简介出生在一个Sworder世家,可是竟无法成为Sworder,这一直是纱西露的心结。但从不轻言放弃的她,决定苦练剑术,凭借自己出色的身手,像Sworder 一样行正义之事! 目前与Coser楚南飞合作,两人分别假扮Sworder 与刃灵,以伪•Sworder的身份活跃中,遭遇了强劲的对手和事件……
内容简介:三百年前,弃少卓不凡遭人暗算抛入大海,幸好遇到师尊君河仙尊路过地球,带他离开地球在星际修真,横扫寰宇!三百年后,卓不凡渡劫失败,带着强势绝伦姿态重生回都市少年时代,拳镇山河,拾补遗憾… …面对形同陌路冷若冰霜的妻子,在家族受尽屈辱的母亲,豪雄王侯的挑衅,他发誓今生定要让世界臣服脚下!1w2254-26318 >>
内容简介: 黎家团宠的小千金黎俏,被退婚了。黎家人揭竿而起,全城讨伐,誓要对方好看。*后来,黎俏偶遇退婚男的大哥。有人说:他是南洋最神秘的男人,姓商,名郁,字少衍;也有人说:他傲睨万物,且偏执 成性,是南洋地下霸主,不可招惹。绵绵细雨中,黎俏望着杀伐野性的男人,浅浅一笑:“你好,我是黎俏。”做不成夫妻,那就做你长嫂。*几个月后,街头相遇,退婚男对黎俏冷嘲热讽:“你跟踪我?对我还没死心?”身后一道凌厉的口吻夹着冽风传来,“对你大嫂客气点!”自此,南洋这座城,风风雨雨中只剩最后一则传言——偏执成性的南洋霸主,有一个心尖小祖宗,她姓黎,名俏,字祖宗!1w0-1884 >>
内容简介:余袅袅前世为了三王爷慕容傅倾其所有,助他登基。家人惨死的消息压倒了最后一根稻草,不曾想换来的还是惨死牢房,死到临了,才发现孩子是摄政王的。老天眷顾让她重生,再次参与皇权斗争,却不再是为 了慕容傅,她手撕渣男,撩拨摄政王,让冷面皇叔把她宠到心尖上。1w0-27763 >>
内容简介:本书简介:文案:看一只深藏不露腹黑诡诈吃人不吐骨头的渣受是如何披着柔弱无害小白的兔子皮,颠覆固若金汤的绝岛监狱——报仇雪恨、杀人越货,跟曾经相濡以沫宁愿选择死也不愿敌对的爱人,如今监狱 里的大BOSS针锋相对、相爱相杀。1V1,多CP。强大鬼畜总攻X睿智腹黑渣受淡漠理智冰山攻X彪悍野性女王受妖孽强硬忠犬攻X硬气别扭军装受其他:执着爱着主人甘愿奉献一切虐起来各种顺手的忠犬美少年一只腹黑到骨子里嗜好研究各种病毒的蛇蝎美人儿一只见人就救最爱解毒专克蛇蝎的好人医生一只扫雷:本文暗黑系,各种血腥各种虐,各种狗血各种抽,三观不正且主角前十章异常小白,请大人们谨慎围观。看了这个依然奋勇跳坑的,就请不要再吐槽了。谢谢。某蓝要奋起,即日起恢复稳定更新!!!嗷呜呜,亲们如果喜欢请戳一下收藏吐几个泡泡MUA【仙人居出品】本文广播剧预告:俺其它的文耽美虐文HE,已完结。耽美虐文HE,正文完结。耽美强强HE,已完结。言情强强HE,已完结。俺家滴群199834713「无冕之王私宅」(超级群,随时可以加,敲门暗号统一为“蓝蓝开门”)1w0-105539 >>
内容简介:全家除了我都是穿越的上一世父母意外身亡,哥哥受伤残疾,许栀活得很是悲苦,重来一世,父母健在,哥哥身体健康,尽情的享受了前世求而不得的温情,因为家人的关爱,活成了很多人羡慕的典范。可1w 0-78565 >>
内容简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】【1V1男女主双洁】【群像戏】“你喜欢两个人一起努力吗?”某男一脸真诚地看着她。“喜欢啊,一起奋斗挺好的,孤孤单单的多不好。”某女 放下手上的东西,转身回答道。“那……我们一起努力,传宗接代吧?”某女知道自己被套路了以后,怒视着某男,“哥屋恩——鲧。”·某天“主神,不好了,夫人又跑去其他时空惹事了。”某男放下书,“那就派人协助保护夫人。”“可是……夫人此次去主神您小时候时空搞事情了。”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿之宿主今天又飘了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82040 >>
内容简介:茉伊拉穿成了一本古早文里的反派,背叛光明神的堕落天使。神明银发圣洁,容颜绝美。心怀永恒的悲悯,平等地爱着所有的造物。那双清冷神圣的眼眸,从不会在她身上过多停留。神明的美貌让茉伊拉心动, 但如果要选一个恋爱对象,茉伊拉最不可能选择的就是祂。高高在上,完美而又无聊,完全想象不出祂动情的模样。穿书和神明谈恋爱是不可能谈的。——她只等着1w0-27230 >>
内容简介:新浪微博夜羽乱rania徐念是被家里人捧在手心怕摔,含在嘴里怕化宠大的小公主,软萌乖傻白甜,连爱好都是少女心十足地给娃娃设计衣服。她这辈子做过最有勇气的一件事,就是得知周晨骁因为任务受 伤,她含着眼泪蹭到他病床前,勾住他的小指头。“不干了和我回家好不好,以后我养你呀”富二代小可爱x硬汉特战队长前方高能预警,软妹硬起来自己都怕。从投胎小能手到知名服装品牌女总裁你只有一个特战队长男友的距离。全程撒糖,不甜不要钱。接档文他坏得很从出道那天起运气就好到爆炸的娱乐圈花瓶乔栖桐一直以来都拥有十分清晰的人生定位靠运气入行靠脸吃饭。直到她遇到国民男神级别的相声演员沈天航,男人长身玉立,领口盘扣系得工整,金丝眼镜后的一双眼睛深邃如汪洋,周身充斥着一种老艺术家淡漠禁欲的气质。从那以后,她在他的段子里活成了一个打过熊,扒过瞎,勇闯南极脚踏雪花,时不时还要来次胸口碎大石的女人一句话简介说相声的没有好人,“糟老头子”坏得很。斯文败类相声“老”艺术家x锦鲤运花瓶小姐姐。男主28岁,比女主大5岁,老的是范儿不是人。锦鲤小姐姐前期胸无大志靠运气,后面会努力让实力配得上好运。1w0-32258 >>
With his entire family either gone or missing, Adrian DeMonte must take the helm as the sole heir to the wealthy Velkra estate. By official decree of the emperor, Adrian is to choose a noblewoman for her hand in marriage. Adrian chooses the infamously ruthless Marchioness Frey Vuxia, known as the 'Wolf of the Battlefield,' in hopes that she will reject his proposal. But to his surprise, she accepts! Now, Adrian must navigate not only the desolate corridors of the marchioness's castle but also her savagely frigid heart. Unfortunately, the cunning emperor has held a lifelong flame for Lady Vuxia, and he will do anything to trap her once and for all, even if that means getting rid of Adrian. Will Adrian be able to win over the icy marchioness while avoiding the emperor's clutches?A survival romance in a cold and suspicious castle begins!Adrian wants to avoid getting married in any way but he was given the emperor's command to marry Marchioness Frey Busia, who's also known as the 'Wolf of the Battlefield'.Soon enough, Frey had already signed the marriage contract!Now, I'm married. But why is it impossible to see her?Marchioness Frey BusiaRumors say that she would kill anyone who sees her face.Can Adrian melt her cold heart?How to Melt the Marquis / Method for Capturing His Highness the Marquis / The Way to Attack His Highness the Marquis / /
