内容简介:小兵提供彧南茜大神最新作品《恶毒女配的洗白之路》最新章节列表,恶毒女配的洗白之路全文阅读,恶毒女配的洗白之路无弹窗,请关注恶毒女配的洗白之路吧,本站最新最快更新恶毒女配的洗白之路的最新 章节。1w0-69448 >>
内容简介: 他,是雍城大学校医院的菜鸟校医,刚刚毕业踏入社会; 他,是医术精湛、活人无数的仙医,中西医,无所不精; 两个反差极大的身份出现在同一个人的身上,将会碰撞出怎样的火花? 被老妈逼着相亲的女医生; 洋溢着知性美的女董事长; 青春靓丽,活力十足的女大学生; 还有那些个女徒弟…… 一个又一个的美女,围绕在他的身边,又会演绎出怎样的故事来。 1w0-4040 >>
内容简介:修最顶级的灵魂功法,掌最强灵魂秘术,不管是神女,仙女,圣女,仍然是奴役,统统奴役! 修最顶级的炼体功法,打破身体桎梏,开发最强神通,虐爆一切天才! 八荒六合我为王,九天十地吾为皇! 总 有一天,我要这天再也遮不住我的眼,视线所及,九界俯首,十方皆寂,万族共尊!1w0-3835 >>
内容简介:本文将于号入V,请小天使多多支持!预收文求收藏:《孩子他爸失忆了》所有人都知道喻疏是某大型娱乐公司的总裁,生的好看气质冷艳,只要是个流量小生就想和她炒绯闻。所有人也知道温雁北是位演技一 流的好演员,气质温润待人有礼,只要是个年轻演员就会尊称一声“温老师”。而“德艺双馨”的温老师最喜欢的事情就是在家看玛丽苏神剧,一边给正在开会的喻疏发消息:“你已经五分钟没回我消息,你是不是不爱我了。”喻疏:……小剧场:喻疏:今天拍戏还顺利吗?温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:有没有人在你面前耍大牌欺负你?我给你撑腰。温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:我们一起去吃饭吧,那家的点心做的可好吃了。温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:……那我走了。温雁北:你敢!女友力Max的娱乐圈女大佬X在外温润贵公子在家小作精的演技帝注意:1女宠男2每晚八点准时更新3书名很雷,本文更雷4全文无脑甜推荐基友文:幻言文:《穿成大佬假妹妹》然后当了女总裁和大神写手耽美文:《大兄弟,你的头掉了》——悲催作者传到自己笔下的恐怖小说里,和主角一起解密逃生!完结的娱乐圈甜文,可以宰了~《靠败家征服娱乐圈》还有基友的预收文推荐哦~《帝女[快穿]》1w0-97995 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者酱子贝的经典小说:《放学等我》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说喻繁看班里那位新来的转班生非常不爽。对方朝他看了一眼。喻繁:他在找我约架。第二 眼。喻繁:他问我是不是怂了。第三眼。转班生依旧顶着那张面无表情的冰山脸,递给他一封信:“喻同学。”喻繁心想学霸就是臭讲究,打架还递挑战信,抡起衣袖站起身。“请你收下我的情书。”喻同学敦地一下坐回去了。陈景深(攻)x喻繁(受)日常,慢热章节写到自己满意了才会发出来,所以无法保证日更包被们可养肥再宰,么立意爱学习,爱生1w0-82506 >>
内容简介: 她本是实力强悍,医术超群的世家家主。 一朝穿越成将军府的废柴嫡小姐,成为第一位被退婚的太子妃,人人嘲讽! 选秀宴上,她被赐嫁给鼎鼎有名的残废王爷。 众人笑:瞎子配残废,天生是 一对。 却不知她手握失传丹方,能练绝顶丹药;家养神级萌宠,天下独一无二! 更可怕的是她家残废王爷—— 一肚子的腹黑坏水,外加逆天修炼体质,秒杀一众天才。 白天坐轮椅,晚上却缠着她要亲亲、抱抱、举高高……1w0-76 >>
内容简介: 本文又名《从第一眼开始沦陷》 方策西女扮男装转到渝庆八中,住到“八中第一混子”言鹤次家,才得知“八中学神”余笙也住这儿,还睡在她下铺! 一开始,她以为[扛把子次]不好处,没想到 ,学神才是那个让她脑细胞直线下降,多巴胺直线上升的—————— [外直内骚·八中惹不起·披着羊皮的隐藏大佬] 所以她想逃...... 他就堵,嘴里的糖喂给她:“听说吃甜食心情好点。” 方策西:好**! 她想逃到学校去住校...... 他圈着她:“想不想关系变特别?” “不想!” “我想!”他夺走了她的初吻。 后来......某军官将自己千金许配给万年单身的特种作战指挥官余笙,同样万年单身的军医院高级医师向来依突然发了条微博:@向笙,恭喜,中银行两座!附图B超检查单! 老同学群炸了! 副cp[卫柒VS言鹤次] 【伪高冷真甜妹VS伪校霸真学神】 他嚣张混痞,一眼沦陷。 她过分纯甜,举步维艰。 他说:“有什么不懂的尽管吻我!” 她回:“......大可不必!” 后来,他对她唯一的亲人说:“我遗憾啊,遗憾她前十七年,没有我。”1w0-3249 >>
内容简介:请假:这两日太忙,今日无法更新,抱歉!防盗说明,订阅达不到百分之六十,72小时后才能看到正文。开胭脂铺子的小寡妇看上了算命卜卦的鳏夫书生成亲后小寡妇的日常便是宠夫,宠夫,宠夫后来,她的 鳏夫相公突然变成了皇上小寡妇的日常便成了被皇上宠,被皇上宠,被皇上宠言官进谏,“皇后娘娘曾经是个寡妇,请皇上废后。”皇上神情淡漠,“皇后娘娘曾为之守寡三年的那个人便是朕。”下一本待开文,求预收:《童养夫妇的互宠之路》皇帝陛下将那刚刚出生的小公主塞到榕桓怀里,“朕昨夜夜观星象,卜了一卦,卦象显示这是你媳妇儿,你带回府里养着吧!”于是,榕桓从此多了一个童养媳一个娇娇弱弱需要宠上天的小媳妇儿。长大后的公主殿下不乐意了,“明明他才是我的童养夫,是我打生出来那天起便‘娇惯’着的童养夫。”1w0-84978 >>
内容简介: 绝处逢生的叶天发现,自己眼中的世界变了,变得光芒四射、璀璨夺目! 古董、名画、黄金、钻石、珠宝,俯拾皆是、唾手可得! 科科斯岛的海盗宝藏、大洋深 处的黄金、丛林之中的玛雅文明、所罗门王的秘密、消失的亚特兰蒂斯,……。 它们都已不再神秘,而是彻底敞开了大门,只等叶天去探索,去发现。 那还等什么呢? 出发! 本书读者群:3703636581w0-422 >>
内容简介:青山镇小佣兵被天外陨石砸中,被蓝星人魂穿,丹田变成了一座九层宝塔,吸收魔核就可以获得斗技,灵魂力都有属性,一层对应一种属性,九层全部点亮,可成混沌大帝。看他如何收异火,斗各族,集万道, 陪红颜······1w0-89852 >>
内容简介:第一次见面,她穿着白色蓬蓬裙抱着洋娃娃坐在秋千上,乖巧的喊他魏叔叔。最近一次见面,她穿着他的衬衫从卧室走出来,晃着两条细白的腿,抱着他的腰喊他老魏。这一切是怎么发生的呢,魏淳光竟然有些 想不起来了。妖孽少女VS厚黑学大师每天早上十点更新,欢迎收藏!微博:何甘蓝各位书友要是觉得《她给的假象》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96734 >>
From Storm in Heaven: Twenty-nine-year-old Mikita Ryuuji has been hiding his love for his friend Koya for so long that he can't take it anymore. At his wit's end, he spends one night with Sudo, a man he met at a bar. It was supposed to be a one-night stand, an event he'd forget about the next day with someone he'd never see again. But when Sudo does show up again, this time determined to stay for good, Mikita's life starts to fall apart...
