticed that I seem to be different from everyone else!
As it is because my future is insecure, for the sake of having a stable income I will try my best to become a great adventurer!
By the way, I’d like to give marriage a shot so let’s say I have marriage aspirations!
Though whether someone will take the me who is different from everyone else…
Ah! Being negative is no good!
Well, even though I’m starting with a minus I’ll try my best!
The current target is the lowest line of the requirements for marriage: stable income!
From here on how will my life turn out? Please watch over me!
….eeeehm “Below is a rough summary of the story” seems like!
Then, my best regards!

Eternal Log
The ancient race’s treasure.
Long ago.
Superior physical strength.
Overwhelming magic power.
Those who carried knowledge of the principles of the world were called the Ancient Race governed the world.
The Ancient Race were said to be the descendants of the G.o.d of Creation.
The Ancient Race used their knowledge to invent machines, by means of magic and machines they achieved a never before seen degree of growth such that the people lived without discomfort.
However, the civilization of magic and machine that developed the world suddenly faces its demise.
Sent from the distant past to the future, Haru, whose parents were gone, was raised by his grandparents.
However, Haru noticed that he was slightly different from everyone else.
And so, a certain event envelopes the boundary of the world, and the gears of fate start turning.

Peeps Into China

Peeps Into China summary: Peeps Into China summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Peeps Into China. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Adaptation summary: Adaptation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Adaptation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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