内容简介:当家族联姻成为必然,现实世界中男朋友的背叛,让女主林筱薇对爱情不再抱有幻想。从认识前男友到如今发现他已经和自己的姐姐在一起的时间整整三年。她开始恍然大悟,自己曾经癫狂的爱情态度只会让她 更受伤,但是更让她难以平复的愤怒是来源于那一场生日宴。林家依靠杭城的财力势力,在那一天聚集了无数的贵家公子和权势人物,这一场生日宴的女主本是林夕颜,可是最后却演变成了林筱薇的闹剧。她亲眼看见自己的男友席城和林夕颜站在一起,周围的人都拍手称赞他们天生一对郎才女貌,却忽略了他们的爱情已经存在了三年。她愤怒的质问席城,想从他的嘴上知道一些答案,但是渣男的本质暴露无遗,她的质问又给自己找了个麻烦。所有人看到的都是妹妹不懂事同姐姐抢男友,但实际上是恰恰反过来。1w0-127679 >>
内容简介:晨溪心事(高h)是由Facile所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供晨溪心事(高h)最新章节阅读晨溪心事(高h)全文阅读晨溪心事(高h)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现晨溪心事(高h)更新慢了 请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-48586 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷】穿越特种兵世界,成为一名从小就学习八极拳的大学生,绑定系统,只要不断学习就能够变强。在范天雷上面征兵的时候,被林萧一招秒掉了。在一 招秒掉了范天雷以后,林萧从此开始了豪横的人生。学习伪装:获得顶级伪装技术学习射击:获得顶级射击技术,获得百发百中技能范天雷:“谁在敢说我是天坑我和他急,我都被林萧坑成啥样了?”王艳兵:“林萧,他是我唯一佩服的人,虽然我被他揍过好几次。”何晨光:“在和林萧比起来,我真的就是一无是处,他可以说是狙神。”安然:“林萧,他简直不是人,他竟然敢对我!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷,别忘记分享给朋友特种兵:开局一招秒了范天雷TXT下载1w0-71268 >>
内容简介:求新文预收鸭《穿成亡国之君后》闻聆穿成了某血族文里怀了反派恶魔的炮灰。炮灰对主角——血族之王纠缠不已,奈何主角对他置之不理。于是,炮灰作了死,偷了主角的源血后在自己身体里孕育了血脉,以 此作为把柄,企图借子上位。谁料,血脉就是未来的恶魔。当恶魔出世,炮灰就会死亡。闻聆原主是不是脑子有坑!兄dei,不作不会死的!闻聆低头看着小爪子戳他肚皮蠢蠢欲动要爬出来的小恶魔崽子,怒了。忤逆子!起来,爹教你念《三字经》《孝经》!好好学习不许叛逆,否则,鸡毛掸子老虎凳不背完不许吃饭。小恶魔崽收起尖牙和利爪,含着眼泪泡背课文人之初,性本善,性性……呜呜呜爸爸好可怕!后来,原书中令人闻风丧胆家家闭户的恶魔没了。众人救命,恶魔之父出现了!快跑!闻聆一手提着胖嘟嘟的崽子,一手拿着破碗,目光呆滞。事情是不是有点不对,他只是重操旧业化点路费的,大家为什么要跑?攻角度白枭做了一千年的血族之王,同族惧他,因为他强且冷漠。人类也怕他,怕他冷血残忍,怕得奇怪。他从来没喝过一滴人血。他有洁癖,不喜欢那股血腥味。他以为所有人类闻起来都一样,直到有一天,遇到了闻聆。这个偷走他源血的卑劣人类,身上的味道变了,变得很好闻。因为好奇,白枭接近了闻聆。闻聆超冷酷der当初的你对我爱答不理,现在的我你高攀不起。白枭“……”求新文预收鸭《穿成亡国之君后》陆清流穿成了眼瞎心瞎还好色的傻x亡国之君狗皇帝,亲小人,远贤臣,对权倾朝野的摄政王恨之入骨。偶然一天发现摄政王俊秀飘逸,色令智昏,竟非要纳摄政王为妃,以此折辱之。陆清流穿来的那一天,三朝元老八十高龄,又是摄政王恩师的老太师在雪地里跪了一晌午,恳请皇帝收回成命,最后昏倒在雪地里。风尘仆仆的摄政王匆匆赶来抱起昏倒的老人家,留给陆清流一个冰冷狠辣的眼神。当代大学生陆清流抱着怀里的《母猪的产后护理》绝望这个罪孽深重的狗皇帝!我完了!1w0-77811 >>
内容简介:王小颖哭着说:“有很多漂亮姐姐围着我爸爸,我好心好意把她们当姐姐,她们却想当我妈妈。55555,她们都是坏人。”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《国民的岳父》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和 微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96592 >>
内容简介:作为自由搏击赛场黑马的路星辰,平生最讨厌麻烦。然而一朝穿书成为炮灰女配,麻烦不断不死不休怎么破?路星辰:鲁迅说过,如果不能解决麻烦,那就解决制造麻烦的人。鲁迅:胡说,我没说过!与此同时 吴家老宅,新晋家主吴枫杨人在家中坐,锅从天上降落。吴恒:听说您突然当爹了?路星辰:小爹,救我狗命!吴枫杨:不是,胡说,本家主才17岁,哪里来一个比我还大的女儿?后来……吴恒:失敬失敬,作为既是家主,又是自己大侄女婿的史上第一人,吴总有何感悟?吴枫杨:感谢大家出席我跟大侄女的婚礼,我想说的只有两个字,真香!1w0-95115 >>
内容简介:任务名称:平平无奇的日常助人为乐任务要求:鲨害目标迟迟不出现,凶手先生很苦恼,请宿主向前走两步。任务奖励:30点助人为乐积分。日向合理往前走了几步。走到第四步的时候,身后突然传来花瓶坠 落声,回头一看,一个花瓶刚好落在他刚刚走到第二步的地方。他:“?”鲨害目标竟是我自己?!系统:“?”说好了两步,你居然走第四步?!……这很柯学。——无女主,主角是酒。1w0-99344 >>
内容简介:被合租糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)是由就想吃肉肉所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供被合租糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)最新章节阅读被合租糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)全文阅读被合租 糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现被合租糙汉室友肏到哭(高H1V1SC)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-27206 >>
内容简介: 徽派皖韵与摩天大厦交相辉映,唐汉阙楼和机械科幻点缀其间。...............各种飞梭在城市里徜徉,无数修士在天空中翱翔,有似画中仙子,不染人间烟火的佳人,也有温润如玉,宛 若陌上公子的青俊。...............少年的传说才刚刚开始,我自天外而来,君临苍天万域。...............1w0-2947 >>
