内容简介:神秘王爷欠调教全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),穿越而来的她妩媚惑人,腹黑邪魅,谈笑间夺人性命。却嫁给一个有隐疾的傻王爷,只是,这王爷似乎并不似表面那般纯良1w20274-286 19 >>
内容简介:开新书了,开新书了,《诸天万界》,兄弟们投花的投花,收藏的收藏哇!传送门:http://www.17k.com/book/840179.html ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… 乱古时代,凶神恶斗,大道破灭,天地崩坏,无数生灵湮灭,然,天心仁慈,馀万族残存于世,于天灾中挣扎嘶吼,于凶神爪牙下忍辱负重,于岁月变迁中韬光养晦,终有各族神帝神王崛起,镇压凶神,划地而居,中央世界化为四海九州,万族兴盛,又开始了一轮新的征伐,苍穹破碎,凶神又将复出,而人族兴起,鸿蒙天帝率领百圣镇压九天十地,万族共存,开创了太古盛世,如今经过历史轮转,人族走向衰败,在末法年代,人族气运将尽之时,轩辕于苍茫天地之中,能否再兴人道?再创盛世?请看《吞噬苍穹》1w0-1175 >>
内容简介:【新书启航,更新保障!】【全站唯一!轻松求生游戏文!】飞来的横祸降临,叶枫失去了他宝贵的生命。卡车司机表示,没想到吧,我又回来了!不出意料,叶枫在另一片大陆重新睁开了双眼。眼前的是一个 看上去只有十三四岁的小妹妹,正趴在自己的胸膛之上痛哭流涕。而周围的环境更是让叶枫十分的熟悉,竟然是运输船!【叮!CF商城系统绑定成功!】一声脆响,叶枫获得了穿越人士的标配,金手指!从此以后叶枫便走上1w0-92565 >>
内容简介:【推推基友江枝亚罗新文《全世界都觉得我是纸片人》】【晚九点更新,绝赞日更中】【推推预收《从零开始cos黑衣组织》,点击专栏直达可收藏,文案在最下面!】意大利里世界执柄者,血腥与暴力为之 加冕的mafia教父,其名为沢田纲吉的男人,为了拯救世界而亲手策划了自己的死亡,造就了八兆亿世界的奇迹为了让他复活,也为了拥有一个和平稳定的未来,世界意识给他绑定了一个什么白月光系统,只有符合人设完成白月光任务,才能成功复活。于是——卧底入酒厂干到二把手,再不叛逃就要成为首领的温柔警视厅前辈战争之后被国家抛弃,毫无才能平平无奇、却能够成为文豪们心灵之友的三流流浪诗人……沢田纲吉顶着系统给的病弱buff套着格格不入的奇怪人设,终于完成了任务。最终,当他再度醒来——“我无法再看您离去。”“所谓的朋友,就是时时刻刻都能看见对方才对吧?”“如果你不告而别的话,我会极限地愤怒的!”“kufufufu,我不允许任何人在我之前夺走你。”“违反风纪,咬杀。”“呜quq阿纲是大笨蛋呜哇哇哇!!”——他的自然灾害们,似乎患上了不得了的ptsd更可怕的是……“沢田……前辈?”“沢田老师!”“沢田……”1w0-125619 >>
内容简介:二十一世纪的工业设计师李植穿越到明末。没有钱?搞个飞梭织布机来,立刻赚到盆满钵满。不习惯明末的差劲卫生?发明个肥皂牙膏来让明朝洗得焕然一新!农民起义?乱世人命贱如狗?水泥混凝土的棱堡保 护您的生命安全!满清南下生灵涂炭?在我的来复枪前面,哪个敢说一个不字?我大炮的射程之内!全是我汉人的土地!全订书友群:596450118各位书友要是觉得《明末工程师李植李成》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w520-4850 >>
内容简介:重生斗罗大陆,开局就是绝世斗罗。剑道尘心是我爷爷,啸天斗罗,昊天斗罗是我舅。右手七杀剑,左手昊天锤,自带七杀领域,杀神领域,魂骨套装,十万年魂环。为了续命,我只能无限装逼,提高名望!毒 斗罗非得将女儿嫁给我,直接赠送冰火两仪眼!斗罗大陆十大武魂排名,七杀剑第一,昊天锤第二,1w7036-82120 >>
内容简介: 秉着能红一天是一天的准则,乐瑶只想认真拍戏,等人气凉了就回家继承家业。 可家里人生怕她在娱乐圈受委屈,暗搓搓给她砸顶级资源,铺最好的星路。 网友拿起键盘:“最惧非议的女明星代表 之一”“娱乐圈十大未解之谜,乐瑶金主是谁?” 乐瑶摊牌了:“实话告诉你们吧,我爷爷是总统,我爸爸是玉石大亨,我哥哥是R帝国集团总裁,我妈妈是影视歌三栖巨星……” 网友:“然后这都是靠你自己努力想象出来的。” 第二天,乐瑶被拍和国际巨星施岚一起逛商场有说有笑。 第三天,乐瑶被拍从剧组出来上了R帝国总裁的车。 第四天,Y国总统说是来接她宝贝孙女乐瑶。 众网友:…… 这下网友终于不淡定了:“你到底还有什么身份?” 顶级大佬墨听白揽住乐瑶的腰:“她还有一个身份,是我老婆。” 全世界:……1w0-4380 >>
内容简介:【穿越废材流,一对一,女强男强,宠文爽文,坑品保证】萧梦云,古武医学世家继承人,一朝穿越,却钻入某病男的床上腹黑男霸气挥袍,ldquo睡了本尊,要负责,做本尊的女人!rdquo传闻废物 萧家五小姐又丑又傻,却被内外都霸道又腹黑的某男缠上。某天,妖孽男邪魅眨眼,ldquo娘子,为夫的毒发作了,需降温!rdquoldquo降温?好啊!rdquo某女一甩银针,ldquo那就让本神医替你好好治治发热的地方!降降温!rdquo某男腹黑一笑,ldquo娘子亲身来降温,更有效!rdquo展开gtgt各位书友如果觉得《御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得《御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《ltstrgt御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻ltstrgt》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得《御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻最新章节御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻无弹窗御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻全文阅读1w0-77138 >>
内容简介:她是修真界的炼药奇才;她是人间带着羸弱身体的怪才;当两个天才合二为一,世间的锋芒因她们而改变神奇的中医才华;惊人的赌石技巧;绚丽的异能手段;从修真界到俗世间,她混的风生水起,只是不知道 什么时候起,身旁竟然多了这么一个多变霸道的他……本故事纯属虚构,若有雷同,纯属巧合,结局一对一,男配二三个。原创作品,请勿转载。各位书友要是觉得《都市重生异能神医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67617 >>
内容简介:男朋友消失了很长一段时间后,我被他手下的干部们找到,说他要见我。我只知道他是个非常注重隐私的怂货,一年以来他从来没有对我说过一句话,见面时候也不让我看他的样子,甚至还用剪贴纸写威胁信警 告我不许透露他的真实身份,是个绝对脑子有问题的精神病患者。直到有一天我被通知终于可以见他了,但是我在第一眼看到那个自称是我男朋友,并真诚地告诉我他爱我的小鬼时候,我就非常确定他绝对是冒牌货!……想什么呢,小鬼1w0-88834 >>
From Storm in Heaven:Rinzy's a famous hard rock musician. His ex-girlfriend, the model Katherine, commits suicide in front of him and he fails to help her. JP, a 16 year old homeless kid happens to be the only witness. In order to prevent exposure and scandal, Rinzy's manager, Stella, hires JP as Rinzy's assistant.