Blessed with brilliant beauty and abundant wealth; Lena used to be a princess of the fashionable society until an accident took everything away from her, leaving only ugly scar in her leg. Her husband despised the scar and dumped her. 'I never trust a man...' Since then, a smile has disappeared from her face and she has withdrawn and lived a quiet life. She never expects that her extremely sexy boss is determined to make her his own.
From the mangaka of Double Arts: William is a young boy who idolizes Aradoff, a character from a popular novel which told Aradoff's adventures, and always dreams of having a grand adventure on his own. William's meeting with the novel author finally puts him on an adventure to prove that the novel is not merely a fiction.
Not particularly good at sports, not very popular, and not very good at school, Naoki's middle school years are filled with video games and erotic books. But one day, a cute girl called Iroha appears, claiming to be his daughter from 20 years in the future. Apparently, in the future magic has been discovered, and she has come back in time by magic to protect her beloved papa from a dark future. From Abeash: Being a failure at everything is very difficult to accept, which is why a hero usually comes to save you. But, what if that hero was your daughter from 20 years in the future? Will you freak out? Follow Iroha and Naoki's magical yet disastrous adventures as they try to change the future from being a 'Magical World of Wonder' into 'Normal World'. Will the Evil Magic User Naoki from the future seize to existence from they're hard work, or will he remain? Join Iroha and Naoki now, well along with the rest of the family!
Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World summary:
The world’s largest VRMMO, Conviction, was almost like a second world for humanity. It had integrated itself into the real world’s economy, with both corporations and individuals seeking their fortunes through the game.
In this game, Nie Yan prided himself in his Level 180 Thief. He could barely be considered among the top experts in the game. Though, that was the only thing he could take pride in. He was penniless and unable to advance in life; a situation he was forced into by the enemy of his father. If it weren’t for the little money he made by selling off items in Conviction, he would’ve barely been able to eat. In the end, he chose to settle his matters once and for all. He a.s.sa.s.sinated his father’s enemy. He lay dying shortly after being shot in the pursuit.
However, that wasn’t the end of his story. Instead, he awoke moments later to find that he had reincarnated into his past-self. Armed with his experience and knowledge of future events, he sets out to live his life anew.
World Through Blank Eyes summary: Worlds, who knows what they are? Like most people back then when I didn 't know the truth, I thought only one world existed - the world we see when our eyes are opened. However, that did not last long. One day in June 2007, I saw a shadow. Unlike most shadows, that one had nothing to replicate. Just a shadow with no owner from nowhere...
A Student in Arms summary: A Student in Arms summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Student in Arms. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Genus Pinus summary: The Genus Pinus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Genus Pinus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.