内容简介:雷辰刚刚来到地球,突然就看到魔人布欧刚刚被孙悟空的元气弹给灭了,雷辰立马就吓出一声冷汗,因为此时的他才刚刚能够变身成超级赛亚人二。不为别的,只因破坏神比鲁斯要来地球了。……这是一个青年 重生在龙珠世界成为赛亚人,被混在一个原始星球生活四十多年才来到地球的故事。本书以龙珠世界为主,后期可能会加入其他世界。1w0-95939 >>
内容简介:般宿偶得神级印武系统。印契、古武道法和地球星际文明的结合,踏着血与骨,殷墟学院历练,妖魔乱世中霸皇遮天。般宿被神级系统寄宿后,生活就变了。系统﹕宿主心生恶念,欲要抢夺小女孩手中糖葫芦, 扣除一功德点作为警告,再有触犯,将百倍扣除惩戒。般宿:我……省…分享书籍《神印遮天》作者:紫夜血花1w0-110895 >>
内容简介:“陛下,你可知你为什么会被篡位灭国?因为你的男宠太多了。”夏九璃:“……滚!”月锦渊前世为了自己的好兄弟出生入死,最后却被一箭穿心而死。重生而来的他立誓要让那个叛徒一无所有,血债血偿。 咦好兄弟被换了芯子而且还是一个女人?顿时,他整个人都变得不好了,这个仇还要不要报?医术超然性格诡然的1w0-126589 >>
内容简介:【入v,届时有万字更新~】穿越后——降谷雪睁开眼睛,就看见四张大脸。咒灵操使:“有新伙伴了呢。”人形咒灵:“由人类的嫉妒产生的咒灵么?可以算得上是我妹妹了!”火山咒灵:“看起来很弱,但 是真好看。”森林咒灵:“唔,她的能力会是什么……?”咒灵操使人形咒灵火山咒灵森林咒灵(秒变倾心脸):【让人无条件疯狂心动的能力!!】咒灵操使:“让她去吸引最强咒术师,用爱封印他。”人形咒灵:“绝1w0-92012 >>
内容简介:穷小子偶得邪医传承,从此医武无双,为苍生妙手回春,为红颜化作杀神。 活死人,肉白骨,与阎王争命,人间逍遥,各色极品美人环绕。 所有的一切,都从那个美女模特送他一本古书时开始……1w0- 1357 >>
内容简介:下本开《万物可爱》《春光沦陷》求收藏顺便求个作收1陆家小公主陆羡鱼是四九城内出名的骄纵跋扈,任谁也入不得她法眼。偏她年少情动,喜欢上一个比她大七岁的男人。男人长相清隽如玉,气质儒雅,连 拒绝她时也是温润知礼:“你还小,不懂什么叫喜欢。”恰逢变故,陆羡鱼被父母送到南城舅舅家。在那儿,她遇见了个少年。少年是学校出名的浪荡二世祖,生就一副好相貌,偏一张嘴不饶人,陆羡鱼每每和他说话都能被气个半死。谢临渊官宣那晚,大雨倾盆,陆羡鱼无助蹲在角落,淋成落汤鸡。直到头顶出现一把伞,陆羡鱼抬眸,看见季北川撑伞站在她面前。少年眸似点漆,直勾勾盯着她:“陆小鱼,你要不和我试试呗?”2剧组再去南城九中采风的那天,谢临渊偶遇陆羡鱼。彼时,少女跟在玩世不恭的少年身侧,两人姿态亲昵,在他面前小心翼翼的漂亮小脸亦是笑容明艳。也是此刻,谢临渊方知他弄丢了什么。再后来季家家变,季北川消失不见,陆羡鱼把自己关在房间不吃不喝三天,出来后不顾父母反对报了海外女团选秀,最后C位出道。陆羡鱼出道的庆功晚宴上,谢临渊为挽回她,精心准备表白。陆羡鱼垂眼,无名指上字母C的纹身落在眸底她冷声拒绝他“谢临渊,我不喜欢你。”3阔别多年后,陆羡鱼和季北川重逢。男人一身挺括橄榄绿军装,眉眼冷戾,唇角痞笑一如当年。他指尖夹着一根烟,黑沉沉的眸肆无忌惮的盯着她“陆小鱼,好久不见。”陆羡鱼一瞬红眼,偏逞强扬起红唇,朝他挑衅一笑“还活着呢?”季北川捻灭手中烟,长臂一伸将她抱在怀中,低头靠近她耳侧,呼吸灼烫。她听见他道“我死了,谁来娶你”明艳带刺小玫瑰×玩世不恭二世祖;顶流花旦×武警中队长前期校园;后期都市别后重逢双向救赎甜文HE高亮:1文无任何原型,谢绝ky代入2男二追妻殡仪馆,男主抱得美人归3双处双初恋,介意女主喜欢过男二的慎入《万物可爱》文案:1说起九中一霸江醒,无人不慨一句:少年桀骜,目比天高。认识他的狐朋狗友却知道,江醒有个宝贝不得了的小青梅。在她面前,桀骜不驯的少年就是只乖巧听话的二哈。高考完后的聚会,冬稚撞见校花跟江醒表白,却被他冷脸拒绝。校花红眼问江醒:“你是不是喜欢冬稚?”江醒还未答话,旁边一众狐朋狗友瞎起哄:“放屁,咱小江爷不过是把冬稚那姑娘当妹妹疼。”门外的冬稚心跳如鼓等着江醒答案,半天不见江醒吱声,她满怀失望离开,未曾听见接下来的话。“放屁,老子明明是把她当媳妇儿在养。”2冬稚决心和江醒拉开距离后,高考填报志愿去了北方。本以为余生再无交集,哪想某次夜自习回寝的路上,她被同系学长表白,对方精心准备的爱心蜡烛却被一盆水浇灭。冬稚抬头,看见少年手拎着空桶靠在树下,姿态懒散,黑眸紧盯着她:“长本事了,背 >>
内容简介:苏路:兵卡、将卡、军阵卡,打仗我用卡小兵:跟着大人打仗,敌人就像纸糊的一样,战功就像捡的一样被调走的小兵:不跟着大人打仗,敌人都是铁打的一样,怀念在大人麾下的日子同僚:跟苏路打仗很爽, 就是抢不到战功啊敌军主将:什么,对面是苏路军,放水,啊,不是,遣使,求和本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《兵将卡牌系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82976 >>
内容简介: “第一次,艾泽拉斯有了帝国,还打败了妄图侵染艾酱的古神手下。两份喜悦相互重叠,艾泽拉斯本来应该更光明才对。然而,为什么,会变成这样。血肉诅咒,机械人变成了人类、矮人、侏儒,黑暗巨魔 变成了精灵,他们给世界带来灾祸,甚至引来了燃烧军团。是巨魔,是巨魔先,明明都是巨魔先来的,建立帝国也好,拯救艾泽拉斯也好,还是对抗古神也好,明明都是巨魔先的!”——by托纳提乌·阿兹泰克,艾泽拉斯救世主,赞达拉亲王,一切巨魔的至高王,守护巨龙的伴侣,食人魔的征服者,部落的庇护者,联盟的拯救者,艾泽拉斯妇女之友…………ps:快乐吹逼群644166603,欢迎进来聊天打游戏1w0-4099 >>
