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内容简介:【明艳张扬天才神医vs腹黑深情病娇王爷】实验室爆炸,孟清韵穿成了一个养父母早亡,被狠毒亲戚虐待的农家丫头。她医毒双绝,武功盖世,手握空间,怕谁?敢把她卖到青楼?略施小计,就让极品亲戚倾 家荡产;贫穷没钱花?用先进的医疗手段,治疗疑难杂症,银子哗哗往兜里装;上山就能采到珍稀药材,随手救下的老头是当朝首辅,运气好到爆棚。就是从山上背回来1w0-89688 >>


内容简介:  动荡之年。  混乱时空内爆发了一股可怕的能量风暴,所有的神灵都暂时失去了全部的神力,被迫以圣者的身份降临世间。这是有史以来最混乱的时期,充满着不可预知的危险与机遇,有强大的诸神陨落 ,也有卑微的凡人封神,无处不在的混乱厮杀波及整个多元宇宙。  圣者多如狗,巫妖遍地走。  在这前所未有的动荡时期到来之前,一个名为索伦的少年也开始了他的异界之旅。  欢迎大家加入书友群:308769378  1w0-524 >>




内容简介:《末途觉醒》之匠师的复兴天罗大匠师之崛起——战斗值为渣的技术宅,废柴创造术的异军突起。人生不过是段起伏的路,只有攀上,才有巅峰。那个陪她走到尽处的人,会是谁?【旧文《第一医仙》的姐妹篇 。】【强推基友“天涯牌草草”的现代重生文《不做学霸双重生》】有时候不争未必是放弃,也可能是一飞冲天前的蛰伏。novelid34409121w0-81441 >>


内容简介:"大蛇丸!你把我当做什么了!我可不是血做的!""段君,不要这么小气么!你的命都是我救的!""我……"。。。。。。。。。。"鼬啊,你一脸小受的看着我干嘛?""……""这种事我是不会帮你的 !""……""就算你摆出这么可怜兮兮的表情我也不会帮你的""……""你……"。。。。。。。。。。。"迪达拉,我不喜欢男的""没事,我也不喜欢男的,我只喜欢你""你不介意我是男的?""嗯嗯,不介意""问题是…我介意!!!”1w0-78589 >>


内容简介:主角是杨雨欣老周的小说又叫纯纯昧动、老爸与女儿等,讲述杨雨欣今年十八岁,自从初中毕业后,就辍学在家跟着父亲务农,处于青春期的她,对于异性的身体,是非常好奇的,雨欣虽然不是老周亲生的,但 从小养到大,也算是自己闺女,当看到那丰满的部位时,他还是没忍住多看了两眼。1w28608-86045 >>


内容简介:犯罪现场禁止撒糖是由四月邪瞳所写的现代言情类小说,本站提供待犯罪现场禁止撒糖最新章节阅读犯罪现场禁止撒糖全文阅读犯罪现场禁止撒糖免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现犯罪现场禁止撒糖更新慢了请 第一时间联系小兵。1w0-25602 >>




内容简介:大明崇祯十四年,满清十数万精锐主力围困锦州。五月初,大明蓟辽总督洪承畴奉天子诏,持天子剑,召集九边八路精锐援军汇聚宁远,救援锦州。天下无数目光汇聚辽西!决定明清两国国运,决定天下亿万苍 生命运的松锦之战,一触即发!这时,宁远城外,迎来一名新兵三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月,多少英雄豪杰?!捐躯报家国,九死尤未悔!!!【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《跃马大明》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-53935 >>


内容简介:《麻衣神婿》是一举成神精心创作的玄幻小说,长风文学网实时更新麻衣神婿最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的麻衣神婿评论,并不代表长风文学网赞同或者支持麻衣神婿读者的观点。1w2465 -75629 >>


内容简介:不负佳人不负卿最新章节由网友提供《不负佳人不负卿》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情类型小说,不负佳人不负卿由作家谢若汐萧亦辰创作,小兵免费提供不负佳人不负卿最新清 爽干净的文字章节在线阅读,主要讲述的是:大离王朝的圣元五年八月十五。这天,是个极好的天气,天空湛蓝,阳光和煦,照在人身上暖洋洋的。因为是中秋,宫里特地给各位大臣放了假,准许今日不用当值,可以回家团聚。1w13679-97216 >>

Ore No Shiranai Murakami-Kun.