The first collection of volumized short stories by the author of 'For You in Full Blossom' / 『花ざかりの君たちへ』 ('Hanazakari no Kimitachi e'). 1) The Dreaming Leaf (Yume Miru Happa) - Futaba (Two Leaves) departs for Tokyo to attend high school there. In order to relieve the financial burden slightly and achieve independence, she finds a live-in work situation at an old mansion. She becomes (fighting) friends with one of three good-looking fortune-telling employees there, Masato, who attends her same high school and is even in her same class. But then one day, Futaba discovers the secret of the old mansion... which is--!? 2) 17 Romance (17 [Juunana] Romansu) - Natsume, now in high school, was raised like the son her father never had, and so she's determined never to lose out to any man. Homare Misono has been her guy friend for 17 years. Despite their closeness, Natsume always feels the disadvantage her gender places her at. Homare is stronger and better than her at a lot of things. And after saving her from a pervert on the streets, he kisses her...!? 3) The Law of Couples (Futari no Housoku) - The Law of Couples states that all things happen in pairs -- including people. Sakiko seems to have found her missing half in Akio, a boy in her same class who always seems to say exactly what she's thinking. But who is she falling in love with? Akio, or the part of herself that she sees in him...? 4) 3) Heat Fruit (Haato no Kajitsu) - Meron and her best friend, Chiho, both have a crush on Uchiyama! Meron finds out after she's already told Chiho that she has a crush, so she needs to lie about who she likes in order to protect Chiho's feelings. She chooses... Ryou! The scariest, coldest guy in school, rumored to be an underground ring leader! If anyone will reject her love confession, it'll be him! It works, but then Chiho begins to cry for Meron's sake, and Meron turns to mush... she tells Chiho that she'll try harder to win Ryou's love...!? How deep is she going to dig her grave?? But... for some reason, Ryou really doesn't seem that scary to Meron...
From Girls' Generation: After the remarriage of his father, Takara finds himself becoming the eldest of the four siblings. Wanting to try his best as the oldest brother, Takara ends up stumbling and tumbling with his relationship between his three younger siblings. Each chapter tells the tale of how Takara bonds with each sibling.
Hirahara Tsukasa just moved to Tokyo from Hiroshima, and she's late on her first day of school because she misses the bus. But this leads to a chance encounter with four other people in her class, and somehow, the five of them became friends? Crybaby Tsukasa, the sharp-tongued yet soft-hearted Himeno, the understanding Ichihara, as well as Agatsuma and Onda… these five different personalities come together to create a youthful school life story— (Source: Day of the River)
The Laws of Candy summary: The Laws of Candy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Laws of Candy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Nine-Tailed Fox summary: In the beginning there was nothing except G.o.ds and Demons. Suddenly, nothingness changed into a b.l.o.o.d.y battlefield. the consequences of that war shaped an energy even more powerful than G.o.ds and Demons themselves. (Yan and Yin)after the battle they made peace and lived together. the G.o.d of G.o.ds and the Empress of the Demons fell in love. after months the Empress, Ahri, knew that she was pregnant...
The Collected Stories Of Saul Bellow summary: The Collected Stories Of Saul Bellow summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Collected Stories Of Saul Bellow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt summary: Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.