内容简介:回到三年前火爆全球的《神话》,陆江选择成为隐藏职业召唤领主。每三天就能获得SSS级召唤兽,不断升级进化。初始:世界树幼苗,成年:万树王,终极:世界树初始:火炎龙,成年:炽焰龙王,终极: 帝王龙。初始:雪麟球。成年:冰麒麟。终极:圣雪麒麟。初始:音律精灵。成年:魔音圣音。终极:魔音狱王圣音天使。当其他玩家还在刷怪的时候,陆江已经召唤了成吨的BOSS了。1w0-113494 >>
内容简介:红云获得鸿蒙紫气之后,觉醒了人生模拟器。[十年后,你随着镇元子回到五庄观。][三百年后,你离开五庄观,你被鲲鹏,帝俊,太一伏击,不敌自爆,真灵随着九九散魄红葫芦飞往血海,被冥河老祖泯灭 ,你死了。][八万年后,你还未能参悟鸿蒙紫气,女娲成圣。][十万年后,你还未能参悟鸿蒙紫气,这一天,五圣其出,你被偷袭,你死了。]你无数次模拟之后,一脚踩在鸿钧的脸上。“当初,就特么是你在算计我啊!”1w0-95830 >>
Consists of a collection of oneshots: 1) Covetous You and Insensible Me (Hoshigariana Kimi to Futsutsukana Boku) Never one to get close to strangers, Kai finds himself helpess in the enchanting gaze of a foreigner... 2) Lost in the Darkness Before Dawn (Gyou An ni Mayou) Tatsumi Hiroaki is a swordsman for hire during the Edo Period. Recently, a rise in bandit activity has given him a steady flow of work in protecting small shops in town. The bandits recognize his skill and offer to hire him, where he finds a familiar face from the past. 3) Confession (Kokuhaku) Unable to forget the random act of kindness by the wealthy, but lonely business man, Matsumi offers to sell his body. Is it really just for money, or is there a greater need at stake? 4) The night he escaped death (Shi ni Zokonai no Yoru) Prequel of Lost in the Darkness Before Dawn. 5) Sleepless Night The Night He Escaped Death bonus. 6) Service Confession bonus. 7) Bonds of Blood Covetous You and Insensible Me bonus.
Sequel of Beach Stars, the story begins where it stopped in the first one. Nanase, who's now the representative of her prefecture, has finally joined the Madonna Cup and will do everything in her power to defeat her one and only target: Hayakawa Sanae!
From ShoujoMagic:Ryou has the biggest breasts of any shoujo manga heroine to date! But life isn't any piece of (cheese) cake, because she's constantly being assaulted by perverts who want to cop a feel. The first man who doesn't obsess over her assets turns out to be the first man she ever wants to have obsess over her, though there's something strange about him... One time she's with him, he's a sweet masochist, the next time he's a bold sadist. Which does Ryou like better? The S or the M? She'll have to make a choice, because it turns out that she CAN'T have both. Find out