From Fantasyshrine: St. Cherry Bells, a very prestigious all-boys school, where students are taught to discipline themselves to refrain from sexual practices. Kajiwara Seiji, the president of the Intelligence Department, has a sacred mission—to ensure the purity within the school grounds and to punish those who dare succumb on their urges. But what if the offender turns out to be the man he trusts the most? How would the queen-like Seiji punish his most valuable subject? A collection of erotic stories involving dormitory, student body, and master-slave. 1. Love of the Monarch Blooms at Night 2. Quest of Debauchery! 3. St. White Nightingale High Kasuga's Story 4. St. White Nightingale High Fuyuki's Story 5. Lewd Sandwich
From Fallen Syndicate: Seri, a somewhat directionally challenged girl, went to Umeda for a job interview. Finding herself completely lost, she stumbles across a slightly opened door and decides to try her luck. She takes the stairs behind the door, emerging on a peculiar street half an hour later. Unknown to Seri, she has just mistakenly entered a place far more dangerous than she could ever imagine.
The story is set in a dystopian alternative universe where any kind of substances able to alter the state of mind is legalized and available to be consumed at home or in designated places called Pomp Bar. These products, once considered very dangerous, are now advertised on TV and the bartender choose those ones more suited to their customers or serve them his special cocktails. When the Pompies movement obtained the liberalization of the drugs it seemed a historical meaningful change destined to improve the world, a dream realized in a manner to radically affecting the way of life of humanity.But several years after the situation isn't so better, or perhaps the humanity is just adapted to the new situation. In a world where all feeling are artificials and where everyone is a potential drug addicted, nothing is really changed: the excess is near at hand and very few substances are considered dangerous and put under a strict control by a hygiene office which has full power on the drugs addicted who are in extreme condition. The main character is Kabu, a little peddler and heavy addicted. Used to any kind of hallucinogenic trip, he is able to feel the happiness through the ecstasy of the drug, while on the same time hypocritically hating who gave born to that society which has forced him to the excess. After an overdose caused by mixing two incompatible drugs, he spends his days looking for stimulants until the encounter with an enigmatic man who offers him a new kind of illegal substance:Ultraheaven From that moment his incredible journey begins, where dream and reality are fused in an undivided world, causing him hysterical or joyful reactions and unrestrained pains. But what really is Ultraheaven and who's really behind it? And who is the guru who is promoting the meditation as a powerful way to influence the whole universe surrounding us exploiting the quantum theory? With the help of a special amplifier helmet Kabu starts a trip into the deep and hidden layers of his conscience, diving into a nightmare he would never discover...
Lord, Teach Us To Pray summary: Lord, Teach Us To Pray summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lord, Teach Us To Pray. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Gentleman Cadet summary: The Gentleman Cadet summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gentleman Cadet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Creed of the Old South 1865-1915 summary: The Creed of the Old South 1865-1915 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Creed of the Old South 1865-1915. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Model of a Judge summary: The Model of a Judge summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Model of a Judge. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.