
























类别萝莉 悬疑 恐怖 热血 冒险 少年


类别热血 都市 恋爱 魔幻






内容简介:【重生爽文超甜高级宠】一场阴谋,她成了他的合法妻子,羡煞旁人的厉太太。世人皆传他危险薄情,高冷禁欲。婚后,才发现他是名副其实的妻控,视妻如命,一宠成瘾。“先生,太太心情不好,要砸车发泄 。”“高价收购兰城所有车辆!”“先生,太太想要天上的星星。”“立刻派人上天!”“先生,太太想和当红小鲜肉环游世界。”“呵,全面封杀!”当晚,某男按住试图逃跑的她,危险一笑:“1w0-98940 >>








内容简介:白日梦贩卖机是由芙玖所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供白日梦贩卖机最新章节阅读白日梦贩卖机全文阅读白日梦贩卖机免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现白日梦贩卖机更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0- 70098 >>


内容简介:魂穿聊斋,求道长生。此时,正逢天下大乱,群魔乱舞,魑魅魍魉横行,正邪佛魔颠倒。天地灵机絮乱,道途愈发艰难,成道机缘更加缥缈。他立志求道长生,争那一线成道机缘。于是他行走在阴阳之间,探秘 太古禁地。追寻天庭踪迹,揭开地府秘闻。所见种种皆似是而非,以往究竟发生了什么?王成抽丝剥茧,历经诸般劫难,终于看到一丝真相……1w0-68847 >>




内容简介:从小跟随张道子在乡野长大的余长生,凭借一本《黄庭经》驱鬼捉妖,修炼自己的驭龙之术。然而与富家千金的姻缘让他步入都市,明白了什么叫作人心叵测与都市繁华。风水定财、占卜命相,阴阳回返、五方 驱鬼,且看麻衣诡相如何搅动风云……1w17100-26336 >>


内容简介:转生到神荒大陆,一个充满玄幻色彩的修炼世界。本以为还是平平凡凡一辈子,可谁知,我哥竟然是主角。叮!外挂到账。绑定主角系统!主角有的,你也有!我哥是神体,那我也是神体了,我哥天赋悟性绝世 无双,那我也绝世无双……有我哥有一口,就有我一口。不管是功法还是体质天赋,我都跟着我哥,从此再也不用担心修炼的问题了!美滋滋!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我哥是主角》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-49061 >>


内容简介:  另一个时空,一个拥有着五个太阳系并列于宇宙的的五芒星系,一个穿越者遇见了来自于另一个世界的超AI,这是一个为了回家然后两个疯子一路狂飙的故事。这是遗落的世界,但这个世界有机甲。1w 0-799 >>




内容简介:解决问题最好的办法只有两个,钱和刀。攀爬向上没有捷径,如果有也只属于准备更充分的人。太平盛世中方解想做一个富家翁,可惜失败了。乱世之中方解想做一个太平翁,可惜他又失败了。所以,他争霸天 下。(三千群:70708724争霸群:56703750)PS:新书求一切。群:70708724争霸天下群567037501w0-1102 >>

Love In Kilimanjaro

One of five oneshots released for Valentine's Day 2011 by Summerzoo Studio.

Hot Blooded Woman

What is a sweet, soft-spoken girl (Ha Ji Kang) to do when her brothers, having just learned fencing and martial arts, decide to test some moves out on her in order to 'tame her' and make her into their 'little slave?' She runs to her knightly friend (Te Hu Kang, not related to Ha Ji) for protection, of course. However, what happens when, instead of comforting her, he tells her that she is a coward for running away like a puppy who needs constant protection? No, she does not break down and cry like a weak girl. Instead, she resolves to grow stronger. With rigorous training everyday, Ha Ji goes from being a scared girl who cries for help to becoming the Jjang (boss of a gang) of the Doberman gang. However, events lead to Ha Ji getting in an accident with a truck. Afterwards, she is reborn into the body of a beautiful, but weak, rich girl Aram Han.

Sugar Sugar Rune

Best friends Chocolat and Vanilla are as different as night and day: Chocolat is a rowdy tomboy who always says what she thinks, while Vanilla is the quiet, shy daughter of the Queen of the Magic World! When, like their mothers before them, Chocolat and Vanilla are selected to be the rival Queen Candidates competing to become Queen of the Magic World, Chocolat and Vanilla don't let it strain their friendship, and vow to be best friends forever, no matter what. The competition works like this: Chocolat and Vanilla are to be sent to the Human World, where for the duration of their stay they will compete to see who can get the most human boys to fall in love with them and then steal their hearts using magic. The girls earn Ecure, the currency of the magic world, for each heart they collect, with each different color being worth a different amount. The witch with the most Ecure at the end wins! But to both Chocolat and Vanilla's surprise, the boys of the human world seem to fall for Vanilla almost instantly, while Chocolat is having a much harder time. Could it be that, unlike in the Magic World, girls like Vanilla -- quiet, shy, and cute -- are liked better than tomboys like Chocolat?! To make matters even worse for Chocolat, she finds herself strangely attracted to her new school's 'prince', the cool and mysterious Pierre. Unlike humans, witches have only one heart -- and if it is taken, they will die, meaning that Chocolat can't let herself fall in love. And though Chocolat and Vanilla promised to be friends forever, no matter who wins, they both wish to become Queen....

Cupid No Itazura Nijidama

A man who's still a virgin, has a very very rare disease that only allows him to have sex 7 times in his life. After he's used up all 7 of the chances, he'll never be able to have an erection and ejaculate, which means he will lose his ability to have sex for the rest of his life. So far, he has wasted 2 times while masturbating, so he's left with only 5 more chance to have sex. He has to save those precious bullets, but at the same time he desperately want to lose his virginity.

Our Pilots in the Air

Our Pilots in the Air summary: Our Pilots in the Air summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Our Pilots in the Air. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Game To Make Him Fall

A Game To Make Him Fall summary: Born to a house where women were only seen as tools to birth children, I was already in my twenties. I was standing on the crossroads of life.
At my fingertips were close to fifty photos of different men. They were the marriage partner candidates my father had prepared.
Those who took the initiative and volunteered because they wanted his company, and those that were recommended to strengthen our ties with other companies. There were various reasons, but I was to marry one, and build up a child.
That was my reason for existence in this house.
I don’t think I can love another.
I wonder how everyone believes in something so shapeless as love. It was only a marvel to me.
That I couldn’t do something any standard person could must be because I was a person who was never properly loved.
I put a break on the countless unanswered questions I held since my birth, and stared down at the photos around me.
That I chose him was truly a coincidence.

Wanted-7 Fearless Engineers!

Wanted-7 Fearless Engineers! summary: Wanted-7 Fearless Engineers! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wanted-7 Fearless Engineers!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Silver Lining

The Silver Lining summary: The Silver Lining summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Silver Lining. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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