Erika, a girl who lost her mother in the war and was bullied by her aunt.Political interests lead her to a political engagement with one of the most feared beings in the Empire, the Emperor of the Empire, Kaal Lakin.The cruel tyrant that everyone fears, Kaal Lakin.In his harem there are as many princesses as the stars,All the women who ascended the throne were carried away as corpses.By the way,Why? Why are you looking at me with such sad and painful eyes?
From Batoto: The world is in an uproar over the discovery of a stone tablet thought to have been created 500 years ago. The stone contains predictions of major incidents that happened worldwide in the last 500 years. All of its prophecies had already come true. There is only one prophecy recorded on the stone that pertains to the future ahead: that the world will end in a year?s time, and only those who believe in the god drawn on the stone will find salvation. The name of this god is... Myum-Myum. Original webtoon (Korean webcomic) Chapter 8 (of 35) of '2012 지구가 멸망한다면?' - a collection of oneshot webcomics related to supposed the end of the world in 2012.
Takaomi Matsubue and Arika Togawa are second-year students at the same high school. By some strange quirk of fate, they started dating. Matsubue-kun is a really weird guy (in truth, other people just don't understand him), which causes Togawa-san to ponder: 'Why do I like this guy anyway? Why do people fall in love?' They encounter a profound mystery: Tsugumi Yoshimoto, a girl who has been sleeping, sleep-eating, and sleep-walking for half a year. According to Touko and Rinko Mishima, sisters who are also well-acquainted with the structure and interpretation of dreams, this is a matter that concerns them all...
Due to continuing death of people close to him, Han Haje is called the demon possessed child. Then one day, his estranged ex-girlfriend, Ari, returns... Webtoon from Naver Please address this as Manhwa (Korean word for cartoons)
Lost in the Fog summary: Lost in the Fog summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lost in the Fog. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary:
You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.
Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.
In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.
The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.
And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.
Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.
Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the
girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.
These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.
The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife summary: The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Wodehouse Miscellany summary: A Wodehouse Miscellany summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Wodehouse Miscellany. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.