From Fujoshi Bitches: After drinking at home with Murakami, his best friend from university, Minowa woke up to find Murakami riding him. Tempted by the erotic expression on Murakami’s face, Minowa unconsciously extended his hand… “You don’t have to do anything. Just be good and lie down.” Put in this appealing situation, his best friend who’s cuter than any woman, unexpectedly forbids touching! And above all, he’s the only one who knows the real Murakami who’s always the cool genius in University. Isn’t it impossible not to have any feelings for you after being in that sort of situation?! “Even I want to make you feel good!” However, there’s a secret as to why Murakami stubbornly rejects Minowa’s touch; one that he doesn’t want Minowa to find out no matter what.

Kodoku Experiment

Deronga Five Alpha is a dying unstable planet which according to studies, used to be a very lush planet with all kinds of different species. The current state of the planet is a horrifying place where vicious carnivorous creatures fight in the ?œsurvival of the fittest.” Captain Bagures, the leader of the research spacecraft, is a cold and cruel woman who, despite the warnings, unnecessarily sends a military team down to the planet for research. The end result was a catastrophe with the team being slaughtered by the creatures on the planet. The leader of the team, Cannon, vows vengeance on Bagures before seemingly dying. Jump to 20 years later, a spaceship comes near Deronga Five Alpha to see the end of the planet. As the planet explodes, a foreign object attaches itself onto the spaceship. As nothing can survive a planetary explosion, the crew investigates the object only to find out it is one of the creatures from the planet Deronga. As the story progresses, the creature goes into a rage after seeing Bagures, now an extremely important person in the military, on the monitor screen. Could this creature be Cannon and how do you stop something that can withstand a planetary explosion?

Boku To Kanojo No Xxx

Two teens see how the other half lives! When her mad scientist grandfather accidentally switches their bodies. Akira Uehara is mortified when his best buddy starts hitting on 'him,' and is embarrassed to look at 'himself' in the mirror in her underwear! He can't wait to get back to being a boy. But Nanako Momoi has other ideas--she is starting to enjoy life in Akira's body! From Tokyopop: Rude girl and effeminate boy switch bodies and find that it might be a better fit for both of them. Lots of crazy comedy. Nanako Momoi is the belle of high school... as long as she stays quiet. Once she shows her true self, guys' dreams are shattered for she is a true tomboy. Akira Uehara has the looks and brains, but, unfortunately, his personality is so dull it overcasts a shadow, and nobody notices him. One day, Nanako's grandfather comes up with a crazy invention, and Nanako and Akira trade Bodies! She's him, and he's her!

Sensei To Himitsu

Chapter 1-2 & Extra: Kaji's woken up from his nap hearing popular Tsunoda sensei getting hot and heavy with another guy! But it's his partner, the plain Aritou sensei that Kaji can't stop thinking about. Kaji's eyes are being opened as he finds that the needs and dark desires that can bind together lovers aren't always about love... Chapter 3-6: An assistant proffessor of agriculture quits his collage due to budget cuts. When looking for a new place to conduct his reasearch, he meets a boy willing to help him with his experiments what ever it may entail.

Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian summary: Prince Caspian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Prince Caspian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

It's A Sweet Life

It's A Sweet Life summary: It's A Sweet Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of It's A Sweet Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Positive Energy System

Positive Energy System summary: Ji Chen Ai has always wanted to be a good person until he was physically disabled for some reason. When he has been neglected by his parents, Ji Chen Ai just smile. When he is being bullied by his brother, Ji Chen Ai just smile. However, when someone pushes him and his wheelchair down the stairs, Ji Chen Ai can’t smile anymore. But why is it during this time, something came out suddenly and tell him that he must be a good person?! System: Our goal is — No! More! Bad! People!

The Covenanters of Damascus; A Hitherto Unknown Jewish Sect

The Covenanters of Damascus; A Hitherto Unknown Jewish Sect summary: The Covenanters of Damascus; A Hitherto Unknown Jewish Sect summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Covenanters of Damascus; A Hitherto Unknown Jewish Sect. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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