the surprising reason why one face has two personalities!Includes short stories:Volume 1:Gattsuiteke! - It's Unintentional!Chinatsu has liked her guy friend, Shinnosuke, who she fights with allot, for a long time... Will she be able to be together with him when there's another guy confessing his feelings right in front of him?OnlyA sort of prequel about Masaki and Shingo when they were younger, but mostly focuses on Shingo because he's the more troubled one.Volume 2:Prince of SummerNozomi-chan's got two of the school's most popular guys, Ken Tamae and Kaname Yuuki, confessing their love to her at the same time... What's a girl supposed to do when her world is suddenly so confusing? Especially when she used to wish that she could get her hands on one of the two...Volume 3Shiitake - The Mushroom GirlKeiko Shita sees herself as a dark person, and so does everyone around her... But what if that could change? What if the popular boy, Teru Hinata, could change that?
From Village Idiot: Monthly full-colour scenes from the three sisters who do various things each time! Warning, the first scene isn't safe for work! List of Current Scenes: 00: The Three Sisters of Gossip 01: Onee-chan's Circumstances 02: Sweet Valentine 03: Girl Friend 04: Secret Flower Garden
The 4 O' Clock Club summary: Meet Yuno and Rayven, newly stepbrother and sister in a small and isolated town of La Orden. Yuno is the new girl in town. She is finding ways to get used to the conservative ways of La Orden compare to the big city where she came from. But when she meet a new found friend and mysteriously disappears at the night of the dance, she needs to find her while continuously surviving the everyday life...
Hiding Man_ A Biography Of Donald Barthelme summary: Hiding Man_ A Biography Of Donald Barthelme summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hiding Man_ A Biography Of Donald Barthelme. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The World and Its People summary: The World and Its People summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The World and Its People. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Planet with No Nightmare summary: The Planet with No Nightmare summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Planet with No Nightmare. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.